MZt { N ( H @ d p@ DOS/4G Copyright (C) Rational Systems, Inc. 1987 - 1993 g ( " p p DOS16M.386 P N;N; 0123456789ABCDEF "$ error: ' ' = 4.45 >p Z ' 4 x ( 0 8 @ H P ` p x Error [35]: General Protection Fault Invalid Opcode Page Fault Unexpected Interrupt in at : map code ss ds es ax bx cx dx sp bp si di h X * h h h pages alloc pages free DOS/16M DOS/16M Protected Mode Run-Time Version RUN.COM LOADER3.EXE .EXP C \VM.EXP \VMD.EXP DOS16M= SWMODE= INBOARD FAST VCPI DPMI PS2 PS/2 NOVM A20 TSTK DOS16M= < 0X \VM. \VMD. QEXTXXX0 VDISK MICROSOFT EMM CTRL ZCOMP AQ ERR16M= .ETX RMSG ESSAGE ONTINUE NDMSG # WICB o PWX_ involuntary switch to real mode not enough extended memory not a DOS/16M executable no DOS memory for transparent segment cannot make transparent segment too many transparent segments not enough memory to load program no relocation segment cannot open file cannot allocate tstack cannot allocate memory for GDT no passup stack selectors -- GDT too small no control program selectors -- GDT too small cannot allocate transfer buffer premature EOF protected mode available only with 386 or 486 cannot run under OS/2 system software does not follow VCPI or DPMI specifications you must specify an extended memory range (SET DOS16M= ) computer must be AT- or PS/2- compatible unsupported DOS16M switchmode choice requires DOS 3.0 or later cannot free memory no memory for VCPI page table VCPI page table address incorrect cannot initialize VCPI 8042 timeout extended memory is configured but it cannot be allocated memory error, avail loop memory error, out of range program must be built -AUTO for DPMI protected mode already in use in this DPMI virtual machine DPMI host error (possibly insufficient memory) ! DPMI host error (need 64K XMS) " DPMI host error (cannot lock stack) $ The DOS16M.386 virtual device driver was never loaded % Unable to reserve selectors for DOS16M.386 Windows driver & Cannot use extended memory: HIMEM.SYS not version 2 ' An obsolete version of DOS16M.386 was loaded ( not enough available extended memory (XMIN) D >. ) 7 >. V X >. G >. G , G >/ p >. G Q >> . $ h @ @ h 5 @ @ >/ >/ 8 @ >/ 8 @ } 8 8 D >5 6" 6 " " >5 >5 >/ >5 >/ 8 .n >5 8 >/ 8 8 8 8 >5 >5 >? ~ >5 * j T M F 0 \ X T P L H D @ @ 8 8 4 0 , ( Qj j ~ )v H p H p p p p j p p . b d &g b d &g f N 4 >. - > 4 >4 D16/ % $ >> . t6j $ ' h p -a - ? >/ [j x P P p G j V j0j >p s P Z } y u q m i e a ] Y U Q M I h Lp h Op h Up X[YPj w , w 5 @ >5 >. >. >. >. >. 4 G 8 @ 8 ? G G G >. j `Yp ? > >& 60 / , >/ >/ >. G j >. >. @ @ J P FVj j ( G& , 0 j * j -* j ^ j $ j % j > 1 60 , @ - : ^ 6 + G V 4 G >/ / F F G -d @ - >/ 6 >> ^ ^ >/ >/ . >F F B D &G F & G . j < < ? ? < [j j j G& h j B D >. 6 6 > j " ( ( >. 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N f ! N g $! N h N i B@ V N j B@ N k N l N @ N @ N m N o N n N p N q @ N r B@ N s Bh N t N u N v N w N x N y N z N { N | N } ! B@ N ~ " N # N $ N % N & N ' B@ N ( N ) N * N + N , N - N . N / N 0 N 1 N 2 M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 7 M 8 M 9 M : N ; N < N = N > N ? N @ N A M B M C N D N E N F N G N H N I N J N K M L M M N N N O M P M Q M R M S @ N T N U ! N V N W N X N Y & N Z ' N [ N \ h< 2 4 h( h( x= h0 : h$ x= xN W h h( x\ x\ h$ @[ @\ h$ P P P h( xV @W @U h\ < a 8 p p p & 8 Y 8 . Y p p h$ h$ h$ @W @U @V h( x[ h0 4 3 5 7 5 6 o 8 x= 8 9 0 h$ 1 h( xU @V @W h$ 3 h$ @W h0 1 h( + , h( + - h< 1 0 h h$ @W h0 1 h$ h$ 7 1 h$ h$ h< h$ h$ h$ 1 2 7 h$ @W h$ @W h< 1 2 3 h$ h$ 1 7 2 h$ 2 7 1 h$ 2 h$ h$ @W h8 1 2 h$ h$ 2 1 7 h$ 7 2 h$ 2 7 h$ 7 0 h( hL 8 @R @> @R @R a hD h8 hD ( h0 1 h h4 $ hd P fk h< x' x' x+ @ h h h@ $ h0 h0 } h, Z h h h$ h@ $ $ @W h 2 h h4 hd 8 d v @= m [ &[ h, h4 xP x[ h` $ xP xY uU h( h( h4 h$ xY @Y h$ j h0 xY N @= M xP @= K h z h, 6z h x ! G / @= h0 x @= }F @W @^ Iv @= Sw h$ 6u C @^ t @= u h0 r h( r hD q ( t v q s v t s q h$ jk x@ r! h i ( " 8 h| Di L ( j 9 56 #6 6 h4 uf h$ Ke @? @> hL d , q 1 h< \b Jb @= @> / @= @3 @3 & . 7. hP m^ ( a a - ^ h j] h( *\ x> h@ [ $ h8 [Z ~Z @R @R @R W T T h@ Q $ } t hP O xM @^ xM / . + @ , - + W h$ L hd K 4 " h8 (J R ? h( H xM @` @a @b h H h( H @= @= h ZF @- h F x\ E R ' ~ @> & u a R y t ` $ x> | x> @M @^ @= x> R @^ @^ @^ ! # {# d# s ! @= h$ 5 h$ o5 h( 4 u8 7 7] 7] h( 3 @= h( 0 h$ Q0 | @= h / h M/ h8 . h@ - hh o, 4 + h( * @# h$ * h ) h ( h ' h o& h0 % $ % h, $ { h( # h( V" h( " h$ ! h( R! h( } h ( h h h h h h0 h( h$ h$ h$ h$ h$ h$ h$ h( h$ h$ h$ h$ h$ h h h( h h$ h$ h( h$ h( h( h( h$ h h h, h, h, h( |& G& & h( S l & @l W < < / # i Y , 8 Y 8 Y 8 } R 8 } 8 } 8 + ? p p ?p $ h Pj n 4 $ Pj n 4 hp X hT LJ m > < < h0 p @l & p xl h$ @C xC ]T AP < < 90 c O 2 < e p { j H @f p DL D @, @0 @4 R @8 @< @$ @( | = ! J) _ c c @ x 7I 7 w @ D G0 G4 G8 G< v s ` , C C B B X; ; \; @ J) = ! R | v O x d O @x @ ~ #> = 8 5 5 4 X5 @ } .5 : F9 ^ @ +E K E J }E J ' W@Pj j } {' U \$(Sj j M |$( +E > 4 |$( +E U2 l% |$( R@Pj j M M Q0 |$( j j |$( F E D S@ @ > E D @ ]6 A zE CD 5 g@ D CC @ C A d= @ @ g x< rb d u $ 3d $ [u c u c $ c $ oc $ Yc $ b $ b s $ Sb $ {s a 4 2s a $ a ~a $ r $ ` $ q m` 4 q ` $ _ | _ $ s ;_ $ $ .p @ [ o @ ] q |$$ |$( |$, $ $ j $ x E$ $ # # @% j j ~0j t A< A@ AD AH AL AP AT AX A\ A` Ad Ah Al $ @ 0 j j @4 }T E 1 @8 j j @4 }T E j j j ~P j F4 F8 }T E v j @8 j j x4 j j E @ 1* L * @4 @8 zh @ j @ j @4 u j @ D @ xh z j ^ ~\ |$( |$ Wf ~p @ j ~X j \ y B |D DV V !D U C bU 6U @ r @ @ @ 4E > > < @ @ @ @ @ @ D @ D @ @ $ $ # @ | | % | | % | @ @ | | @ $ $ $ @ @ @ <* Tm $ Tm r o @ @ ) % w ( ) $ Cv E' ( ( # # % Mt N% *& ! ! |& } ,o a ^ E$ & ' @ ,) @ @ ( @ @ @ \ \ m l k g < < < < @ 8 \ Yg E E E n U E E E < < v < < @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , > @ @ @ @ @ d G @ $ @ $ $ $ @ ~ Q & % % $ = $ ~ k j @ u M M p E y E u E u < < r } u u V y nF F m A @ DF E _E /E E ~0 %7 @ C= ` f=: v i f=E Nf=F 3f=* f=6 = = ' 2 , n b , , S; ; : 7 <7 7 2 t ) ` ) ~ ) ) ) 3 4 ! 1 2 $ % @ 5 # ^ 6 8 9 7 & ( 0 ) * 5 - 5 _ 5 5 5 = + q Q , w , W , , , E e r t R T , y , Y , , , u U i I o O p P [ { ] } + \ + | + + + a A s S d D f g F G H h j J k K l L ' 3 ; ' 3 : ' 3 ' 3 ' 3 ( ' ( " ( ( ( , z , Z , , , X x c v b C V B n N ' 2 m ' 2 M ' 2 ' 2 ' 2 3 , 3 < 3 3 3 4 . 4 > 4 4 4 5 4 / 5 4 ? 5 4 5 4 5 4 / * - 8 7 9 + 4 5 ' 6 1 3 2 0 . & 1 # 2 { " 3 [ ' 4 ( 5 ` 6 \ 7 _ 8 @ 9 ] 0 ) = + } $ % * < > 3 , 3 ? 3 3 3 ' 3 ; ' 3 . ' 3 ' 3 ' 3 ' 4 : ' 4 / ' 4 ' 4 ' 4 ! @ 2 " 3 { 6 & [ 7 ] 8 ( } 9 ) \ 0 = ? ` q Q @ + * # ' < > ' 2 m ' 2 M ' 2 ' 2 ' 2 3 , 3 ; 3 3 3 4 . 4 : 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 , [ / ` @ @ : < F< 8 % 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz h ? h @ R R E R !E w |A D D R @ x = g D @ R f R 9f 5 t t = -\ R < q = @ @ @ @ R T" T" j @ Pj Pj @ R R @ @ J0% % Zh% B4% : # ' p @$ @( @H @L @P @T @X @d @x @| 1 0 R , R R SQRj j j j SQRj j j c j j j j j j j j c j - v j jMj j jMj j j jRj j jRj D @ @ @ X s j n A R l A$ R 8 L R Pj v m U 7 % o , h Ph 4 0 , , 0 , h 0 , h 0 , 0 ( 0 x$ x( x4 x8 xD ( } 0 , 0 @: @H @L @d @h @4 0 ! 8 E w u $ $ n $ $ $ $ 0 $ $ n $ $ $ $ E ^ g ` <$ : I| E| G 4< < < @ h @ @ 1 @ 1 @ @ @ < < 5 = 5 5 $ $ : z u @ VWUj 3 " h u j j j j j j j h D$hj j j j j j j |$X } u i h j j @ T$4h j Qh j = @ h j j P h j 4 j { o |$\ z 8 P h j j j j 8 x< j j j j F< = @ h j j P |$( ~ |$@ @ j j j j @ 7 E S ' @ @ u @ @ @ s f f ~ c V | <$ H G@ G 5 % = % 8 % = % 8 % = % 8 % = % 8 . @ t @ @ @ @ @ @ E < < U u u ] ] u @ $;E f @ 8 ` . x- C- P = 2 @ 5 ~ ~ 2 @ 5 } } } D 2 ~ 5 %} } } 2 ~ @ 2 } @ 2 } 2 | 2 { 2 v{ 2 z 2 sz @ 2 y 2 Ay @ 2 x 2 Ix 2 w O ] U @ " @ v z

moving_unit != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 Maintain an attack reserve. Completed Kill Unit task. Kill %s at [%i,%i] (ready) (%i points needed) Advance to attack nearby enemies. Defense Reserve Waiting to attack. Completed frontal attack. Frontal attack on %s in [%i,%i] Place mines Completed attack task. Init. attack on Wait to attack Gather attack on Adv. on Search for Attack %s %s at [%i,%i] , leader %s %i at [%i,%i] ai_attk.cpp primary_targets.GetCount() > 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 Support attack. smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 Get %i Materials : finished. : already on hand. : %i on hand, waiting for source. get %i from ai_build.cpp PlayMode != TURN_BASED || TeamTurnID == team ai_build.cpp site.x >= 0 && site.x < MapXDim && site.y >= 0 && site.y < MapYDim Create a %s at [%i,%i] : initializing : removing mines : waiting for platform : get builder : get materials : move to site : evaluating site : site blocked : clear site : building : move off site : finished. : UNKNOWN STATE! ai_build.cpp site.x > 0 && site.y > 0 ai_build.cpp building_manager->GetType() == task_manage_buildings ai_build.cpp site.x > 0 && site.y > 0 Manage buildings. ai_build.cpp distance < MapXDim / 2 Create a %s at x2 rate ai_build.cpp state == waiting_for_materials defense assistant Radar assistant Power assistant Habitat assistant Connection assistant Completed rubble removal Remove rubble from [%i,%i] Completed mine removal Remove mine from [%i,%i] Scavenge materials smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 Find search square (radius %i) ai_explr.cpp count++ < 8 Survey Explore map. Look for enemy land/sea mines ?Auto Survey (radius %i) smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 Find path (finished) Find Path to [%i,%i] ai_move.cpp path_request->GetUnit() == unit ai_move.cpp unit->teamID == team ai_move.cpp unit->unitOrders == IDLE_ORDER && unit->unitState == IN_TRANSPORT_STATE Move: finished. Move to [%i,%i] using %s Move: calculating. Move to [%i,%i] Move to [%i,%i] via [%i,%i] using %s @ ?ai_move.cpp planned_path.GetCount() != 0 ai_move.cpp count > 0 ai_move.cpp count > 0 Dump unit task, null move. Dump unit task, null unit. Find a place to unload Transport units: Transport units: Waiting for %s. doing nothing. Transport units: pick up %s at [%i,%i] Transport units: drop off %s at [%i,%i] ai_move.cpp unit->GetTask()->GetType() == task_move ai_move.cpp unit->GetTask()->GetType() == task_move ai_move.cpp PlayMode != TURN_BASED || TeamTurnID == team ai_move.cpp PlayMode != TURN_BASED || TeamTurnID == team ai_move.cpp PlayMode != TURN_BASED || TeamTurnID == team Retreat from danger Activate unit Completed rendezvous task. Bring and together. Move back to complex Use transports to speed movement ai_move.cpp PlayMode != TURN_BASED || TeamTurnID == team ai_move.cpp client->GetTask()->GetType() == task_move ai_move.cpp client->GetTask()->GetType() == task_move smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 ai_playr.cpp PlayMode != TURN_BASED || TeamTurnID == team %s Computer Turn. smartptr.h ptr != 0 ai_playr.cpp info_map == 0 ai_playr.cpp mine_map == 0 Mine placing assistant Frontier determining assistant Update Terrain (finished) Update Terrain [%i,%i] Red Green Blue Gray random defensive missiles air sea scout horde tank horde fast attack combined arms espionage smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 Finished repair task. Repair Reload unit with ammunition Upgrad unit unit unit Done Cancel Build X1 Build X2 Build X4 path Construction Menu Description Turns Cost to start construction. Position tape and click inside it to begin building. At this point you might wish to click the 'End Turn' button several times, so the Engineer will finish building. Delete Build Factory Menu Description Turns Cost Repeat The %s is in an invalid square to build the selected unit. The %s is in an invalid square to build the selected unit. The %s is in an invalid square to build the selected unit. %s %i will be available in %i turns. %s %i will be available in %i turns. %s %i will be available in %i turns. %s %i will be available in %i turns. %s %i will be available in %i turns. %s %i will be available in %i turns. Send Cancel smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 textfile.h ptr != 0 commo.cpp window_id == 0 %i commo.cpp sprite != 0 commo.cpp type_selector != 0 commo.cpp stats_background != 0 commo.cpp cost_background != 0 commo.cpp gold_background != 0 commo.cpp button_background != 0 commo.cpp scroll_up != 0 commo.cpp scroll_down != 0 commo.cpp done_button != 0 commo.cpp help_button != 0 commo.cpp cancel_button != 0 commo.cpp ground_button != 0 commo.cpp air_button != 0 commo.cpp sea_button != 0 commo.cpp building_button != 0 commo.cpp combat_button != 0 commo.cpp description_button != 0 Done Cancel %i Upgrades Menu Description Cost Credit %i (Empty) (Full) (%i Fuel) (%i Gold) (%i Mat.) Delete Buy Buy Units Upgrades Available Cost Cost Cost Purchased Purchase Menu Description Cost Credit Cargo gold base_values unit type values current_values unit type values complexes complex gold base_values unit type values current_values unit type values complexes complex smartptr.h ptr != 0 Activate Reload Repair Upgrade Hits Ammo Cargo Activate All Done Reload All Repair All Upgrade All Material in Complex Unable to activate unit at this site. Unable to activate unit at this site. Select an open square to place unit. %i V%d.%d, CPU:%d, VMM: 1 0 , P:%dK , A:%dK MemInfo failed! Error locking _GETDS Error locking cstart Error locking _chain_intr smartptr.h ptr != 0 drawmap.cpp vertical_side == SIDE_IS_LOWER drawmap.cpp horizontal_side == SIDE_IS_HIGHER drawmap.cpp vertical_side == SIDE_IS_LOWER drawmap.cpp i >= 0 && i < dirty_rectangles.GetCount() drawmap.cpp i >= 0 && i < dirty_rectangles.GetCount() %s research completed drawmap.cpp rect.ulx >= 0 && rect.uly >= 0 && rect.lrx < 640 && rect.lry < 480 drawmap.cpp rect.ulx <= rect.lrx && rect.uly <= rect.lry New %s available New %s available New %s available | | | Game Over %i Points %i Mission Success Mission Failed Factories Built %i Mines Built %i Buildings Built %i Lost %i Units Built %i Lost %i Upgrades Gold %i %s rt OK rt OK Notice: Game will end in 10 turns! Eliminated 1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place %s flicsmgr.cpp file != 0 flicsmgr.cpp frame->type == 0xF1FA rb Reason: %s smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 End Turn Cancel %sMAX%4.4i.PCX rb wb Number of turns to clear site: %i. gamemgr.cpp build_list.GetCount() > 0 Was building %s, with %i turns to completion. Turns to completion: %i. Turns to repair unit: %i. and , gamemgr.cpp strlen( new_chunk ) + strlen( message ) < sizeof( message ) + 1 is available this turn. are available this turn. %3.3i-%3.3i %i %2.2i:%2.2i %s under attack! %s has been destroyed! %s has been captured! %s has been disabled! Attempt to capture %s! Attempt to disable %s! Press F1. gamemgr.cpp temp_tape != 0 %sdescr%i.%s rt End turn delayed because %s at [%i,%i] is %s save%i.%s "%s" "%s" Game saved. Cheater! Cheater! Prepare to pay the price. [ Tagged unit out of range. Window position has been saved. OK to exit game? Unable to load a saved game while remote play in progress. OK to exit game? gamemgr.cpp temp_tape != 0 Unable to reload disabled units. insufficient material in storage to reload unit. Unit resupplied with ammunition. Unable to repair disabled units. insufficient material in storage to repair unit. Unit repaired. Unable to transfer to disabled units. Total materials transferred: %i Total fuel transferred: %i Total gold transferred: %i Infiltrator has already used his action this turn. Try again next turn. Infiltrator has already used his action this turn. Try again next turn. Unable to load disabled units. Begin cargo selection. Select starting location. Warning: Exclusion zones overlap! Select again. click inside red circle to remain at current location. Select starting location. gamemgr.cpp land_tiles.GetCount() > 0 gamemgr.cpp i >= 0 && i < land_tiles.GetCount() gamemgr.cpp water_tiles.GetCount() > 0 gamemgr.cpp i >= 0 && i < water_tiles.GetCount() Begin turn. Auto-save file not found. Unable to continue with this game. save10.%s Auto-Saved turn %i Starting announcement phase... Waiting for remote End Turn. Waiting for computer to finish turn. Rookie Average Veteran Crack Elite (+%i) %i/%i Power Usage Total Total Usage Teams Usage Total Total Usage points Total Disabled 1 turn. Disabled %i turns. Surveying Reaction Fire Off Placing mines Removing mines Hits Ammo Cargo Speed Shots Total gamemgr.cpp CTinfo->TeamType != REMOTE_TEAM Factories in complex %i re-started. Files Preferences Prev Done Next Reports Chat Survey Status Colors Hits Ammo Range Scan Grid Names End Turn Awaiting Transforming Moving Firing Building Activate Order New Allocate Order Power On Power Off Exploding Unloading Clearing Sentry Landing Taking Off Loading Idle Repairing Refueling Reloading Transferring Awaiting Awaiting Awaiting Awaiting Awaiting Disabled Moving Repairing Transferring Attacking Building Halted Finished building %s. To move the %s out of the factory, click on a square with a symbol in it. Finished building %s. To move the %s out of the factory, click on a square with a symbol in it. Finished building %s. To move the %s out of the factory, click on a square with a symbol in it. Finished building %s. To move the %s out of the construction site, click on a square with a symbol in it. Finished building %s. To move the %s out of the construction site, click on a square with a symbol in it. Finished building %s. To move the %s out of the construction site, click on a square with a symbol in it. a new %s a new %s a new %s %i new %s %i new %s %i new %s Enemy %s in radar range. Enemy %s in radar range. Enemy %s in radar range. [MAXSPY] [MAXSURVEY] [MAXSTORAGE] [MAXAMMO] [MAXSUPER] textfile.h ptr != 0 textfile.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 unit unit x y x y hash.cpp Attempted to add NULL unit to map hash table. unit != 0 hash.cpp Attempted to remove NULL unit from map hash table. unit != 0 hash_size x_shift entry index list hash_size x_shift entry index list hash.cpp Attempted to add NULL unit from unit hash table. unit != 0 hash.cpp Attempted to remove NULL unit from unit hash table. unit != 0 hash_size list index hash_size list index Keys Done [ { [ { \p NEW_GAME_SETUP CLAN_SETUP PLANET_SETUP MULTI_PLAYER_SETUP STATS_SETUP UPGRADES_SETUP CARGO_SETUP LOAD_SETUP SAVELOAD_SETUP GAME_SCREEN_SETUP ALLOCATE_SETUP DEPOT_SETUP HANGAR_SETUP DOCK_SETUP TRANSPORT_SETUP TRANSFER_SETUP SITE_SELECT_SETUP RESEARCH_SETUP FACTORY_BUILD_SETUP CONSTRUCTOR_BUILD_SETUP SERIAL_MENU_SETUP MODEM_MENU_SETUP CHAT_MENU_SETUP PREFS_MENU_SETUP SETUP_MENU_SETUP HOT_SEAT_SETUP TRAINING_MENU_SETUP STAND_ALONE_MENU_SETUP OPTIONS_SETUP REPORTS_SETUP CAMPAIGN_MENU MULTI_SCENARIO_MENU BARRACKS_SETUP max.ini rt wt [ [ ] = 0x inifile.cpp *entry < NAME_LEN Gold Text No clan chosen - computer will choose a clan at random. Name Unit Volumes DEBUG debug 0 all_visible 0 disable_fire 0 quick_build 0 real_time 0 exclude_range 3 proximity_range 14 log_file_debug 0 raw_normal_low 0 raw_normal_high 5 raw_concentrate_low 13 raw_concentrate_high 16 raw_concentrate_seperation 23 raw_concentrate_diffusion 6 fuel_normal_low 2 fuel_normal_high 3 fuel_concentrate_low 12 fuel_concentrate_high 16 fuel_concentrate_seperation 24 fuel_concentrate_diffusion 5 gold_normal_low 0 gold_normal_high 0 gold_concentrate_low 10 gold_concentrate_high 16 gold_concentrate_seperation 32 gold_concentrate_diffusion 5 mixed_resource_seperation 40 min_resources 9 max_resources 20 attack_factor 16 shots_factor 16 range_factor 8 armor_factor 32 hits_factor 32 speed_factor 16 scan_factor 8 cost_factor 8 steal_percent 30 disable_percent 50 max_percent 90 step_percent 10 repair_turns 10 alien_seperation 60 alien_unit_value 0 red_strategy random green_strategy random blue_strategy random gray_strategy random SETUP player_name Player 1 player_clan 0 intro_movie 0 ipx_socket 0x51E7 music_level 100 fx_sound_level 100 voice_level 100 disable_music 0 disable_fx 0 disable_voice 0 auto_save 1 game_file_number 1 game_file_type 0 demo_turns 0 enhanced_graphics 1 last_campaign 1 movie_play 0 alt_movie_res 0 OPTIONS world 0 timer 180 endturn 45 start_gold 150 play_mode 1 victory_type 0 victory_limit 50 opponent 1 raw_resource 1 fuel_resource 1 gold_resource 1 alien_derelicts 0 PREFERENCES effects 1 click_scroll 1 quick_scroll 16 fast_movement 1 follow_unit 0 auto_select 0 enemy_halt 1 MODEM modem_port 3f8 (Com1) modem_baud 9600 modem_irq 4 modem_init ATZ modem_answer ATS0=1 modem_call ATDT modem_hangup ~~~+++~~~ATH0 modem_phone TEAMS red_team_name Player 1 green_team_name Player 2 blue_team_name Player 3 gray_team_name Player 4 red_team_player 1 green_team_player 2 blue_team_player 0 gray_team_player 0 red_team_clan 0 green_team_clan 0 blue_team_clan 0 gray_team_clan 0 DIGITAL Device_Name None Device_IRQ 5 Device_DMA 1 Device_Port 0x220 Device_ID -1 Channels_Reversed 0 turns hits armor attack reload speed range rounds scan storage ammo area disable Clan ? Clan A Clan B Clan C Clan D Clan E Clan F Clan G Clan H Press ESC to exit, any other key to continue... RCV Player %i, Packet #%i: %i, snd Player %i, Packet #%i: %i, -s -m -l -f -s -m -l \ \ \ \ \ \ -m -l -f -l -f -f = Name Text : rb Custom Game Menu Hot Seat Menu There must be at least two players to begin a new game. There must be at least two human players to begin a hot seat game. Serial Connect Menu Modem Play Menu Modem Play Menu 3f8 2f8 Multiplayer Menu %i. %s %sdescr%i.%s rt Training Missions Stand Alone Missions Campaign Game Multiplayer Scenarios New Game Menu Copyright 1996 Interplay Productions. v1.00 save%i.%s rb Main Menu No Name Game Setup: Map: %s File: %s Map: %s File: %s Simultaneous Turn Based Play Mode: %s Turn Time: %s - End Turn: %s Starting Credit: %i Raw Resources: %s Fuel Resources: %s Gold Resources: %s Alien Derelicts: %s Victory: %i turns points < > Messages: The host has selected a load file that is not compatible with the load file on your system. You will not be able to start this session until the host selects another load file or selects a new world map. The host has selected a load file that is not compatible with the load file on your system. You will not be able to start this session until the host selects another load file or selects a new world map. Messages: RECORDER New Game Load Game Multiplayer Game Setup Introduction Credits Exit Training Missions Stand Alone Missions Custom Game Custom Scenarios Campaign Game Tips Cancel Host Network Game Join Network Game Modem Game Serial Game Hot Seat Game Hot Seat Scenarios Load Hot Seat Game Cancel Project Manager: Ali Atabek Producers: Ali Atabek Paul Kellner Game Design: Ali Atabek Paul Kellner Gus Smedstad Based on an Original Idea by: Larry Froistad Lead Programmer: Dave Boulanger Artificial Intelligence: Design & Programming: Gus Smedstad Network & Modem Programming: Dave Boulanger Bernie Weir DOS and Windows Install Programmer: Darren Monahan 2D Artists: Tony Postma Arlene C. Somers 3D Artists: Chris Regalado Mark Bergo Arlene C. Somers Mike Dean Visual Concept & Storyboards: Tony Postma Original World Design: Cheryl Austin World Creation: Arlene C. Somers Map Design: Ali Atabek Mark Bergo Scenario Design: Ali Atabek Paul Kellner Steve Perrin Gus Smedstad Audio Director: Charles Deenen Head Writer: Steve Perrin Writers: Paul Kellner Tony Postma Amy Mitchell Laura Mitchell Editor: Kelly Newcomb Box Cover Design: Tony Postma Director Of Quality Assurance: Chad Allison Assistant Director Of Quality Assurance: Colin Totman Lead Tester: Cory Nelson Testers: Amy Mitchell Chris Peak Quinn Summers Doug Avery Steve McLafferty Erick Lujan Steve Victory James Dunn Henry Kahng Bill Field Steve Reed John Stavros Steve Baldoni Richard Barker Tony Bland Larry Smith Daniel Huffman Arlen Nydam Charles Crail Rene Hakiki Jon Atabek I.S. Technicians: Bill Delk Aaron J. Meyers Director Of Compatibility: John Werner Compatibility Technicians: Dan Forsyth John Parker Aaron Olaiz Derek Gibbs Phuong Nguyen Marc Duran Video Compression and Playback Technology: Paul Edelstein Video Compression: Bill Stoudt Marketing Manager: Jim Veevaert Associate Marketing Manager: Dean Schulte PR Manager: Julie Roether Voices: Nicole Pelerine Brian Cummings VO Director: Charles Deenen VO Supervision: Chris Borders VO Mastering: Craig Duman VO Editing: Sergio Bustamante Chris Borders Craig Duman Doug Rappaport Gameplay Music: Brian Luzietti Additional Gameplay Music: Rick Jackson Music Mastering: Digital Brothers Game Soundeffects: Gregory G. Allen Larry Peacock Soundeffects Mastering: Craig Duman Intro Movie: James Doyle Apple's Animation Cinematics Music: Albert Olsen for Four Bars Intertainment Cinematics Sound Design: David Farmer Harry Cohen Jeffrey R. Whitcher Elisabeth Flaum Cinematics Mixers: Ken Teaney Mashall Garlington Cinematics Sound Supervision: Charles Deenen Cinematics Ambient Voices: Doug Rappaport Cinematics Voice Processing: Doug Rappaport Sergio Bustamante Mixed in Dolby Surround at EFX Systems, Burbank Dolby and the double-D are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. Thanks to Tim Cain for GNW, Jay Patel and Paul Edelstein for Technical Assistance, Sanjay Bala-Krishnan for all his support, James Thomas for Story Elements and assorted inspirations, Newtek, Inc. for Lightwave 3D, and Parallax Software for the use of their Installation and Setup Programs. M.A.X. is dedicated to the memory of Amanda Froistad Game Time: Games on this land mass can be very short unless the combatants are well separated. Game Time: Games in this area are likely to be long. Game Time: Games in this area are likely to be long. Game Time: Games in this area can be very short. Game Time: Games in this area are likely to be long. Game Time: Games in this area should be of medium to long length. Game Time: A long game unless the participants are all started in close proximity on the main continent. Game Time: Likely to be long unless there are only two participants and they both land on the same island. Game Time: This is likely to be a long campaign. Game Time: This is likely to be a long campaign. Game Time: Probably short. Game Time: Most games in this location will be long. Game Time: varies greatly depending on the landing points of the participants. Game Time: will be long unless two participants land close together. Game Time: the game can be very long. Game Time: The game will probably be long. Game Time: The necessary construction makes this a long game. Game Time: this is likely to be a long game. Game Time: Most games in this location will be long games. Game Time: Most games in this location will be long games. Game Time: medium to long unless participants' landing points are close. Game Time: this is likely to be a long game. Game Time: Games on this world are likely to be very long. Game Time: Most games on this world are likely to be very long. Snowcrab Frigia Ice Berg The Cooler Ultima Thule Long Floes Iron Cross Splatterscape Peak-a-boo Valentine's Planet Three Rings Great divide New Luzon Middle Sea High Impact Sanctuary Islandia Hammerhead Freckles Sandspit Great Circle Long Passage Flash Point Bottleneck Planet Select Menu Random Cancel ? Done Clan Select Menu Random Cancel ? Done Team Human Computer None Clan Cancel ? Done Player Name: Searching for hosts... Maps Load Scenarios Chat Options Cancel ? Ready Start Cancel ? Done Options Menu Computer Opponent Turn Timers Play Mode Starting Credit Resource Levels Victory Condition Clueless Apprentice Average Expert Master God Turn Limit: End Turn: No Limit 60 seconds 120 180 240 300 360 None 15 seconds 30 45 60 75 90 Turn Based Simultaneous Moves None Low Limited Normal High Too Much! 0 50 100 150 200 250 Raw Materials: Fuel: Gold: Alien Derelicts Poor Medium Rich Poor Medium Rich Poor Medium Rich None Rare Common Duration: Score: Short Medium Long Low Medium High turns points COMM Port Baud Rate Interrupt Init String Ans. String Dial Prefix Phone Cancel ? Dial Join Answer Host 4800 9600 14400 19200 28800 Cancel 3f8 (Com1) 2f8 (Com2) 3e8 (Com3) 2e8 (Com4) Cancel 3 (Com2) 4 (Com1) 5 7 10 11 Cancel Cancel ? Start Very easy opponent with no advanced tactics or strategies, and a 25% penalty to building. Basic opponent with some advanced tactics, and no building penalty. Fairly clever opponent with some advanced strategies and nastier tactics. Smartest opponent available, with no advantages. Smartest opponent with a small (25%) bonus to production. Merciless opponent with a 50% bonus to production. smartptr.h ptr != 0 mssgsmgr.cpp mssglen < sizeof( mssgbfr ) OK Click OK to continue. OK Cancel Restart Quit Press Quit to exit this game. AirPath GroundPath BuilderPath smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 textfile.h ptr != 0 Unable to move unit into holding area. @ ? @ ? @ ?length angle pixel_x_start pixel_y_start x_end y_end x_step y_step delta_x delta_y length angle pixel_x_start pixel_y_start x_end y_end x_step y_step delta_x delta_y x_end y_end index step x y x_end y_end index step x y x y x y paths.cpp backward_searcher != 0 Debug: path generator evaluated %li tiles in %li msecs, max depth = %i No path debugging. Show path generator statistics Draw path searches. none avoid reaction fire avoid next turn's fire avoid all damage Done Cancel Preferences Warning: You have only %iMB XMS. Enabling enhanced graphics will likely result in the game crashing. 0x Volume: Enhanced graphics (requires 16MB) Music Disable Music FX FX Disabled Voice Voice Disabled Auto-Save Enabled IPX Socket: Player Name: Animate Effects Click to Scroll Double Unit Steps Track Selected Unit Halt movement when enemy is detected Auto-Select Next Unit Scroll Speed Turn Time: End Turn Time: Play Mode: %s Computer Player(s): %s Game ends at %i %s. Disable Fire Real Time Red Team Green Team Blue Team Gray Team Turn Based Simultaneous Moves Clueless Apprentice Average Expert Master God turns points YES Yes No 0123456789ABCDEF smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 snd %i, Command terminated! Connect Connect get %i, packet length array out of sync max packet length exceeded. Unknown unit, id %i, referenced in remote packet. NOTICE: Turn timers have been changed. %s does not respond. Terminating Connection. %s has left the game. v1.00 v1.00 Unable to continue with connection... %s has ended turn. Game saved. : Click OK to continue. remote.cpp outStream.pktHdr.pktLength <= MAXDATALEN Debug ON. wt team.log Remote Log Opened. Remote Log Open & Debug ON Remote Log Closed & Debug OFF. Unable to continue with connection... to select starting location... %s %i none UNKNOWN debug save save.dbg v1.00 v1.00 : Red Team Green Team Blue Team Gray Team Red Green Blue Gray smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 %i %i/%i Power Usage Total Total Usage Teams Usage Usage Total Usage points Total Hits Ammo Cargo Speed Shots Total Units Casualties Score Messages Include: Air Units Land Units Sea Units Stationary Units Limit To: Production Units Combat Units Damaged Units Stealthy Units Done %i,%i Number of turns to clear site: %i. reports.cpp build_list.GetCount() > 0 Was building %s, with %i turns to completion. Turns to completion: %i. %i,%i Eco-sphere Eco-spheres %s: %i points, %i %s Red Team Green Team Blue Team Gray Team smartptr.h ptr != 0 +%i%% Research Topics Labs Topics Turns Cancel Done ? @ p@Attack Shots Range Armor Hits Speed Scan Cost smartptr.h ptr != 0 resrcmgr.cpp DIRnameID < END_MEMORY_RESOURCES resrcmgr.cpp id > END_MEMORY_RESOURCES rb patches.res max.res rb Scanning planet surface... COMMTWR POWERSTN POWGEN BARRACKS SHIELDGN RADAR ADUMP FDUMP GOLDSM DEPOT HANGAR DOCK CNCT_4W LRGRUBLE SMLRUBLE LRGTAPE SMLTAPE LRGSLAB SMLSLAB LRGCONES SMLCONES ROAD LANDPAD SHIPYARD LIGHTPLT LANDPLT SUPRTPLT AIRPLT HABITAT RESEARCH GREENHSE RECCENTR TRAINHAL WTRPLTFM GUNTURRT ANTIAIR ARTYTRRT ANTIMSSL BLOCK BRIDGE MININGST LANDMINE SEAMINE LNDEXPLD AIREXPLD SEAEXPLD BLDEXPLD HITEXPLD MASTER CONSTRCT SCOUT TANK ARTILLRY ROCKTLCH MISSLLCH SP_FLAK MINELAYR SURVEYOR SCANNER SPLYTRCK GOLDTRCK ENGINEER BULLDOZR REPAIR FUELTRCK CLNTRANS COMMANDO INFANTRY FASTBOAT CORVETTE BATTLSHP SUBMARNE SEATRANS MSSLBOAT SEAMNLYR CARGOSHP FIGHTER BOMBER AIRTRANS AWAC JUGGRNT ALNTANK ALNASGUN ALNPLANE ROCKET TORPEDO ALNMISSL ALNTBALL ALNABALL RKTSMOKE TRPBUBLE HARVSTER WALDO UNIT_END S_COMMTW S_POWERS S_POWGEN S_BARRAC S_SHIELD S_RADAR S_ADUMP S_FDUMP S_GOLDSM S_DEPOT S_HANGAR S_DOCK S_CNCT4W S_LRGRBL S_SMLRBL S_LRGSLA S_LRGCON S_SMLSLA S_SMLCON S_ROAD S_LANDPA S_SHIPYA S_LIGHTP S_LANDPL S_SUPRTP S_AIRPLT S_HABITA S_RESEAR S_GREENH S_RECCEN S_TRAINH S_WTRPLT S_GUNTUR S_ANTIAI S_ARTYTR S_ANTIMS S_BLOCK S_BRIDGE S_MINING S_LANDMI S_SEAMIN S_MASTER S_CONSTR S_SCOUT S_TANK S_ARTILL S_ROCKTL S_MISSLL S_FLAK S_MINELA S_SURVEY S_SCANNE S_SPLYTR S_GOLDTR S_ENGINE S_BULLDO S_REPAIR S_FUELTR S_CLNTRA S_COMMAN S_INFANT S_FASTBO S_CORVET S_BATTLS S_SUBMAR S_SEATRA S_MSSLBO S_SEAMNL S_CARGOS S_FIGHTE S_BOMBER S_AIRTRA S_AWAC S_JUGGRN S_ALNTAN S_ALNASG S_ALNPLA S_HARVST MOVEPT NOMOVEPT FIREPT NOFIREPT NOCARGO UNTBTN_U UNTBTN_D DONE_OF DONE_ON NEXT_OF NEXT_ON PREV_OF PREV_ON XFORM_OF XFORM_ON BUILD_OF BUILD_ON ALLOC_OF ALLOC_ON ATTK_OF ATTK_ON SNTRY_OF SNTRY_ON WAIT_OF WAIT_ON XFER_OF XFER_ON LOAD_OF LOAD_ON ACTVT_OF ACTVT_ON STOP_OF STOP_ON REPAR_OF REPAR_ON FLLOW_OF FLLOW_ON CLEAR_OF CLEAR_ON RECHG_OF RECHG_ON START_OF START_ON UPGRD_OF UPGRD_ON BYUPG_OF BYUPG_ON RLOAD_OF RLOAD_ON RSRCH_OF RSRCH_ON PLACE_OF PLACE_ON REMVE_OF REMVE_ON ENTER_OF ENTER_ON TOPIC_OF TOPIC_ON TIMER XYPOS UNITNAME TURNS SELFD_OF SELFD_ON STEAL_OF STEAL_ON DISBL_OF DISBL_ON STATS_OF STATS_ON R_RSRC_U R_RSRC_D R_FACL_U R_FACL_D R_PERF_U R_PERF_D R_PROD_U R_PROD_D R_MINE_U R_MINE_D R_UNIT_U R_UNIT_D R_UPGR_U R_UPGR_D R_CSLT_U R_CSLT_D R_ETA__U R_ETA__D R_STAT_U R_STAT_D R_CPLX_U R_CPLX_D R_CLSE_U R_CLSE_D R_UPAR_U R_UPAR_D R_DNAR_U R_DNAR_D ENDTRN_U R_ENDT_D G_ENDT_D B_ENDT_D W_ENDT_D QWKUP_OF QWKUP_ON QWKDN_OF QWKDN_ON QWKCN_OF QWKCN_ON BLDUP__U BLDUP__D BLDUP__X BLDDWN_U BLDDWN_D BLDDWN_X BLDBLD_U BLDBLD_D BLDONE_U BLDONE_D BLDREP_U BLDREP_D BLDDEL_U BLDDEL_D BLDDES_U BLDDES_D BLDCAN_U BLDCAN_D BLDHLP_U BLDHLP_D BLDPTH_U BLDPTH_D BLD2X_U BLD2X_D BLD4X_U BLD4X_D AL_DNE_U AL_DNE_D UPGDNE_U UPGDNE_D UPGCAN_U UPGCAN_D UPGRGT_U UPGRGT_D UPGRGT_X UPGLFT_U UPGLFT_D UPGLFT_X SELGRD_U SELGRD_D SELAIR_U SELAIR_D SELSEA_U SELSEA_D SELBLD_U SELBLD_D SELCBT_U SELCBT_D XFRDNE_U XFRDNE_D XFRHLP_U XFRHLP_D XFRCAN_U XFRCAN_D XFRRGT_U XFRRGT_D XFRLFT_U XFRLFT_D XFRLFARO XFRRTARO DLOGOK_U DLOGOK_D HELPOK_U HELPOK_D ENDOK_U ENDOK_D SLFDAR_U SLFDAR_D SLFDCN_U SLFDCN_D SLFDOK_U SLFDOK_D SLFDOPN1 SLFDOPN2 SLFDOPN3 SLFDOPN4 SLFDOPN5 SLFDOPN6 PNLHLP_U PNLHLP_D PNLCAN_U PNLCAN_D CHTCAN_U CHTCAN_D CHTHLP_U CHTHLP_D CHTSND_U CHTSND_D CHTRED_U CHTRED_D CHTGRN_U CHTGRN_D CHTBLU_U CHTBLU_D CHTGRY_U CHTGRY_D PRFCAN_U PRFCAN_D PRFHLP_U PRFHLP_D PRFDNE_U PRFDNE_D PREFEDIT PREFNAME PRFSLIDE PRFSLIT CRGTOG_U CRGTOG_D CRGDEL_U CRGDEL_D CRGDEL_X CRGBUY_U CRGBUY_D CRGBUY_X CRGSELUX CRGSELDX DPTBAYUP DPTBAYDN DPTMNUUP DPTMNUDN DPTUP_UP DPTUP_DN DPTUP_X DPTDN_UP DPTDN_DN DPTDN_X DPTHP_UP DPTHP_DN RAWMSK0 RAWMSK1 RAWMSK2 RAWMSK3 RAWMSK4 RAWMSK5 RAWMSK6 RAWMSK7 RAWMSK8 RAWMSK9 RAWMSK10 RAWMSK11 RAWMSK12 RAWMSK13 RAWMSK14 RAWMSK15 RAWMSK16 FUELMK0 FUELMK1 FUELMK2 FUELMK3 FUELMK4 FUELMK5 FUELMK6 FUELMK7 FUELMK8 FUELMK9 FUELMK10 FUELMK11 FUELMK12 FUELMK13 FUELMK14 FUELMK15 FUELMK16 GOLDMK0 GOLDMK1 GOLDMK2 GOLDMK3 GOLDMK4 GOLDMK5 GOLDMK6 GOLDMK7 GOLDMK8 GOLDMK9 GOLDMK10 GOLDMK11 GOLDMK12 GOLDMK13 GOLDMK14 GOLDMK15 GOLDMK16 SMRWMK1 SMRWMK2 SMRWMK3 SMRWMK4 SMRWMK5 SMRWMK6 SMRWMK7 SMRWMK8 SMRWMK9 SMRWMK10 SMRWMK11 SMRWMK12 SMRWMK13 SMRWMK14 SMRWMK15 SMRWMK16 SMFLMK1 SMFLMK2 SMFLMK3 SMFLMK4 SMFLMK5 SMFLMK6 SMFLMK7 SMFLMK8 SMFLMK9 SMFLMK10 SMFLMK11 SMFLMK12 SMFLMK13 SMFLMK14 SMFLMK15 SMFLMK16 SMGDMK1 SMGDMK2 SMGDMK3 SMGDMK4 SMGDMK5 SMGDMK6 SMGDMK7 SMGDMK8 SMGDMK9 SMGDMK10 SMGDMK11 SMGDMK12 SMGDMK13 SMGDMK14 SMGDMK15 SMGDMK16 BULB MARKER0 MARKER1 MARKER2 MARKER3 MARKER4 STATNUM0 STATNUM1 STATNUM2 STATNUM3 STATNUM4 STATNUM5 STATNUM6 STATNUM7 STATNUM8 STATNUM9 FUELDOT GOLDDOT LFARO_OF LFARO_ON PRODDOT PRODSLOT RAWDOT RTARO_OF RTARO_ON BARRAW BARFUEL BARGOLD BARUNUS BARTAPE BARTAPE2 BARTAPE3 BARTAPEX SMBRRAW SMBRFUEL SMBRGOLD VERTRAW VERTFUEL VERTGOLD LOADBAR CLOSE_OF CLOSE_ON PURCHOFF PURCHON RETURNOF RETURNON EDITWNDO BIGSCRNL BIGSCRNR SUBTITLE BGRSCRNL BGRSCRNR BLDMRK1 BLDMRK2 BLDMRK3 BLDMRK4 BLDMRK5 HIDDNPTR HANDPTR CONDLITE FUELLITE AMMOLITE CARGOLIT CLOSED ARROW_N ARROW_NE ARROW_E ARROW_SE ARROW_S ARROW_SW ARROW_W ARROW_NW MAP_PTR MINI_PTR MINI_X MINI_X2 FRND_FIX FRND_XFR FRND_LOD FRND_FUE FRND_PTR ENMY_PTR PTR_FTRG WAY_PTR GROUPPTR ACTVTPTR PTR_RLD STEALPTR DISBLPTR PTR_PATH PTR_HELP ZOOMPNL1 ZOOMPNL2 ZOOMPNL3 ZOOMPNL4 ZOOMPNL5 ZOOMPNL6 ZOOMPNL7 ZOOMPTR UNIT_GO UNIT_NGO LIGHTOFF LIGHTON I_HRDATK I_ATTACK I_SHOTS I_RANGE I_AMMO I_ARMOR I_SFTARM I_CHARGE I_HITS I_SCAN I_SPEED I_FUEL I_RAW I_RAWE I_GOLD I_GOLDE I_POWER I_LIFE SI_HITSB EI_HITSB SI_HITSY EI_HITSY SI_HITSR EI_HITSR SI_AMMO EI_AMMO SI_RAW EI_RAW SI_FUEL EI_FUEL SI_GOLD EI_GOLD SI_LAND EI_LAND SI_SEA EI_SEA SI_AIR EI_AIR SI_WORK EI_WORK SI_SPEED EI_SPEED SI_SHOTS EI_SHOTS SI_POWER EI_POWER IL_SPEED IL_SHOTS IL_DSBLD LIPS I_CMPLX BUY_OFF BUY_ON MENU_OFF MENU_ON REPT_OFF REPT_ON STAT_OFF STAT_ON RANG_OFF RANG_ON VISN_OFF VISN_ON REDY_OFF REDY_ON TRGT_OFF TRGT_ON FIND_OFF FIND_ON CHAT_OFF CHAT_ON GOAL_OFF GOAL_ON PREF_OFF PREF_ON SYSM_OFF SYSM_ON FILES_OF FILES_ON SURV_OFF SURV_ON GRID_OFF GRID_ON NAMES_UP NAMES_DN CHECKED UNCHKED BLANK_UP BLANK_DN SBLNK_UP SBLNK_DN OBAR_UP OBAR_DN HELP_OF HELP_ON UDONE_OF UDONE_ON MIN2X_OF MIN2X_ON MINFL_OF MINFL_ON AMMO_OF AMMO_ON HITS_OF HITS_ON COLOR_OF COLOR_ON PAUSE_OF PAUSE_ON PLAY_OF PLAY_ON LOCK_OF LOCK_ON CLN0LOGO CLN1LOGO CLN2LOGO CLN3LOGO CLN4LOGO CLN5LOGO CLN6LOGO CLN7LOGO CLN8LOGO D_DEFALT D_LRGBLD D_SMLBLD D_MOBILE D_FIRING D_RADAR D_ANTIAI D_FIXED D_TANK D_ALTANK D_SP_FLK D_UEXPLD D_SEXPLD D_BEXPLD D_SMOKE D_BUBBLE D_LRGRBL D_SMLRBL D_LRGSLA D_AWAC D_AMPHIB D_BATTLS D_BRIDGE D_COMMAN D_INFANT D_TORPDO D_ALNMSL D_ALNPBL D_ESCORT D_MINING D_SCANNR D_SUB PNLSEQ_1 PNLSEQ_2 PNLSEQ_3 PNLSEQ_4 PNLSEQ_5 BPNLSQ_1 BPNLSQ_2 BPNLSQ_3 BPNLSQ_4 PANELTOP PANELBTM CH_HUM_U CH_HUM_D CH_CMP_U CH_CMP_D CH_NON_U CH_NON_D CH_UP_UP CH_UP_DN CH_DWN_U CH_DWN_D CH_QST_U CH_QST_D CH_TM1_U CH_TM1_D CH_TM2_U CH_TM2_D CH_TM3_U CH_TM3_D CH_TM4_U CH_TM4_D M_CLAN_U M_CLAN_D CH_CN1_U CH_CN1_D CH_CN2_U CH_CN2_D CH_CN3_U CH_CN3_D CH_CN4_U CH_CN4_D CH_CN5_U CH_CN5_D CH_CN6_U CH_CN6_D CH_CN7_U CH_CN7_D CH_CN8_U CH_CN8_D PL_NXT_U PL_NXT_D PL_LST_U PL_LST_D MNUBTN1U MNUBTN1D MNUBTN2U MNUBTN2D MNUBTN3U MNUBTN3D MNUBTN4U MNUBTN4D MNUBTN5U MNUBTN5D MNUBTN6U MNUBTN6D MNULAROU MNULAROD MNURAROU MNURAROD MNUUAROU MNUUAROD MNUDAROU MNUDAROD I_TRANSP I_POWSTN I_POWGEN I_BARRCK I_SHIELD I_RADAR I_SMSTOR I_SMFUEL I_SMVLT I_DEPOT I_HANGAR I_DOCK I_CONNEC I_ROAD I_LANDPD I_SHIPYD I_LGHTPL I_HVYPLT I_LIFESP I_AIRPLT I_HABITA I_RESEAR I_GREENH I_RECCTR I_TRNHLL I_WATER I_GUNTUR I_FXAA I_ARTYTR I_FXROCK I_BLOCK I_BRIDGE I_MINING I_LANDMN I_SEAMIN I_MASTER I_CONTRC I_SCOUT I_TANK I_ARTY I_ROCKET I_MISSIL I_AA I_MNELAY I_SURVEY I_SCANNR I_SPLYTR I_GOLDTR I_ENGINR I_BULLDZ I_REPAIR I_FUELTR I_COLNST I_COMMAN I_INFANT I_ESCORT I_CORVET I_GUNBT I_SUB I_SEATRN I_MSLCR I_SEAMNL I_CARGOS I_FIGHTR I_BOMBER I_AIRTRN I_AWAC I_JUGGER I_ALNTAN I_ALNASG I_ALNPLA MEM_END V_START V_M001 V_F001 V_M005 V_F005 V_M006 V_F006 V_M004 V_F004 V_M284 V_F284 V_M138 V_F138 V_M142 V_F142 V_M145 V_F145 V_M150 V_F150 V_M151 V_F151 V_M265 V_F265 V_M154 V_F154 V_M155 V_F155 V_M158 V_F158 V_M162 V_F162 V_M164 V_F164 V_M163 V_F163 V_M165 V_F165 V_M166 V_F166 V_M169 V_F169 V_M171 V_F171 V_M181 V_F181 V_M182 V_F182 V_M186 V_F186 V_M187 V_F187 V_M191 V_F191 V_M192 V_F192 V_M196 V_F196 V_M198 V_F198 V_START2 V_M007 V_F007 V_M010 V_F010 V_M012 V_F012 V_M239 V_F239 V_M242 V_F242 V_M243 V_F243 V_M244 V_F244 V_M247 V_F247 V_M249 V_F249 V_START3 V_M049 V_F049 V_M050 V_F050 V_M085 V_F085 V_M089 V_F089 V_M094 V_F094 V_M095 V_F095 V_M201 V_F201 V_M210 V_F210 V_M211 V_F211 V_M219 V_F219 V_M220 V_F220 V_M224 V_F224 V_M229 V_F229 V_M230 V_F230 V_M231 V_F231 V_M232 V_F232 V_M255 V_F255 V_M256 V_F256 V_M234 V_F234 V_M236 V_F236 V_M250 V_F250 V_M251 V_F251 V_M070 V_F070 V_M071 V_F071 V_START4 V_M270 V_F270 V_M271 V_F271 V_M279 V_F279 V_M280 V_F280 V_M281 V_F281 V_M282 V_F282 V_M025 V_F025 V_M026 V_F026 V_M031 V_F031 V_M032 V_F032 V_M037 V_F037 V_M038 V_F038 V_M043 V_F043 V_M044 V_F044 V_M053 V_F053 V_M057 V_F057 V_M061 V_F061 V_M066 V_F066 V_M075 V_F075 V_M080 V_F080 V_M081 V_F081 V_M093 V_F093 V_M098 V_F098 V_M103 V_F103 V_M108 V_F108 V_M113 V_F113 V_M118 V_F118 V_M122 V_F122 V_M126 V_F126 V_M130 V_F130 V_M206 V_F206 V_M207 V_F207 V_M215 V_F215 V_M216 V_F216 V_M217 V_F217 V_START5 V_M272 V_F272 V_M273 V_F273 V_M275 V_F275 V_M276 V_F276 V_M278 V_F278 V_M176 V_F176 V_M177 V_F177 V_M283 V_F283 V_M013 V_F013 V_END F_COMMT F_POWERS F_BARRAC F_SHIELD F_RADAR F_DEPOT F_HANGAR F_DOCK F_ADUMP F_FDUMP F_GOLDSM F_POWGEN F_CNCT4W F_ROAD F_LANDPA F_SHIPYA F_LIGHTP F_LANDPL F_SUPRTP F_AIRPLT F_HABITA F_RESEAR F_GREENH F_RECCEN F_TRAINH F_WTRPLT F_GUNTUR F_ANTIAI F_ARTYTR F_ANTIMS F_BLOCK F_BRIDGE F_MINING F_LANDMI F_SEAMIN F_MASTER F_CONSTR F_SCOUT F_TANK F_ARTILL F_ROCKTL F_MISSLL F_FLAK F_MINELA F_SURVEY F_SCANNE F_SPLYTR F_GOLDTR F_ENGINE F_BULLDO F_REPAIR F_FUELTR F_CLNTRA F_COMMAN F_INFANT F_FASTBO F_CORVET F_BATTLS F_SUBMAR F_SEATRA F_MSSLBO F_SEAMNL F_CARGOS F_FIGHTE F_BOMBER F_AIRTRA F_AWAC F_JUGGRN F_ALNTAN F_ALNASG F_ALNPLA TRANSFLC FILESFLC F_ICE F_SAND F_STARS FILE_BUP FILE_BDN FNAME_UP FNAME_DN FTYPE_UP FTYPE_DN FDESC_UP FDESC_DN LOAD_BUP LOAD_BDN SAVE_BUP SAVE_BDN CNCL_BUP CNCL_BDN QUIT_BUP QUIT_BDN FILE1_UP FILE2_UP FILE3_UP FILE4_UP FILE5_UP FILE6_UP FILE7_UP FILE8_UP FILE9_UP FILE10UP FILE1_DN FILE2_DN FILE3_DN FILE4_DN FILE5_DN FILE6_DN FILE7_DN FILE8_DN FILE9_DN FILE10DN INTROSND ENEMBEEP RADRPING ERRDING MBUTT0 MENUOP NHUMN0 NCOMP0 NNONE0 NCLAN0 NOPTI0 NCANC0 NHELP0 NDONE0 CCHOS0 CCRIM0 CVONG0 CAYER0 CMUSA0 CSACR0 CKNIG0 CAXIS0 CRAND0 CCANC0 CHELP0 CDONE0 PWINO0 PWINC0 PSELW0 PSELM0 PRAND0 PCANC0 PHELP0 PDONE0 KWINO0 KWINC0 KSELE0 KBUY0 KCARG0 KHELP0 CBOPE0 CBCLO0 CBSEL0 CBBUI0 CBCAN0 CBHLP0 CBDON0 IOPEN0 ICLOS0 IZOOM0 ISTAT0 ICOLO0 IHITS0 IAMMO0 IRANG0 IVISI0 IGRID0 ISURV0 INAME0 FOPEN FCLOS FBUBB FSAVE FQUIT FCANC FHELP FLOAD FXS_STRT GEN_IDLE WGN_IDLE GEN_DRVE WGN_DRVE GEN_STOP WGN_STOP GEN_XFRM GEN_BLDG GEN_SHNK GEN_XPND GEN_TRRT GEN_FIRE GEN_HIT GEN_XPLD GEN_PRCS GEN_PRCE GEN_LAND GEN_TAKE MONOP10 MONOP15 MONOP16 MONOP17 MONOP18 POWST10 POWST15 POWST16 POWST17 POWST18 POWGN10 POWGN15 POWGN16 POWGN17 POWGN18 BARRA10 BARRA15 BARRA16 BARRA17 BARRA18 GOLDR10 GOLDR15 GOLDR16 GOLDR17 GOLDR18 RADAR13 RADAR15 RADAR16 SSTOR15 SSTOR16 SSTOR17 SFUEL15 SFUEL16 SFUEL17 SGOLD15 SGOLD16 SGOLD17 DEPOT10 DEPOT15 DEPOT16 DEPOT17 DEPOT18 HANGR10 HANGR15 HANGR16 HANGR17 HANGR18 DOCK10 DOCK15 DOCK16 DOCK17 DOCK18 ROAD15 ROAD16 LPAD10 LPAD15 LPAD16 SUNIT10 SUNIT15 SUNIT16 SUNIT17 SUNIT18 LVP10 LVP15 LVP16 LVP17 LVP18 HVP10 HVP15 HVP16 HVP17 HVP18 AUNIT10 AUNIT15 AUNIT16 AUNIT17 AUNIT18 DORMI10 DORMI15 DORMI16 DORMI17 DORMI18 RESEAR10 RESEAR15 RESEAR16 RESEAR17 RESEAR18 ECOSP10 ECOSP15 ECOSP16 ECOSP17 ECOSP18 TRAIN10 TRAIN15 TRAIN16 TRAIN17 TRAIN18 WPLAT15 WPLAT16 FGUN13 FGUN14 FGUN15 FGUN16 FANTI13 FANTI14 FANTI15 FANTI16 FARTY13 FARTY14 FARTY15 FARTY16 FROCK13 FROCK14 FROCK15 FROCK16 BLOCK15 BLOCK16 BRIDG15 BRIDG16 MSTAT10 MSTAT15 MSTAT16 MSTAT17 MSTAT18 LMINE16 CMINE16 EMPTYLND EMPTYWTR MASTR1 MASTR5 MASTR7 MASTR9 MASTR15 MASTR16 CONST1 CONST2 CONST5 CONST6 CONST7 CONST8 CONST10 CONST15 CONST16 SCOUT1 SCOUT2 SCOUT5 SCOUT6 SCOUT7 SCOUT8 SCOUT14 SCOUT15 SCOUT16 TANK1 TANK5 TANK7 TANK14 TANK15 TANK16 ASGUN1 ASGUN5 ASGUN7 ASGUN14 ASGUN15 ASGUN16 RLNCH1 RLNCH5 RLNCH7 RLNCH14 RLNCH15 RLNCH16 MSLNC1 MSLNC5 MSLNC7 MSLNC14 MSLNC15 MSLNC16 MANTI1 MANTI5 MANTI7 MANTI14 MANTI15 MANTI16 MLAYER1 MLAYER5 MLAYER7 MLAYER15 MLAYER16 MLAYER17 MLAYER18 SURVY1 SURVY2 SURVY5 SURVY6 SURVY7 SURVY8 SURVY15 SURVY16 SCAN1 SCAN5 SCAN7 SCAN15 SCAN16 MTRUK1 MTRUK5 MTRUK7 MTRUK15 MTRUK16 MTRUK17 GTRUK1 GTRUK5 GTRUK7 GTRUK15 GTRUK16 GTRUK17 ENGIN1 ENGIN2 ENGIN5 ENGIN6 ENGIN7 ENGIN8 ENGIN10 ENGIN15 ENGIN16 BULL1 BULL5 BULL7 BULL10 BULL15 BULL16 REPAIR1 REPAIR5 REPAIR7 REPAIR15 REPAIR16 REPAIR17 FTRUK1 FTRUK5 FTRUK7 FTRUK15 FTRUK16 FTRUK17 APC1 APC2 APC5 APC6 APC7 APC8 APC15 APC16 APC17 APC18 INFIL5 INFIL14 INFIL15 INFIL16 INFIL17 INFAN5 INFAN14 INFAN15 INFAN16 ESCRT2 ESCRT6 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DEMO1FLC DEMO2FLC DEMO3FLC DEMO4FLC DEMO5FLC REPORTS REP_FRME ALLOCFRM STATS FRAMEPIC INTROPIC MAINPIC SETUPPIC LOADPIC NETPIC OPTPIC LSTATPIC EXITPIC FACBUILD CONBUILD QWKBUILD UPGRADE CARGOPIC XFERPIC PREFSPIC CLANSEL PLANETSE MULTGAME CHATWNDO DEPOTFRM HANGRFRM DOCKFRM RSRCHPIC ENDGAME1 ENDGAME2 ENDGAME3 ENDGAME4 ENDGAME5 ENDGAME6 ENDGAME7 ENDGAME8 ENDGAME9 ENDGAM10 ENDGAM11 ENDGAM12 ENDGAM13 ENDGAM14 ENDARM DIALGPIC HELPFRAM ILOGO MLOGO SELFDSTR CREDITS STARTNET JOINNET STARTMOD CHOSPLYR BLACKOUT OEMONE OEMTWO OPTNFRM P_TRANSP P_POWSTN P_POWGEN P_BARRCK P_SHIELD P_RADAR P_SMSTOR P_SMFUEL P_SMVLT P_DEPOT P_HANGAR P_DOCK P_CONNEC P_ROAD P_LANDPD P_SHIPYD P_LGHTPL P_HVYPLT P_LIFESP P_AIRPLT P_HABITA P_RESEAR P_GREENH P_RECCTR P_TRNHLL P_WATER P_GUNTUR P_FXAA P_ARTYTR P_FXROCK P_BLOCK P_BRIDGE P_MINING P_LANDMN P_SEAMIN P_MASTER P_CONTRC P_SCOUT P_TANK P_ARTY P_ROCKET P_MISSIL P_AA P_MNELAY P_SURVEY P_SCANNR P_SPLYTR P_GOLDTR P_ENGINR P_BULLDZ P_REPAIR P_FUELTR P_COLNST P_COMMAN P_INFANT P_ESCORT P_CORVET P_GUNBT P_SUB P_SEATRN P_MSLCR P_SEAMNL P_CARGOS P_FIGHTR P_BOMBER P_AIRTRN P_AWAC P_JUGGER P_ALNTAN P_ALNASG P_ALNPLA A_MASTER A_CONTRC A_SCOUT A_TANK A_ARTY A_ROCKET A_MISSIL A_AA A_MNELAY A_SURVEY A_SCANNR A_SPLYTR A_GOLDTR A_ENGINR A_BULLDZ A_REPAIR A_FUELTR A_COLNST A_COMMAN A_INFANT A_ESCORT A_CORVET A_GUNBT A_SUB A_SEATRN A_MSLCR A_SEAMNL A_CARGOS A_FIGHTR A_BOMBER A_AIRTRN A_AWAC A_JUGGER A_ALNTAN A_ALNASG A_ALNPLA E_DEPOT E_HANGAR E_DOCK ATTRIBS CLANATRB SOUNDVOL TIPS HELP_ENG HELP_FRE HELP_GRM SNOW_PIC CRTR_PIC GREN_PIC DSRT_PIC STAR_PIC WORLD_S SNOW_1 SNOW_2 SNOW_3 SNOW_4 SNOW_5 SNOW_6 CRATER_1 CRATER_2 CRATER_3 CRATER_4 CRATER_5 CRATER_6 GREEN_1 GREEN_2 GREEN_3 GREEN_4 GREEN_5 GREEN_6 DESERT_1 DESERT_2 DESERT_3 DESERT_4 DESERT_5 DESERT_6 WORLD_E textfile.h ptr != 0 Save/Load Menu Load Menu scnrio%i.txt save%i.%s rb description Load ? Return Cancel Quit Save Unable to load a saved game while remote play in progress. Scenario %s #%i save%i.%s Wrong save version - Can't load. save%i.%s Mining and Storage Factory & Structures Power & Construction Surveying Seek & Destroy Material Transfer Mining Allocation Mining for Gold Upgrade your Tanks Victory Points Infiltrator Mines Repairing Reloading Research Fast & Furious Great Abandon The Long Short Cut Planes from Hell The Wall Stuck in the Middle Golden Opportunity Man versus Machine One Bullet Scout Horde The Last Ditch Sneaky Sub Battle at Sea Their Finest Hour Playing Catch Up Defense of the Realm The King Must Die Covert To The Death Alien Attack Tank Horde Stealth Required Beachhead D-Day Islands in the Sun Heart of the Matter Element of Import Stone Cold Deadly Slaughter Shore Repel Boarders Bastion of Rebellion Bright Hope Price of Freedom dta tra cam hot mlt dmo dbg txt sce mps Custom Learning Campaign Hot seat Multi Demo Debug Text Scenario MPS smartlst.cpp index >= 0 && index < count smartptr.cpp reference_count == 0 smrtarry.cpp index < count rb smrtfile.cpp object_index == read_objects.GetCount() + 1 smrtfile.cpp type_index != 0 smrtfile.cpp type_index <= registered_classes->GetCount() wb wb smartptr.h ptr != 0 Error: %s Error: %s Error: %s Error: %s rb rb RIFF rb RIFF smpl soundmgr.cpp sound_mgr.music_sample != 0 soundmgr.cpp sound_mgr.music_sample->handle == wSample smartptr.h ptr != 0 Attack Shots Range Ammo Cargo Prod. Prod. Uses Armor Hits Scan Speed Cost Task Manager (%i reminders queued) Parent: Task: Child: Done Unit Status Screen Task Debug info ON Task Debug info OFF Task Log ON strobj.cpp ref_count == 0 strobj.cpp pos < ptr->GetSize() smartptr.h ptr != 0 %i %i (%+i / turn) %i ? Done Allocation Menu Raw Usage Reserve Fuel Usage Reserve Gold Usage Reserve smartptr.h ptr != 0 textfile.h ptr != 0 textfile.h ptr != 0 Expecting a number Expecting a string Expecting a word Expecting a pointer Expecting a { Expecting an '%c' TRUE TRUE rt textfile.cpp arg < registered_classes->GetCount() Expected a letter Expecting an end quote ('"') Expecting a word Expecting a number or string Index Index refers to unknown object Type Unknown type Object No Object structure. Expecting {, =, or < wt = " index index index type object = UNKNOWN = smartptr.h ptr != 0 UNITINFO smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 textfile.h ptr != 0 unitinfo.cpp data != 0 unitinfo.cpp index >= 0 && index < angles->UNITAngletotal %s at [%i,%i] has increased in experience. plane takeoff moving unitinfo.cpp FALSE unit_type id flags spinning_turret sentry_unit turret_sprite requires_slab standalone selectable electronic_unit constructor_unit fires_missiles has_firing_sprite hovering upgradeable stationary mobile_land_unit mobile_sea_unit mobile_air_unit missile_unit building connector_unit animated exploding ground_cover x y grid_x grid_y name shadow_offset_x shadow_offset_y team unit_id brightness angle visible_to_red visible_to_green visible_to_blue visible_to_gray spotted_by_red spotted_by_green spotted_by_blue spotted_by_gray max_velocity velocity sound scaler_adjust turret_angle turret_offset_x turret_offset_y total_images image_base turret_image_base firing_image_base connector_image_base image_index turret_image_index image_index_max orders state prior_orders prior_state laying_state target_grid_x target_grid_y build_time total_mining raw_mining fuel_mining gold_mining raw_mining_max fuel_mining_max gold_mining_max hits speed shots move_and_fire storage ammo targeting_mode enter_mode cursor recoil_delay delayed_reaction damaged_this_turn research_topic moved bobbed engine weapon comm fuel_distance move_fraction energized repeat_build build_rate auto_survey path connectors connect_north_left connect_north_right connect_east_top connect_east_bottom connect_south_left connect_south_right connect_west_top connect_west_bottom connection_being_tested base_values complex parent_unit unit_type id flags spinning_turret sentry_unit turret_sprite requires_slab standalone selectable electronic_unit constructor_unit fires_missiles has_firing_sprite hovering upgradeable stationary mobile_land_unit mobile_sea_unit mobile_air_unit missile_unit building connector_unit animated exploding ground_cover x y grid_x grid_y name name shadow_offset_x shadow_offset_y team unit_id brightness angle visible_to_red visible_to_green visible_to_blue visible_to_gray spotted_by_red spotted_by_green spotted_by_blue spotted_by_gray max_velocity velocity sound scaler_adjust turret_angle turret_offset_x turret_offset_y total_images image_base turret_image_base firing_image_base connector_image_base image_index turret_image_index image_index_max orders state prior_orders prior_state laying_state target_grid_x target_grid_y build_time total_mining raw_mining fuel_mining gold_mining raw_mining_max fuel_mining_max gold_mining_max hits speed shots move_and_fire storage ammo targeting_mode enter_mode cursor recoil_delay delayed_reaction damaged_this_turn research_topic moved bobbed engine weapon comm fuel_distance move_fraction energized repeat_build build_rate path connectors connect_north_left connect_north_right connect_east_top connect_east_bottom connect_south_left connect_south_right connect_west_top connect_west_bottom connection_being_tested base_values complex parent_unit M D C C L X X V I %s %i Mk unitinfo.cpp build_list.GetCount() > 0 unitinfo.cpp build_list.GetCount() > 0 Cones for %s at [%i,%i] building %s prematurely deleted! unitinfo.cpp new_unit != 0 Build packet: expected team %i, received team %i unitinfo.cpp size <= MAXDATALEN %i raw material needed to upgrade. %s upgraded to mark %s for %i raw material. Positioning in tape Enemy %s at [%i,%i] destroyed. Enemy %s at [%i,%i] destroyed. Enemy %s at [%i,%i] destroyed. Refinery for converting gold into credits. Credits are required to purchase unit improvements. To run, a gold refinery needs a source of power and a source of gold ore. A mining station can produce gold ore if one of its four squares covers a square with underground gold. Gold Refineries Gold Refinery Power Stations Power Station A power generator consumes two fuel each turn, and provides enough power for one mining station or factory. The power generator must be connected to the fuel source (usually a mining station) and the building that needs the power. A power generator consumes two fuel each turn, and provides enough power for one mining station or factory. The power generator must be connected to the fuel source (usually a mining station) and the building that needs the power. Power Generators Power Generator A barracks holds infiltrators and infantry units. Inside the barracks is a machine shop for repairing and improving powered suits, and for manufacturing ammunition. The barracks needs raw materials to repair, upgrade, or resupply, so it should be connected to a storage unit or a mining station. Barracks Barracks Specialized mining station for extracting magnetic monopoles. Monopole Mines Monopole Mine Stationary, long-range radar. Longer-range units like missile launchers and artillery cannot fire on what they cannot see, so it's important to have a scanner or radar nearby. Radars Radar Storage Units hold raw materials produced by any mining stations that are connected to them. To fill an adjacent Engineer or Constructor, click the Xfer button and then click on the Engineer or Constructor. Holds raw materials. Mining stations produce raw materials every turn. To save extra raw materials, a mining station must be connected to a storage unit. Storage Units Storage Unit Holds fuel reserves. Mining stations produce fuel every turn. To save extra fuel, a mining station must be connected to a fuel tank. Holds fuel reserves. Mining stations produce fuel every turn. To save extra fuel, a mining station must be connected to a fuel tank. Fuel Tanks Fuel Tank Holds unrefined gold ore. Mining stations produce gold every turn, if they have gold ore underneath them. To store the ore, a mining station must be connected to a gold vault. Holds unrefined gold ore. Mining stations produce gold every turn, if they have gold ore underneath them. To store the ore, a mining station must be connected to a gold vault. Gold Vaults Gold Vault Depots perform repairs and supply ammunition. To drive a unit into the depot, click 'Load' and then click on the unit. To look inside the depot, click 'Activate'. A depot can repair damage, manufacture ammunition, and refit ground units with the newest technology. All of these operations require raw materials, so depots should be connected to stored materials. Depots Depot A hangar can repair damage, manufacture ammunition, and refit planes with the newest technology. All of these operations require raw materials, so hangars should be connected to stored materials. Hangars Hangar A dock can repair damage, manufacture ammunition, and refit ships with the newest technology. All of these operations require raw materials, so docks should be connected to stored materials. Docks Dock Buildings must be connected to share power, fuel, raw materials, and gold. You can connect buildings by placing them next to each other, or by building connectors from one building to the other. Buildings must be connected to share power, fuel, raw materials, and gold. You can connect buildings by placing them next to each other, or by building connectors from one building to the other. Connectors Connector Large Rubble 1 Small Rubble1 Large tape Small tape Large Slab Small Slab Large cones Small cones Units move twice as fast over road squares. Roads Road Landing facility for planes. Does not repair, resupply, or refuel planes. To resupply a plane on a landing pad, use a nearby truck or storage unit. Landing Pads Landing Pad Shipyards manufacture ships, such as submarines, sea transports, and missile cruisers. A shipyard requires three raw materials a turn to operate, and power from a power generator or power station. Shipyards Shipyard Click on the light vehicle plant to show the Build button. Factories need to be connected to power and a source of raw materials (usually a mining station) to operate. Builds light vehicles: engineers, trucks, mobile repair units, scouts, and mobile anti-aircraft units. A light vehicle plant requires three raw materials a turn to operate, and power from a power generator or power station. Light Vehicle Plants Light Vehicle Plant Click on the heavy vehicle plant to show the Build button. Factories need to be connected to power and a source of raw materials (usually a mining station) to operate. Builds constructors, mobile scanners, and the heavy fighting units: tanks, assault guns, rocket launchers, and missile crawlers. A heavy factory needs three raw materials a turn to operate, and power from a power generator or power station. Heavy Vehicle Plants Heavy Vehicle Plant Builds fighters, ground attack planes, and air transports. A heavy factory needs three raw materials a turn to operate, and power from a power generator or power station. Air Units Plants Air Units Plant Habitats house colonists. Each habitat houses enough colonists to operate three research centers, training halls, or eco-spheres. The colonist buildings must be connected to the habitat before they can operate. Habitats Habitat Research centers investigate ways to improve your units. Unlike upgrades purchased with refined gold, research takes time, and the improvements are small. However, research affects all of your units instead of just one type, and doesn't require a source of gold ore. A research center requires colonists from a Habitat to operate, and power. Research Centers Research Center Domed building containing an earthlike environment. Your ultimate goal is to provide as many of these for your colonists as possible. Every turn an ecosphere operates, it increases your colony rating. If its destroyed, you lose all of the improvements the ecosphere made to your rating. Ecospheres require colonists from a Habitat and power to operate. Eco-spheres Eco-sphere Recreation Centers Recreation Center Trains infiltrators who can disable or capture enemy units, and infantry to guard against infiltrators. Only infantry and other infiltrators can detect infiltrators. A training hall requires colonists from a Habitat and power to operate. Training Halls Training Hall Provides a surface over water on which to construct other buildings. Engineers can build water platforms over shore as well as open water. Water platforms are particularly important on island maps, or when a valuable material deposit is under water. Water Platforms Water Platform Gun turrets fire automatically on enemy units. Of course they can't fire on what they can't see, so it's important to have a scout, scanner, or radar nearby. Heavily armored stationary gun turret. Gun turrets have good firepower, heavy armor, and moderate range. Because they take little time to build, they are a good choice when you need defense in a hurry. Gun Turrets Gun Turret Low caliber, high speed anti aircraft cannon. Anti aircraft make short work of planes, but cannot attack ground units. Anti Aircraft Anti Aircraft High powered stationary gun. Artillery is a compromise between the cheap, rugged gun turret and the expensive, long-range missile turret. Artillery Artillery Long-range missile launcher on a fixed mount. Excellent range and firepower, but only slightly more armor than the mobile version. Best surrounded by gun turrets and anti aircraft. Missile Launchers Missile Launcher Hardened, armored block for blocking enemy movement. Concrete Blocks Concrete Block Pontoon bridge for crossing water. Bridges, unlike water platforms, do not block the movement of ships. Bridges Bridge A mining station produces raw materials, fuel, and gold every turn. Buildings must be connected to the mine to use the resources the mine produces. Extracts raw materials, fuel, and gold from the ground every turn. Buildings must be connected to a mine to use the resources a mine produces. If there are no storage buildings, fuel tanks, or gold vaults to store extra material, fuel, or gold, it will be lost. Mining Stations Mining Station Small, hard to detect explosive device. Only surveyors, minelayers, and infiltrators can spot mines. Once spotted, almost any damage will destroy it. Land Mines Land Mine Small, hard to detect explosive device. Only surveyors, minelayers, and infiltrators can spot mines. Once spotted, almost any damage will destroy it. Sea Mines Sea Mine explosion explosion explosion explosion explosion Specialized vehicle which transforms to become a new mining station. Master Builders Master Builder Constructors build large buildings like factories. Click once on the constructor to select it, click a second time to show the Build button. Large construction vehicle for creating large buildings, such as mines and factories. A constructor consumes two material per turn while operating. Constructors Constructor A Scout can see a long way, and is very fast. It also has a small gun for harassing the enemy. To move the Scout, click on it, and then click where you want to move. To attack an enemy, move within 3 squares, and then click on the enemy. Very fast and good scan range, but much weaker than most combat units. Scouts Scout Tanks are big and tough, but not as fast as scouts. Like most units, tanks can either move or fire, but not always both. If you don't move a tank, it can fire twice each turn. If you move it a short way, it can fire once. If you move it a long way, it can't fire at all. Heavily armored fighting vehicle. Best used in the front line to prevent enemy units from reaching lightly-armored support units such as assault guns and rocket launchers. Tanks Tank Lightly armored vehicle with a long range gun firing high-explosive shells. Fast and effective on the attack, but fragile. Assault Guns Assault Gun Lightly armored vehicle firing medium-range rockets which affect all units within 2 squares of the target. Most effective against groups of enemy units. Rocket Launchers Rocket Launcher Missile launcher on a lightly armored chassis. This mobile launcher is slightly less sturdy than the stationary version, and requires more material to build. However, the ability to move makes it much more flexible. Missile Crawlers Missile Crawler Light, fast vehicle with a rapid fire cannon for shooting down enemy planes. Mobile anti aircraft are generally defensive units, because they aren't as fast as planes, and can't move while firing. Use them to protect an area once your fighters have chased away enemy ground attack planes. Mobile Anti Aircraft Mobile Anti Aircraft Minelayers are specialized construction vehicles which place, detect, and remove mines. Minelayers convert onboard raw materials into mines. They can also remove those mines later and convert them back into materials. They cannot remove enemy minefields - those most be exploded with gunfire and rockets. Mine Layers Mine Layer Surveyors spot minerals under the ground. To find a good spot for a mining station, move the surveyor around until you find a square with a white 'Raw Materials' symbol. This may take several turns. Light, amphibious vehicle with sophisticated sensors for detecting underground minerals and enemy mines. Unlike most amphibious units, surveyors are just as fast on water as on land. Surveyors Surveyor Mobile radar platform. Slower and more expensive than a scout, but with a better scan range. A scanner is an excellent way to spot targets for very long ranged units like missile crawlers. Scanners Scanner Truck for hauling raw material. Useful for resupplying engineers and constructors, and for supplying combat units with new ammunition. Supply Trucks Supply Truck Unit for moving gold ore from one location to another. Gold Trucks Gold Truck You have an engineer selected. To show the build button, click again on the engineer. Click on any other unit to select that unit. Small construction vehicle for creating small buildings and stationary weapons. Engineers Engineer Vehicle for clearing rubble and demolishing buildings. Bulldozers can scavenge material from debris. Bulldozers Bulldozer Light vehicle which can rapidly repair ground units and buildings. Repairs require materials. The most extensive the damage, the more materials the repair requires. Depots, docks, hangars, and barracks can also repair units. Repair Units Repair Unit Truck for moving fuel. Fuel Trucks Fuel Truck Fast armored to transport infantry and infiltrators. The APC can move slowly underwater as well as on land. Only enemy corvettes can detect an APC moving underwater. Personnel Carriers Personnel Carrier Commando trained in the arts of stealth and electronic warfare. Infiltrators can disable or capture enemy units. Infiltrators are normally invisible until they make a mistake trying to capture enemy units, or until spotted by infantry or infiltrators. Infiltrators Infiltrator Human soldiers equipped with light anti-tank shoulder weapons. Infantry can spot enemy inflitrators. Infantry Infantry High speed boat with good radar and rapid fire anti aircraft cannon. Escorts are the eyes of a fleet, and a fleet's protection from planes. Escorts Escort High speed boat with torpedo tubes and sonar. Corvettes can attack any sea unit, but their real strength is their ability to spot and attack submarines. Corvettes Corvette Heavily armored ship with a high caliber, medium range cannon. Excellent at destroying other ships and bombarding shore targets. Gunboat Gunboat Lurking beneath the surface, submarines must sneak close to the enemy to fire their powerful torpedoes. Submarines do not carry active sonar, which might reveal their positions. Only corvettes can spot a submarine before it fires. Only submarines, corvettes, and ground attack planes can attack them. Submarines Submarine Heavily armored ship with space to carry up to six land units. Sea transports are much slower than air transports, but also much more likely to survive an enemy attack. Sea Transports Sea Transport Ship mounted missile launcher. Excellent range, high attack strength, and medium armor makes this a powerful unit. Missile Cruisers Missile Cruiser Seaborne version of the minelayer. Like its land based counterpart, the sea minelayer can manufacture mines, detect them, and convert them back into raw material. Sea Mine Layers Sea Mine Layer Ships for hauling raw material. Useful for resupplying engineers and sea combat units with new ammunition. Cargo Ship Cargo Ship Fast but fragile aircraft carrying a limited number of air-to-air missiles. Fighters are the best way to drive enemy planes out of an area, and to defend a moving force. Ground based anti aircraft is a better choice for defending a fixed area. Fighters Fighter A heavier plane carrying a full load of air to ground missiles. Ground Attack Planes are expensive, but the advantages are worth the cost. Their great speed lets them reach any trouble spot quickly, and once they arrive only fighters and antiaircraft can defend against them. Ground Attack Planes Ground Attack Plane Heavy aircraft capable of holding up to three ground units. Air Transports Air Transport Airborne Warning And Control plane. Basically a flying radar dish, an AWAC is essential to spot enemy anti aircraft before your planes fly into firing range. AWACs AWAC Heavily armored and armed warship of alien design. Like the human gunboat, the alien gunboat excels at destroying other ships and land targets near the shore. All alien units repair themselves, and improve their abilities with experience. Alien Gunboats Alien Gunboat Heavily armored tank of alien design. Alien tanks are best used at the front of an attack to soak up enemy fire. All alien units repair themselves, and improve their abilities with experience. Alien Tanks Alien Tank Powerful plasma weapon mounted on a fast, medium-armored chassis. While not as fragile as human assault guns, the alien assault gun should still avoid enemy fire whenever possible. All alien units repair themselves, and improve their abilities with experience. Alien Assault Guns Alien Assault Gun Alien fighter-bomber. While the alien attack plane is primarily designed to attack ground targets, it can also fire its missiles at other planes. Though powerful, the alien attack plane is still vulnerable to anti aircraft fire. Like other alien units, alien attack planes repair themselves, and improve their abilities with experience. Alien Attack Planes Alien Attack Plane missile torpedo alien missile tank plasma ball artillery plasma ball smoke trail bubble trail harvester dead waldo UnitValues Complex smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 smartptr.h ptr != 0 unitsmgr.cpp Incorrect gender for %s new_gender == 'M' || new_gender == 'F' || new_gender == 'F' unitsmgr.cpp buttons->popup_count < MAXPOPUPBUTTONS %i raw material needed to upgrade. %s upgraded to mark %s for %i raw material. %i %s upgraded to mark %s for %i raw material Arm Cancel Manual x-fer enter stop upgrade Upg. All sentry sentry Done remove Auto attack reload Minelayer is empty, fill it with materials from a supply truck or mining station. Minelayer is full, cannot pick up more mines. place remove repair stop Build Unable to activate unit at this site. Select an open square to place unit. 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FALSE unitsmgr.cpp buildings == packet.buildings material fuel gold power workers buildings id material fuel gold power workers buildings id %s at [%i,%i] reacting to enemy %s at [%i,%i]. %s at [%i,%i] reacting to enemy %s at [%i,%i]. %s at [%i,%i] reacting to enemy %s at [%i,%i]. %s %i will be available in %i turns. %s %i will be available in %i turns. %s %i will be available in %i turns. 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