Show whole topic Dec 03, 2008 9:21 am
leafknode Offline
Registered since: Dec 03, 2008
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Subject: Re: Multiplayer Hosting
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I figured it all out with some ingenuity. Basically, here are the steps I followed:

For Win:
1. run 'ipconfig' to get your pc's 'private' IP. Depending on which type of router you're using this will be a subnet of something like 10.0.1.* or 192.168.1.* (former is Mac, latter is Win)
2. Connect to your router's admin console and map the MAX port (I think 56800 is the default) to your pc's private IP (I did both UDP and TCP)
3. Somewhere in your router admin console it will display the IP of your modem, write this down or commit to memory.
4. Test that you've correctly configured the port by running 2 MAX instances; use one as the host and the other as the client. On the Host instance, start a TCP/IP Host game. On the client, start a TCP/IP host client and enter the IP of your modem from step 3. If you can connect, you've successfully mapped the port

Hope this helps others until you finish the documentation.