beko Nov 15, 2012 1:19 pm
Subject: Re: Offer: I build maxr on Mac OS X

Nope. PACKAGE_VERSION is only read if D_RELEASE or something like that.

maybeageek Nov 15, 2012 1:53 pm
Subject: Re: Offer: I build maxr on Mac OS X

ok, found the relevant section, manually set it right and re-built: correct svn-version is shown.

Well... I might be able to get the svn-version written into the file using a bash-script after svn-checkout. I myself hated the defines in cpp-programs ;-)
Never wrapped my head around them.

No I need to figure out why the speed is so much slower then with Toranaga's build.

beko Nov 15, 2012 3:13 pm
Subject: Re: Offer: I build maxr on Mac OS X

Don't reinvent the wheel. Have a look at

We're simply calling this while doing ./configure on Linux.

Toranaga Nov 15, 2012 10:34 pm
Subject: Re: Offer: I build maxr on Mac OS X

I don't know what could cause that your build is slower than my 0.2.8 release. One reason could be that the code has become slower since 0.2.8. But when I think back at the commits that have happened since 0.2.8 it's not very probable. But when I will find the time I will check for myself and compare a new build with the 0.2.8 release. When building I do nothing special. Just use the standard Xcode build function. I also can't say that I noticed a significant difference in speed between the release build and the debug build on my machine.

maybeageek Nov 16, 2012 1:19 pm
Subject: Re: Offer: I build maxr on Mac OS X

my main guess would be the compiler since apple switched like other unix-systems to llvm instead of gcc.
When I open the project I get asked if I want to update the build settings and then it choses the new compiler.

unfortunately I can't built anymore. When I switched back to gcc the built failed (with hundred of errors) and switching back to llvm resulted in the same errors.

I think I need to start from a new source file to test that out and don't let xcode chose new settings.

maybeageek Nov 16, 2012 1:29 pm
Subject: Re: Offer: I build maxr on Mac OS X

Ok, even when I start from scratch I get dozens of errors now :-(

so what I did:
  • install sdl 1.2.15, sdl_mix 1.2.12 and sdl_net 1.2.8 to the frameworks folder
  • download maxr-0.2.8.tar.gz and extract
  • remove *.cpp *.c and *.h from src-directory
  • download new source, which checks out okay as revision 3043: svn co svn:// ./
  • set the svn build manually in the defines.h
  • and open the max project

The last days that worked without problem and I could start building and so on, this time I immediately get the errors. (see attached picture)
Bildschirmfoto 2012-11-16 um 12.23.48.png (Filesize: 544.51 KB)

Jarod42 Nov 16, 2012 6:55 pm
Subject: Re: Offer: I build maxr on Mac OS X

in defines.h, there is
DownloadSource code (Text):
  1. #ifdef __main__
  2. # define EX
  3. #else
  4. # define EX extern
  5. #endif
which is correct.

I suspect you compile file as C file instead of C++.

Toranaga Nov 18, 2012 5:42 pm
Subject: Re: Offer: I build maxr on Mac OS X

I don't really know, what goes wrong, but maybe you should try "Product -> Clean" and then build again. If this doesn't work you should start newly with a clean check out. There should be no need to do this:

Quote by maybeageek:
  • download maxr-0.2.8.tar.gz and extract
  • remove *.cpp *.c and *.h from src-directory

The checkout should get you all the files needed for compiling. Then you will also start with the new xcode-project and can try again with the "clean" settings.
For playing you will need of course the content files from the "game" module.

P.S.: If useful: Xcode 4 normally stores the build related files here: /Users/yourusername/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

maybeageek Nov 21, 2012 11:30 am
Subject: Re: Offer: I build maxr on Mac OS X

Ok, somehow I can now build again. The strange thing is, that I did exactly what you wrote, but could not build getting this errors.
Well, maybe it has something to do with my Laptop at work, since I am here, ill at home using my iMac.

What version of xcode do you use Toranaga? Since I have 4.5.2 I have to update the project as xcode recommends the minute I open it. If I don't build fails because the wrong compiler is set. Other then this update I change nothing in the project and hit the build button.

Still, everything feels kind of slow, especially sounds and animations.

Toranaga Nov 21, 2012 11:19 pm
Subject: Re: Offer: I build maxr on Mac OS X

For building maxr I use Xcode 3.2.6, gcc 4.0 and 10.6 sdk - because I always did Smiling
I have Xcode 4.2 on my system (not the newest, I know...), but don't use it for maxr currently.
I think Xcode 3.2.6 is not available for OS X 10.8 (I'm still on OS X 10.6.8).

My sdl frameworks are also old: sdl_mixer 1.2.5, sdl 1.2.13 and sdl_net 1.2.5

But normally old shouldn't be better than new. So I don't know, why it is slow, when you build with the newest stuff.

P.S.: Gute Besserung!