Show whole topic Aug 10, 2014 7:51 pm
ness Offline
Registered since: Nov 12, 2010
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Subject: Re: Singlepayer scenario
Here is the patch, it applies on 51a346910372febd61aba6b5edcdefd3e00f80ac
(maybe no problem on more recent, but it depends what you changed ^^)
It contains 3 commits:
1. QtCreator project file to build directly from QtCreator
2. Lua library
3. The maxr code patch that implements scenarios

The code still has lots of "todos" but demonstrates what is possible.

No I did not read the older thread before; I also added a C++ binding that is called "Lunar" and does not requires boost.
The ideas are the same, on maxr events (start turn, end turn, enemy in sight, ...) lua functions is called, maxr add "context" to lua function call (visible units, map, etc...) and lua code can operate the units (move, attack, etc).


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