Jarod42 Feb 01, 2024 11:54 pm
Subject: maxr v2.14 released

MAXR 0.2.14 Release

We're happy to announce MAXR 0.2.14.

1. Releases

Now on GitHub:


Quote by ChangeLog:

Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded 0.2.14
- Fix game initialization: initial resources should be correct now (mining station would have resources)
- Fix loading of TCP games.
- Fix window for resources redistribution (especially when gold > oil).
- Fix some issues when shorten (utf-8) string
- Draw possible shots with path
- Improve some buttons' status ("play"/"pause" of "unit video", "up"/"down" button in loading, "send" button in network lobby)
- Include resinstaller repo inside Maxr repo
- Include CrashReporter in Win32 installer