M.A.X.R. Depots
Landing Pad | |
| Landing facility for planes. Does not repair, resupply or refuel planes. To resupply a plane on a landing pad, use a nearby truck or storage unit. |
| Armor | 8 | | Turns | | | Costs | 4 |
| Hitpoints | 14 | | (to build) | 2 | | | |
| Scan | 3 | | | | | | |
Barracks | |
| A barracks holds infiltrators and infantry units. Inside the barracks is a machine shop for repairing and improving powered suits, and for manufacturing ammunition. The barracks needs raw materials to repair, upgrade or resupply, so it should be connected to a storage unit or a minig station. |
| Armor | 12 | | Turns | | | Costs | 10 |
| Hitpoints | 56 | | (to build) | 6 | | | |
| Scan | 3 | | | | | | |
Depot | |
| A depot can repair damage, manufacture ammunition, and refit ground units with the newest technology. All of these operations require raw materials, so depots should be connected to stored materials. |
| Armor | 12 | | Turns | | | Costs | 12 |
| Hitpoints | 56 | | (to build) | 6 | | | |
| Scan | 3 | | | | | | |
Hangar | |
| A hangar can repair damage, manufacture ammunition and refit planes with the newest technology. All of these operations require raw materials, so hangars should be connected to stored materials. |
| Armor | 12 | | Turns | | | Costs | 12 |
| Hitpoints | 56 | | (to build) | 6 | | | |
| Scan | 3 | | | | | | |
Dock | |
| A dock can repair damage, manufacture ammunition and refit ships with the newest technology. All of these operations require raw materials, so docks should be connected to stored materials. |
| Armor | 12 | | Turns | | | Costs | 12 |
| Hitpoints | 56 | | (to build) | 6 | | | |
| Scan | 3 | | | | | | |
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