Muthos Sep 13, 2014 7:11 pm
Subject: reloading of ammunition

Hello, i'm new here, i am french.

Il have dl maxr revision 3625.

Since 2 or 3 months, i play with another gamer, and a bug affects our gaming experience.
In a turn based game, the player who is joining the game have his units reloaded in ammunition in the beginning on his turn and in the beginning of the other player's turn who create the game.
For the player who create the game, his units is reloaded in ammunition only in the beginning on his turn.
It would be great if this bug is fixed in order to play at even strength.

alzi Sep 13, 2014 7:58 pm
Subject: Re: reloading of ammunition

Hello and welcome Muthos,

the turn-based mode (especially the turn end behavior) is known to be broken.

I could find two tickets about that in our bug tracker (the second one in german...):

Since most players are playing the simultanous mode the priority for bugs affecting this mode is higher. You may want to try the simultanous mode till the turn-based mode gets fixed.

Muthos Sep 14, 2014 2:56 pm
Subject: Re: reloading of ammunition

Thank you for your fast answer,

The bucktracker does not work on my browser, I have not been able to search.

The simultaneous mode is interesting, but I feel that in combat, the first who made ​​the trip to a disadvantage. (It seems too easy to place a mobile DCA in a plane, which will be auto shooting the next round if the plane does not have enough movement to avoid the shot).

Thank you for your great work.

alzi Sep 14, 2014 5:09 pm
Subject: Re: reloading of ammunition

Quote by Muthos:
The bucktracker does not work on my browser, I have not been able to search.

Is it possible that you tried to access the old bugtracker (

We just recently moved from Trac to GitLab and maybe not all links have been adjusted yet (sorry for that).

You should be able to find the new bug tracker at

This one should work an almost any (current) browser. If it does not work it would be nice to know which browser + operating system you are using.

alzi Sep 16, 2014 5:04 pm
Subject: Re: reloading of ammunition

Some news on the problem:

today I fixed the turn end/start issues for both hot seat and turn based mode.

This means the bug will not be present any more in our next stable release.

If you do not want to wait for the next stable release, you may want to try to build maxr from source.

If you do not want to do this either you have at least to wait till the change gets merged in our master branch and the nightly builds get fixed. Sadly, I can not state the date when any of those too will happen.

Muthos Sep 17, 2014 8:39 pm
Subject: Re: reloading of ammunition

Hi Alzi,

Thank you for the URL, it works.

You bring me good news Smiling

What do you words as "to build maxr from source. ?
This requires a modification of files or file replacement?

alzi Sep 18, 2014 10:57 am
Subject: Re: reloading of ammunition

Building maxr from source means to create the executable file (maxr.exe) from the newest C++ source code by yourself.

The problem with that is, that we currently do not have any up-to-date tutorial how to do this (this is because internaly we changed a lot of things lately). And I think if you have never done something like this before, it may be very hard to figure out how to do it by yourself.

But on the other side we have a face-to-face meeting next weekend where I think we will discuss some important stuff that will allow us to either update the nightly builds and/or tutorials shortly afterwards. So maybe just waiting for some more weeks would be the best decision.