Show whole topic Jun 04, 2012 12:28 am
nonsinn Offline
G-Mod, Approved Member
Registered since: Apr 02, 2012
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Subject: Secrets to play with you a multiplayer?
Please follow this HOW-TO step-by-step.
If something not working correct, join us on Discord or IRC (Bridge-Bot to Discord running ...most likely) and feel free to ask Smiling .

¿Why you made this HOW-TO?
⇒ To share an easy way to update your MAXR-version, because the hardcore-gaming-folks that's waiting in the IRC for others to play, are normally using developing versions of MAXR. In addition we play with all included advantages and disadvantages of this versions, to support the developers to find *new* bugs Smiling .


You need:
  • internet access to download (if you can read this, you should have access Innocent ).
You get:
  • latest MAXR-SVN installation that's normally works fine...

So let's start:
  1. Download and install the latest stable version.
  2. Download the newest SVN, that is available on the Snapshots-Page
    • There are versions for Windows and Linux,
    • Latest file include latest,
    • so pick out what you need
    • (win-users are, most of the time, going fine with the *eiko-win32-lastet*-zip)
  3. Extract the archive to the destination you want
  4. Copy your install directory from the latest stable, rename it to something fitting and copy the content of the *latest* file into the copied stable directory.
  5. Run maxr.
  6. Enjoy!

Old 'look and feel':

It's just additionally for all, who are loving the old style.
You need:
  • Original install CD or installed MAX.
  • (Visual-)Resinstaller.
You get:
  • the old 'look and feel'.

Attention: I just can describe the way for windows users!
(maybe someone with another OS can do this for 'his' OS too Wink )

For windows-OS:
  1. get the Resinstaller
    • the resinstaller is included in the maxr install-exe (at least in 0.2.7.-install-exe).
    • download this exe from the Download-page.
    • install it
  2. use the Resinstaller (different possibilities)
    1. for a generally HOW-TO read the resinstaller's about.
    2. additionally I made a bat-file and attached it to this posting.
      • this bat is made for all people, who won't configure (visuall-)resinstaller every time they need it. So feel free to use.
      • read the bat before you use it!
      • YOU have to configure it!
      • to edit the bat, open it with a text-editor (NO word or open-office!) something close to notepad or any Competing software of notepad such as notepad++ (npp),...

Additional note by nonsinn:
rewrite 'Additionally steps...'
Additional note by nonsinn:
bat-update, some little fixes
Additional note by nonsinn 2021-01-08:
Some encode fixing nstuff + new batch

the bat isn't an 'official' file from this project it's from me -- so ask me if you have problem with it Smiling

Downloads: 11634
Filesize: 1.87 KB

[15:23:19] nonsinn [..] heißt nun bug-hunter
[19:58:09] Eiko_ [..] heißt nun mother-of-bugs
[20:38:11] <bug-hunter> mother-of-bugs: ..argh..
[20:38:26] <@mother-of-bugs> want some new bugs?
This post has been edited 8 times. Last edit on Jan 08, 2021 9:25 pm by nonsinn.