Show whole topic Apr 21, 2009 10:05 am
beko Offline
Developer, Administrator
Registered since: Jun 04, 2004
Location: Cresbach

Subject: Debug Night
Debug Night

Hi Guest! It's time to prepare our next release. For this Eiko announced a huge test game on wednesday (22nd) evening at 19 o'clock (GMT+1). Please join us on the [url=docs.php?id=11]IRC[/url] where all the games will start and report bugs on our [url=docs.php?id=22]Bugtracker[/url] (login with your forum account).

We hope for several network games with our new features gold upgrades, research, stealth, stealing, disabling, group selection and an overworked graphics engine for better performance. You'll need the latest developer version fresh from SVN to play and perhaps a testing map. Windowsuser can download a patch for the latest release 0.2.4 on the IRC featuring a crash report handler. Linuxusers may refer to the nightly builds. You can always compile MAXR on your own of course.

Please keep in mind that this isn't some kind of league but a debug session. We expect bugs to be reported and not to be exploited! Some bugs can be fixed on the server without restarting a game too. We want action, screenshots and clean fun here - try different strategies and not the boring p1mp my rocket launcher and play death from above types only.

Let's MAX! Holy Eight

Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."