beko Jan 28, 2009 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Na denn.. Respect

Nager Jan 31, 2009 12:11 am
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Another game vs Choco with Rev 1903. After a sloppy start with messing up build orders, building mining stations instead of power stations and loosing my shipyard to submarines I slowly found back into the game and managed to contain Choco, who subsequently decided to bunker up like there's no tomorrow. I made two attempts at breaking his defences with heavy air, but didn't get far due to lack of experience and general slowness. Choco was pressuring me with instantly putting every turn on the 90sec timer and i was simply incapable of moving enough bombers into shooting position within the time window. A unit grouping option is desperately missed. IMO, this should have higher priority than ingame upgrades.

After 188 (!) turns we quit and later decided to call it a draw.
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Nager Jan 31, 2009 12:18 am
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

The next game (again vs Choco) was somewhat shorter. This time I was lucky with Ressources and Shipyard timing and managed to harrass with Submarines, Bombers and finally drop some pimped tanks in his backyard. Stability was excellent. Smiling
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Mira Jan 31, 2009 11:26 am
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Hi !

A short test !

beko Jan 31, 2009 4:18 pm
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Hi Mira Smiling

You play with SVN? You should consider upgrading your version. We fixed many bugs since 1789

Nager Feb 03, 2009 6:28 pm
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Quote by Nager:
Another game vs Choco with Rev 1903. After a sloppy start with messing up build orders, building mining stations instead of power stations and loosing my shipyard to submarines I slowly found back into the game and managed to contain Choco, who subsequently decided to bunker up like there's no tomorrow. I made two attempts at breaking his defences with heavy air, but didn't get far due to lack of experience and general slowness. Choco was pressuring me with instantly putting every turn on the 90sec timer and i was simply incapable of moving enough bombers into shooting position within the time window. A unit grouping option is desperately missed. IMO, this should have higher priority than ingame upgrades.

After 188 (!) turns we quit and later decided to call it a draw.

Newer CVS builds were again able to open the savegame so we decided to continue this game. While Choco bunkered up some more i made several attempts to break his defences with Bombers. At one point I simply sent my whole air force into his defences and after the initial losses had quite some firepower in place. Unfortunately for me the game still lags like crazy when buildings are destroyed or are about to be destroyed. Between the order to fire and the actual execution lie 10 seconds and more - not always, but sometimes. In the end, unable to fire or to move out of place I lost the whole group to the end of the turn timer.

In the current state of the game it is simply impossible to launch an air strike against a well defended target within the 90 seconds limit.

Having lost my planes I decided to build up a sea force while still sneakily building more bombers and sending them around to the back of his base. In the end, after a whopping 274 (!) turns Choco surrendered after I had destroyed the major part of his economy with air assaults from the back and finally gained complete sea control with submarines.

274 turns - is that a record? Wink
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Nager Feb 04, 2009 9:48 pm
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Playing frenzy continues. Wink

Very fun game vs. beko. Initially xarvh was in as well, but he dropped after a couple of turns due to other "obligations". Beko started out in a rather bad starting location for a two players game, while I was quickly able to establish a thriving economy. While beko slowly expanded under the protection of his insanely pimped defences, i grabbed most of the map, took sea control and started preparing for an upgraded tank push. To my surprise beko sneakily landed in my backyard and after some initial heavily micromanaged struggles managed to fortify his position there and forced me to retreat. I was contempt with just having a stand-off there and focused again on a (surprise) attack against his main base. Unfortunately my tank push got utterly decimated after it had just reached his base due to mines *everywhere* and a lack of repair units on my part.

Having failed my initial assault I macroed up more heavily, content with having the superior economy. I flew a bomber-raid against his fortified position in my back - unsuccessfully - and then decided to get my tanks rolling again after beko had delayed me time and time again with little micro moves - and this time with added repair units and air support (even though i wasted most of it), i waltzed through his defenses and left a nice path of destruction. I would have liked to see some statistics of destroyed units in the end, because there were a *lot* of them. Thanks for the fun game beko. Wink
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beko Feb 04, 2009 10:03 pm
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Holy.. that was a match Surprised I was in the defence from the beginning because of my bad starting position. I found only 3 material fields around my base and had a hard time escaping my dead end when I finially managed to establish an outpost with a suicidial attack over the see... successfull Laughing It was however just a question of time since the rest of this map already belonged to Nager. After 140 turns of mostly guerrilla attacks hitting Nager at unexpected points and a lot of close combat border fights I finally lost. A very very nice match and once again infantry showed it's worth Egoistic
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beko Feb 14, 2009 1:27 am
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

Pictures from todays match: Nager, Eiko, Pedi and me. I survived long enough when Nager arrived at my base (again). We stopped the game because I have to work tomorrow. I guess Nager won Smiling I gave Eiko and Nager a hard time however - as usual Laughing

I wonder whether Nager will still win when upgrades are implemented and we can counter his p1mp3d air planes.

Enjoy the pictures Smiling
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beko Feb 14, 2009 1:50 am
Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)

There are some more screenshots of the last match Smiling

Additional note by the author:
BTW: What moron claimed that turn based games are boring? That was stress pure again. Dodging those freakin' hit'n'run attacks is tricky.
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