Show whole topic May 30, 2009 7:06 pm
Sandman Offline
, Approved Member
Registered since: Jul 30, 2004
Location: MG

Subject: Setons Clutch 256*256
Setons Clutch
Size: 256*256
Players: 4-10
© Sandman

Inspired by the original Supreme Commanders "Setons Clutch" Map. Great Battles on Sea, Air and Land. Players from the sea dominate the narrow path in the middle. Land units on both continents canĀ“t easily engage each other. Good for allied play.

Latest Version: "Setons Clutch RT3" 30.05.2009

Setons Clutch - Selecting Landingzone.PNG
Downloads: 13333
Filesize: 160.29 KB
Setons Clutch RT3.rar
Downloads: 19165
Filesize: 66.11 KB
Setons Clutch.png
Downloads: 12553
Filesize: 59.30 KB

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaahhhh..." [spotted Infiltrator!] Angel
This post has been edited 7 times. Last edit on Jun 21, 2009 11:48 pm by Sandman.