Rauflin Jul 29, 2009 5:33 pm
Subject: Re: MAX players from Brazil (using the forum because it's easier than email too many people)

Galera sou novo aqui,
Contem comigo para as partidas.


Guys Im new user,
and ready to play.

[ ]'s

Sandman Aug 02, 2009 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: MAX players from Brazil (using the forum because it's easier than email too many people)

Move your bum to our chat then and hang out till you find someone! Grinning

Da Sandman

ctpaula Aug 31, 2009 11:03 pm
Subject: Re: MAX players from Brazil (using the forum because it's easier than email too many people)

Daee galera... sou mais um integrante do clube... posso jogar aos sábados de madrugada, horário que menos tenho coisa pra fazer e mais fico online... só preciso saber como fazer pra funcionar em rede, já funciona no DOSBox, só preciso saber como configurar a rede.


Hi people, more one to the club, i can play at saturday night, i just need a help to configure the net stuff... already did it work with DOSBox, just need the net things...


ThiagoLG Nov 01, 2009 12:39 am
Subject: Re: MAX players from Brazil (using the forum because it's easier than email too many people)

Quem quiser reunir para jogar basta baixar o Mirc http://www.mirc.com depois de instalar e abrir o programa digite: "/server irc.freenode.com" sem as " (aspas) vc vai ver umas mensagens sair na tela do mirc, aguarde, em seguida digite "/join #maxr" sem as " novamente, que é o canal oficial de bate papo do max reloaded.

Depois disso fale a vontade.

beko Nov 02, 2009 1:31 pm
Subject: Re: MAX players from Brazil (using the forum because it's easier than email too many people)

Hi ThiagoLG. I got your query but I'm offline at the moment. Trouble with my ISP so sorry for not responding. Try again next week - until that I'll only log all messages to my IRC user Wink

beko Nov 25, 2009 9:36 am
Subject: Re: MAX players from Brazil (using the forum because it's easier than email too many people)

You really should upgrade http://adrenaline.com.br/...ation.html guys. We still get hits on that old urls that are no more valid for.. years Smiling

ricardo.coluce Feb 28, 2010 11:04 pm
Subject: Re: MAX players from Brazil (using the forum because it's easier than email too many people)

Boa tarde,

Bom saber que não sou o único brasileiro a ser fã de MAX, estou disposto a ajudar na tradução do jogo...
Se alguem estiver trabalhando nela e quiser ajuda, me contate pelo msn: ricardo.coluce@gmail.com

Até mais,

sulimark Apr 15, 2010 8:43 pm
Subject: Re: MAX players from Brazil (using the forum because it's easier than email too many people)

Opa alguem ai jogando? Manda um mp pra mim! ou posta aqui!

ThiagoLG May 24, 2010 5:33 pm
Subject: Re: MAX players from Brazil (using the forum because it's easier than email too many people)

Iae galera, quem vai dar o passo inicial na tradução ? Ja são muitos jogadores brasileiros e podemos aumentar ainda mais a quantidade com a tradução.

ricardo.coluce Jul 26, 2010 12:06 am
Subject: Re: MAX players from Brazil (using the forum because it's easier than email too many people)

Bom, irei traduzir o meu xml aqui, depois envio pra quem quiser.

Quem quiser dar uma conferida ou me ajudar, me mande um email : ricardo.coluce@gmail.com