Show whole topic Mar 06, 2012 3:20 am
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Subject: Re: strategy and tactics
Post 4

When you have gold refined, keep it until you found a plan. Then let the gold work for your plan. Do not spreed the gold widely.

Better to upgrade in one big step, than in lot of smalls steps, so you save ressources.

Always keep some refined gold in the back to stay flexible and able to react. So you can e.g. kill planes, suddenly widen the anti-air range, or saving attacked mines, by adding more lifepoints to it.

Like in chess, you like to let your opponent as long as you can in the dark. He will look with "info" at your units and buildings, knowing where you put your gold into. You want the element of surprise on your side.

Generally you go with your clan and push the initial advantages, but even then you have choices where to park the gold. I like to see a lot, so radar upgrades might be clan independently good.
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