beko Mar 30, 2009 10:49 pm
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Hi $andman - schön ein altes Gesicht zu sehen Smiling

PK. Apr 13, 2009 12:35 pm
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Hello everyone,

I returned to MAX after some pause. Your new version is now really amazing. My congratulations.
Some of you knew me as PK ( from Poland ). I play with Russians on their forum.
I do not speak German, so please answer in English.

I see you are playing new max in realtime or turnbased?
Can I join? I got 0.2.4 version. What are most common bugs?



beko Apr 14, 2009 1:38 pm
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Hi PK, nice to see you around again.

You can play maxr like the original turn based or in simultanous mode - everybody do their turns at the same time. We usually play like this. The real turn based mode isn't used much and may even be buggy. When you play with this please report any problems on our Bugtracker.

Drop by on the IRC chat if you want to play. Especially in the evening. There are usually people around that would like to play. Make sure to download or compile the SVN version if you want to play with the people on the IRC because we usually play with the developers version with more features (and bugs Smiling )

To check about bugs and fixed bugs also check the Bugtracker

Nager May 25, 2009 10:43 pm
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Game with Sandman and Mr. Weedy on 30th of April.

I went Missile Cruisers + Heavy Air and went through Mr. Weedy's base without problems. Sandman however was heavily bunkered up and his defenses had insane upgrades on them. I only made very slow progress until we halted the game in Turn 201.
09-04-30_sandman-mrweedy_t201-front2.jpg (Filesize: 253.28 KB)
09-04-30_sandman-mrweedy_t139-front1.jpg (Filesize: 287.45 KB)
09-04-30_sandman-mrweedy_t201-home.jpg (Filesize: 268.87 KB)

Nager May 25, 2009 11:02 pm
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Game with Choco, Pedi and Sandman.
We played with sparse density - resource distribution seemed to be a bit problematic. Resources were generally sparse but there were some very rich "clusters" of resources that gave the player who owned them quite an advantage. I happened to have three of those clusters under my control while Sandman f.e. had none.

Game itself was not very spectacular. Around turn 30 I harassed Pedi and Choco (schnippelldippl) with bomber / scout combo and did quite some damage until I finally lost all my air units to Sandmans base.
Later on I destroyed an Exe of Pedis and temporarily crippled his base before he managed to drive me out. I then destroyed Chocos base in the middle with Missile Crawler drops / air attacks and started attacking Sandmans defenses, when the game crashed because I had forgotten that in the Release infiltrators can not be used on buildings without the game crashing.
09-05-25_choco-pedi-sandman_t106-front1.jpg (Filesize: 235.38 KB)
09-05-25_choco-pedi-sandman_t125-home.jpg (Filesize: 233.43 KB)
09-05-25_choco-pedi-sandman_t125-res.jpg (Filesize: 412.53 KB)

rbtux May 27, 2009 12:48 am
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Kurzes Feedback (Screens folgen)

hab soeben mit dem Bruder wieder begonnen zu zocken. Wir sind in der 120 Runde und bis jetzt gab es keine gröberen Probleme... Werden das Spiel sicher noch fertig spielen ;-))

Einwenig unschön ist, das die Einheiten auf Wachposten nicht selber schiessen :-(, an das depot/hangar/dock ladeverhalten habe ich mich bereits gewöhnt, die Flugzeugsteuerung ist nicht immer so ganz einfach aber das klappt auch einigermassen...

Bin wieder voll im Fieber ;-))

beko May 27, 2009 8:49 am
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Sie schießen auf Wachposten. Tun sie es nicht klemmt etwas. Wir brauchen die Logs und am besten den Speicherstand. Ist es nach dem Neuladen behoben, klemmte irgendwo ein Job.

Eiko May 27, 2009 9:23 am
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Ach verdammt... Undecided Ich fürchte ich komme nicht drumherum mir eine alternative Implementierung der Attack Jobs zu überlegen. Von hängenden Jobs hab ich schon öfters gehört...

rbtux May 27, 2009 10:16 am
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Ich werde das noch etwas genauer beobachten... Und dann mit entsprechenden Saves etc... belegen.

Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, standen ein UBoat ein Missile Boat und eine AWAC nahe bei einander... Die AWAC sah das gegnerische Gun Boat und dieses war auch in der Reichweite des Missile Boats... jedoch geschah nichts bis ich selber schoss...

Nager Jun 17, 2009 12:46 am
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Game with Choco, Pedi and Sandman. Map of choice was Sandman's 256x256 "Pacific". We played with 0.2.5 Release.

I spawned isolated on North America, while Choco had Australia for himself and Pedi and Sandman were both in the Antarctica.
Considering the map size my game plan was to go with all out air planes. Since upgraded air defenses are very good against air craft, I knew that I had to have a *lot* of planes and in my quiet isolation I built up a rather large base to support my army.

My usual early game harass failed to do any damage because I attacked Choco first, who is quite used to my playstyle and defended with ease which resulted in the early loss of all of my planes. Since Choco was on his own I decided to keep an eye on him as a serious threat and proceeded to send some occasional waves of submarines to him to keep him entertained and focused on sea defence while I built my air force until I had 9 hangars full of ground attack planes.

When I finally moved out around turn 150, the task of simultaneously sending my planes down south in groups of 12 was a hard nut to crack for my computer. With more than a hundred movement jobs to be completed, each end of turn would take minutes to finish and in the meantime my computer would stall almost completely with maxed out CPU usage. However, to my surprise only a small number of units got "stuck" (e.g. they would not respond to any orders any more) and my first attack on Sandman with a wave of ~30 planes went very smooth without any stability hiccups or CPU usage overkill - however, after this successful "test run", I then got cocky and sent *all* of my remaining air forces into Sandmans defenses with one movement order - which *didn't* crash the server, but led to stalled attack jobs that would result in the turn not ending. We had to reload and decided to quit the game for the time being.

Lesson learned: Play faster games on smaller maps only. Maps of 256x256 size are unsuited for competetive play and moreso with the current state of the game in terms of supporting heavy macro play with big sized armies.

Screenshots show my base in turns 64 and 151, and the bulk of my air force before the push.
09-06-11_choco-pedi-sandman_t064-home.jpg (Filesize: 248.83 KB)
09-06-11_choco-pedi-sandman_t151-home.jpg (Filesize: 306.30 KB)
09-06-11_choco-pedi-sandman_t153-front.jpg (Filesize: 306.21 KB)