Show whole topic Sep 13, 2009 2:51 pm
Macil Offline
Registered since: Aug 09, 2008
Location: Harper Woods, Michigan (USA)

Subject: Future Feature Concern...
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I'm just a bit new around the actual forums of this website.

I just wanted to point out a little concern on a minor detail in M.A.X. Reloaded that does not match the abilities the classic M.A.X. allowed you to do that was critical to the game (at least in my strategy). I remember being able to right click an enemy unit and being able to view their information revealing all the upgrades that had been done to that unit in particular. That always helped in my strategy immensely and I was just curious if this is a planned future feature. Just figured it could be one of those minor little things that could slip through the cracks easily and figured I'd express my concern.

Also, one other thing. I know the old M.A.X. didn't feature this (not that I know of at least), but I think a team play mode would be beneficial to multiplayer mode - not sure if this is included already or planned for M.A.X. Reloaded so, just throwing it out there.

At any rate, great job so far. Awesome remake!