Show whole topic Sep 28, 2008 11:10 pm
Artlav Offline
Approved Member
Registered since: Jul 16, 2008
Location: Moscow

Subject: Re: max file formats
Quote by shaktazuki:
It will extract them from the RES file. What I want to do, however, is use the RES directly in game without having to convert the contents to another file format and saving the converted files and then using the converted files.
Quote by beko:
the russians do it that way. you may PM Artlaw and ask him about.
It's been long since we done it that way, current versions got most of the graphics directly from max.res, without any excess disk operations using a virtual filesystem scheme.
Also, PDA version have all files packed into MAXG resource format, based on the same scheme.

shaktazuki: The "Artlaw" account on this forum is lost, this one i use.
I've answered about file formats in your post on my club forum, to repeat it in here:
Quote by Artlav:

There are description of max.res and files inside it, found here, for example:
BabelFish gives a usable translation, but if needed i can do a clear one for you.

WRL format is well-described, but where it is described, i cannot remember now.
If you still need it, i can describe it for you.

FON format was never decoded by my best knowledge.

DMO is a save game, format of the saved games is partially decoded - good enough to import games into MAXGold, but not vice-versa, due to many blind spots.
What do you expect to do with it? A save game editor of some kind?

Quote by Sal:
but Fon is the same like from fallout ( afaik! ) and other interplay games...
Sounds good, do you have any searchable clues for that description? FON sounds like fonts, and original fonts will be useful to MAXG, and probably MAXR too.
Artyom Litvinovich