Show whole topic Oct 19, 2008 1:09 pm
Falkenhayn Offline
Registered since: Oct 18, 2008
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Subject: Re: Installing M.A.X.R. Instructions?
Greetings, Folks!

I justr stumbled across this page and have been instantly reminded of this terrific game I once was quite obsessed with (back in 1996, when it was shiny and new). So, thrilled by the possibility of reliving the glory days, I downloaded the tiny (~5 MB) installation file which even started with the old familiar screen, but alas! It stopped prematurely with the following message: "loading vehicles ... ERROR! Check maxr.log.
Needless to say, I did as I was commanded, but sadly enough I am no *real* Nerd, and therefore maxr.log is just gibbergabber to me - or, rather a list of files from the original game..

Then I looked for further possibilities and finally discovered, that abandonwaregames provides another version. Sadly, that one wouldn't even allow me to begin the installation, because my shiny new PC works on a 64bit basis, while the game needs 16bit.

Having no real clue what to do about the matter I hereby turn to you, the Masters of this site. Please enlighten me with your infinite wisdom and make that I can once again enjoy the rapture that is M.A.X.!
Pretty please?

I am, and shall remain, yours
