mdooligan Oct 11, 2016 4:50 am
Subject: Control the order of maps in map selection window

As it is, the order of the maps in the map selection window is "disk order", whichever random way your OS/filesystem drivers store and retrieve the maps on the physical device.

I'm not particularly happy with this situation. I want my favorite maps on the first page, and all the rest after that.

After some look at src/ui/graphical/menu/windows/windowmapselection/windowmapselection.cpp, I came up with a plan: I made a list of known maps, and put it in a list, new file src/ui/graphical/menu/windows/windowmapselection/maplist.h.

Then I write routine in the cpp::void cWindowMapSelection::loadMaps() that caselessly compares the filenames and sorts them according to my list. So, if you want to change the order, you just tweak maplist.h and re-compile.

I works beautifully. If you'd like to see my dirty hack, just let me know.