Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded

M.A.X.R. Research and Colonization Buildings

Habitats house colonists. Each habitat houses enough colonists to operate three research centers, training halls or eco-spheres. The colonist buildings must be connected to the habitat befor they can operate.
ArmorArmor 8 CargoTurns Cargo Costs20
HitpointsHitpoints56 (to build) 10   
ScanScan3 EnergyConsumes1 HumansProduces3

Research Center
Research centers investigate ways to improve your units. Unlike upgrades purchased with refined gold, research takes time, and the improvements are small. Hovever, research affects all of your units instead of just one type, and doesn't require a source of gold ore. A research center requires colonists from a habitat to operate, and power.
ArmorArmor 8 CargoTurns Cargo Costs24
HitpointsHitpoints56 (to build) 12   
ScanScan3 EnergyConsumes1 HumansConsumes1

Gold Refinery
Refinery for converting gold into credits. Credits are required to purchase unit improvements. To run, a gold refinery needs a source of gold ore. A mining station can produce gold ore if one of its four squares covers a square with underground gold.
ArmorArmor 8 CargoTurns Cargo Costs24
HitpointsHitpoints56 (to build) 12   
ScanScan3 EnergyConsumes1 GoldConsumes5

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