Show whole topic Aug 23, 2008 10:06 am
alzi Offline
Developer, Moderator
Registered since: Aug 12, 2007
Location: Ditzingen (nahe Stuttgart)

Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
Hey shaktazuki,

I am building maxr in VS8 and i don't think there has been changed much from version 8 to 9, so i can help you with this.
I have written a tutorial how to build maxr on VS but it's in german. Here is the link. Maybe the pictures can help you.

As short description you have to download first of all, all the sdl files, turtoise svn, anksvn and so on. (you can find all download links in the beginning of the howto). After downloading install everthing what has to be installed.

Then you have to compile SDL and TinyXml with own settings. I don't know how the option is called in english but you will have to change it from "Multithreaded-Debug-Dll" to "Multithreaded-Debug". To find this you have to search in the project prefernces, and maybe here the pictures of the howto will help you.

After compiling the libs and dlls you can apply the maxr projekt were you have to include the SDL and TinyXML libs.
The source files you will get trough SVN.

I know this was a just a very short introduction so that you know roughly what to do.
If there are any questions, just come into the chat and ask for me Wink
Albert Ziegenhagel