Show whole topic Dec 18, 2012 10:28 am
Sal Offline
, G-Mod
Registered since: Jun 07, 2004
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Subject: Re: Patches für MAX in diversen Sprachen
Max 1.03 eng .

MAX Patch Version 1.03

The patch should include the following files:

MAXRUN.NEW (New Max EXE file)
READMET.NEW (Text version of the readme file)
READMEW.NEW (Windows Write version of the readme file)
PATCH.BAT (Batch file to update MAX to 1.03)
PATCH.TXT (This file)

To install the MAX Patch, copy all files into your current MAX subdirectory
and type:

PATCH <enter>

This will rename your current files with a .OLD extension and update your
MAX version to 1.03.

Downloads: 1197
Filesize: 782.89 KB

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