RonCon Apr 15, 2012 3:16 am
Subject: Update Wishlist

I Hope we can get this in MAXr soon or later Smiling


1. Teammodus

2. Replayfunction - show all Gamemoves after ending , like in Supreme Commander

3. Hotkey for the Menü/Units End Button , so can fast end all Build or Transfermenü oder deselect any units

Sal Apr 15, 2012 3:30 am
Subject: Re: Update Wishlist

A Spectator mode!

format Apr 15, 2012 4:00 am
Subject: Re: Update Wishlist

Unter replay würde ich nie spielen. verrät ja alles. meiner meinung nach nur datenbalast, der permanent mit abgespeichert werden muss.
soll ja stabil sein.

team mode als option wäre interessant.

4. nur von griffin sollte alien units bauen können.

RonCon Apr 15, 2012 2:46 pm
Subject: Re: Update Wishlist

Well a replay can show you the tactics from other player Disappointed

But i want it the see the Action and Fun , not only hear far away firesounds ingame and see nothing.

I want see the Epic Battles not the tactics !

abominableDrunk Jul 03, 2012 12:12 am
Subject: Re: Update Wishlist

Lovin it!
but it would be sweeter with:

multiplayer lobby
single player AI
multimedia booster pack
more maps

fyzzo Jul 03, 2012 10:54 pm
Subject: Re: Update Wishlist

Quote by format:

4. nur von griffin sollte alien units bauen können.
Sinn? Niemand kann Aliens bauen o.O

Meine Wünsche existieren bereits als Tickets soweit ich weiß

Psyllo Jul 06, 2012 12:44 pm
Subject: Re: Update Wishlist

teamplay would be an awsome addition Grinning

icexuck Oct 07, 2012 5:06 pm
Subject: Re: Update Wishlist

First of all: This really is amazing.
I thought this project was going ahead anymore, but with the latest release i think there is a very good / solid game!
I'ts also amazing how good this game plays!

My whishlist for upcoming releases:
  • AI (skirmish)
  • more zoom-level (further in and out)
  • support for tablets!
  • aliens!

Eiko Oct 10, 2012 12:32 pm
Subject: Re: Update Wishlist

Hi icexuck,

1) AI: Well, AI would be great. And there are frequently some people who state, that they want to program an AI. Unfortunately only very basic results yet. But there is allays the original MAX with DOS emulator to play with AI.

2) Zoom-Level: The limit for zooming out is only the map size iirc (please correct me, if I am wrong). So you can't zoom out further if the map would be smaller than the screen size. For zooming in, we would need higher res graphics. So impossible for the original graphic set, and a lot of work for our own graphics. Maybe we can think about this, when time comes to rerender our graphics in png.

3) Tablets: Will probably never happen. Just because afaik non of the Devs have a tablet.

4) Aliens: Will be included! Probably in the next release.

fyzzo Oct 10, 2012 2:34 pm
Subject: Re: Update Wishlist

Handycaps would be nice.

sorry now german:
Jeder Spieler darf wählen, dass er weniger Start-credits bekommt und/oder dass seine Kosten höher sind. Quasi negativ-Forschung auf Gold.
Und der Host sollte dann irgendwie in der Lage sein diese Handicaps für jeden Spieler auch ins positive zu setzen. Also die Kostenverringerung kennt man ja schon von den Gott-Computern aus dem Original, somit wäre das dann ganz dynamisch auch schon mit drin. Smiling
Die Handicaps sollten für jeden Spieler sehr einfach einsehbar sein, damit der Host nicht unbemerkt Schwachsinn macht ^^