Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded

News: MAXR 0.2.11 Release

MAXR 0.2.11 Release

We're happy to announce MAXR 0.2.11 with many new features and bugfixes.

1. Releases

AmigaOS Amiga OS4 (lha) -- No (not yet) Question maxr-0.2.4 No (not yet)
Mac OSX >= 10.4 (dmg) Yes maxr-0.2.8 -- -- --
Tux Source (tar.gz) Yes maxr-0.2.11
Yes resinstaller-0.2.9
-- -- Yes maxr-0.2.9
Yes resinstaller-0.2.9
Windows Windows (exe) -- Yes maxr-0.2.11 -- No (not yet)

If it is not there you may help us and create the missing package!


Package manual.pdf
Search Frequently Asked Questions


If maxr fails to start maxr.log is a good place to start. If you're stucked it might be a good idea to take a look at the manual. Please report crashes, bugs, odd behaivors or differences to the original game on the Bugtracker.
Hint: Drop by on the Discord to find other players. There is no game lobby or some sort of master server. MAXR is a standalone application and you have to find other players the old way. Ask your friends, on the Discord or even on the bbs. Remember about timezones when you party.

Make sure to check the manual for hotkeys and ingame commands.

Quote by ChangeLog:

Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded 0.2.11
-requires C++17 compilers
-fix crash when not enough place for initial resources placement.
-fix map initialization for multi-player.
-disable shortcut for locked button.
-key combination/sequence (Use COMMA/PLUS for special key '+'/','; fix case with 3+ items).
-add dated state for unit status string.
-display resource capacity for unit in transporter
-handle storedUnits for casualties report and unit list report.
-building stops sentry.
-allow to have preview path (Shift+Left-Mouse-Button).
-don't show unit's price in upgrade refinery.
-In cWindowLandingUnitSelection, hide price for non-buyable units. markAsInsufficient items when needed.
-add button to re-show the intro.
-fix cMouseModeEnter::canExecuteAction when transporter is at same place at utility building (connector/road/platform).
-landed planes blocks ground.
-draw also neutral(alien) units on minimap.
-show scene before game start (for solo game).
-unit version ("MK X") changes when upgrade is "used", not changed.
-update display when unit version changes.
-report alien detected.
-handle plural for some translations.

Many many thanks to all the coders, artists, nightly build players, packagers that made this release possible Respect
Comments (2) Written by Jarod42, Jun 09, 2023 5:57 pm

News: maxr v2.10 released

MAXR 0.2.10 Release

We're happy to announce MAXR 0.2.10 with many new features and bugfixes.

1. Releases

Now on GitHub:

Quote by ChangeLog:

Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded 0.2.10
-changed shortcut to toggle debug frames from CTRL+w to CTRL+ALT+w to reduce likelihood of enabling it by accident.
-update path to bugtracker, fixes #1098
-fixed #1006: write saved map positions (Alt + F5-8) to savegame file
-refactoring client/server model (now all clients have full knowledge)
-fixed cost calculation of pre game speed upgrades
-fixed speed of submarines under bridges ; #1113
-multiplayer games can be resumed without defeated players. Fixed #1032
-requires C++14 compilers
-allow to save game from dedicated server
-maj of all French translations.
-use new clan logo images
-migrated from Xml to Json
-migrated from Xml translation to gettext format (.po) using spiritless_po (so no .mo)
-improve dedicatedserver support to simplify configuration from (pseudo) host
-add alien support.
Comments (0) Written by Jarod42, Apr 27, 2023 12:42 pm

News: Now on Discord

MAXR now on Discord

Hello fella MechCommander! You can find us also on Discord!
Join us here
Thx beko!

See ya there,
Comments (4) Written by Sal, Feb 14, 2019 12:58 am

News: MAXR 0.2.9 Release

MAXR 0.2.9 Release

We're happy to announce MAXR 0.2.9 with many new features and bugfixes. The Changelog speaks for itself:

1. Releases

Mac OSX >= 10.4 (dmg) -- -- -- No (not yet)
Tux Source (tar.gz) Yes maxr-0.2.9
Yes resinstaller-0.2.9
-- -- Yes maxr-0.2.9
Yes resinstaller-0.2.9
Windows Windows (exe) -- Yes maxr-0.2.9 -- No (not yet)

If it is not there you may help us and create the missing package!


Package manual.pdf
Search Frequently Asked Questions


Due many changes we recommend a fresh install of MAXR especially when you make use of the resinstaller. Some game resources changed and if you e.g. don't have sound any more you know that you have to rerun resinstaller 0.2.9.


If maxr fails to start maxr.log is a good place to start. If you're stucked it might be a good idea to take a look at the manual. Please report crashes, bugs, odd behaivors or differences to the original game on the Bugtracker.
Hint: Drop by on the Discord to find other players. There is no game lobby or some sort of master server. MAXR is a standalone application and you have to find other players the old way. Ask your friends, on the Discord or even on the bbs. Remember about timezones when you party.

Make sure to check the manual for hotkeys and ingame commands.

Job offer: You got some free time and want to get involved? Waste precious leisure time without getting money for it? We're still looking for translators, testers, sound artists, packager for various distros and especially an amiga porter! Just report on the bbs or on the Discord or send us a mail/postcard Smiling

Quote by ChangeLog:

Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded 0.2.9
-migrated from sdl to sdl2
-changed movement control: press CTRL to fly over other units. Otherwise the other unit is selected.
-new chat box, including chat log and player list
-implemented chat box in landing selection screen
-implemented RETURN and ESC shortcuts in menues and dialogs where appropriate
-implemented mouse wheel scroll support in all lists
-implemented colorpicker for player colors (removes 8 player limit)
-implemented position dependent, stereo "3D" sound effects
-implemented hot seat mode
-implemented turn time limit
-improved right mouse button scroll
-improved possible key combinations for hot keys
-improved turn time clock
-fixed missing units after loading a game
-fixed turn based mode
-fixed resolution detection (multiple display support)
-fixed various missing status updates in GUI
-fixed various situations where a wrong cursor has been displayed
-rewrite internal attack implementation (fixes frozen units, and reduce delays before impact)
-new code behind the menus and the in-game GUI
-tons of bugs and crashes fixed

Many many thanks to all the coders, artists, nightly build players, packagers that made this release possible Respect

If you like this project please donate! Embarrassing
Comments (5) Written by Eiko, Jun 25, 2016 2:39 pm

switch Last 10 active topics

Nov 07, 2024 6:11 pm: maxr v0.2.17 released by Sal
Apr 12, 2024 4:04 pm: maxr v0.2.16 released by Jarod42
Mar 24, 2024 10:09 pm: maxr v2.15 released by .GodRage
Mar 02, 2024 7:08 pm: [MAXR] Programm Abstürze by camillo
Feb 03, 2024 5:52 pm: [MAXR] Seeking Volunteers for Polish Localization of M.A.X.R. Game by ngne
Feb 02, 2024 12:02 am: [MAXR] Import Broken? by Jarod42
Feb 01, 2024 11:54 pm: maxr v2.14 released by Jarod42
Aug 24, 2023 11:11 am: MAXR 0.2.11 Release by .GodRage
Apr 27, 2023 12:42 pm: maxr v2.10 released by Jarod42
Mar 18, 2023 10:55 am: [MAXR] IA generated images by Sal

All times are GMT +01:00. Current time: 3:17 pm.