NeoGuardian Apr 17, 2009 8:20 am
Subject: Slovenian Translation

I am working on Slovenian (SLV) translation.

BTW - I found this page yesterday and all I have to say is: GREAT JOB!

beko Apr 17, 2009 11:46 am
Subject: Re: Slovenian Translation

Hi NeoGuardian,
very nice Smiling could you join us on the IRC to chat about that?

NeoGuardian Apr 18, 2009 4:16 pm
Subject: Re: Slovenian Translation

I have translated the file, and now I am perfecting it. What I noticed is, that MAX Reloaded doesn't support Slovenian characters 蚞ȊŽ... Is there any solution to that, or I shall use ordinary CSZ characters?

I am adding draft file in attachment, renaming it to .txt. You can load it and see where the problem is. Instead of čšž a square is shown.
lang_slv.txt (Filesize: 34.14 KB)

beko Apr 19, 2009 1:01 pm
Subject: Re: Slovenian Translation

I can draw that characters. I've to know what chars are missing exactly. Please point out the coordinates on this graphic:

NeoGuardian Apr 24, 2009 10:35 am
Subject: Re: Slovenian Translation

Coordinates are:
Š - 160-9
Ž - 170-4
Č - 200-0
š - 180-5
ž - 190-0
č - 230-2

Thank you.