Show whole topic Sep 10, 2014 10:46 pm
ness Offline
Registered since: Nov 12, 2010
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Subject: Re: Singlepayer scenario

Glad you had the time look at it, and that you like it Smiling

I will upload a new package in few days, now AI can put units on 'patrol', follow a path on the map.
I'd like to have at least one 'playable' scenario (not just for tests) to demonstrate what the system can do up to now.

For the code:

* code guidelines: yes i wrote quickly at first time, now I'll try to find some time to reach the guidelines... but is it necessary to read and learn all those 94 rules ? Sad

* cGame and other maxr class usage. I did my best to understand how it works and interface the scenario, trying to 'copy-paste' from singleplayer game and some other classes. Of course this is not optimal and refactoring will be necessary; this is not a problem at all.

Question: for git submission, do you have also guidelines for git commits, do I need to rebase all commit in one big commit or could it be that the day to day commit stays in the scenario branch ?
