Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded

#1 Oct 06, 2016 9:38 pm
mdooligan mdooligan Offline
Approved Member
Registered since: Dec 07, 2008
Posts: 36

Subject: MAXr Ascii Art challenge
I launch maxr from the command line. 0.2.8 was very verbose on startup, but 0.2.9 is not, it dumps everything to a logfile. Thank you very much for this feature.

This allows an opportunity to have startup script which shows some nice ascii art for the terminal to display while you inflict your enemies with mark IV missile crawlers.

Here are a few examples straight from ascii art webpage, in code tags to keep fixed width font:
DownloadSource code (Text):
  1.    __     __)  _____   __   __)  
  2.   (, /|  /|   (, /  | (,  |/    
  3.     / | / |     /---|     |  __  
  4.  ) /  |/  |_ ) /    |_ ) /|_/ (_
  5. (_/   '     (_/       (_/        
  8.     e   e         e Y8b     Y8b Y8P        
  9.    d8b d8b       d8b Y8b     Y8b Y  888,8,
  10.   e Y8b Y8b     d888b Y8b     Y8b   888 "  
  11.  d8b Y8b Y8b   d888888888b   e Y8b  888    
  12. d888b Y8b Y8b d8888888b Y8b d8b Y8b 888
  15.      e    e           e      Y88b    /        
  16.     d8b  d8b         d8b      Y88b  /  888-~\
  17.    d888bdY88b       /Y88b      Y88b/   888    
  18.   / Y88Y Y888b     /  Y88b     /Y88b   888    
  19.  /   YY   Y888b   /____Y88b   /  Y88b  888    
  20. /          Y888b /      Y88b /    Y88b 888    
  23.      #####   ##    ##         ##        ###          ##                
  24.   ######  /#### #####      /####       /####       ####  /            
  25.  /#   /  /  ##### #####   /  ###      /   ###      /####/              
  26. /    /  /   # ##  # ##       /##           ###    /   ##              
  27.     /  /    #     #         /  ##           ###  /                    
  28.    ## ##    #     #         /  ##            ###/         ###  /###    
  29.    ## ##    #     #        /    ##            ###          ###/ #### /
  30.    ## ##    #     #        /    ##            /###          ##   ###/  
  31.    ## ##    #     #       /      ##          /  ###         ##        
  32.    ## ##    #     ##      /########         /    ###        ##        
  33.    #  ##    #     ##     /        ##       /      ###       ##        
  34.       /     #      ##    #        ##      /        ###      ##        
  35.   /##/      #      ##   /####      ##    /          ###   / ##        
  36.  /  #####           ## /   ####    ## / /            ####/  ###        
  37. /     ##              /     ##      #/ /              ###    ###      
  38. #                     #                                                
  39.  ##                    ##                                              
  41.                                                j.        
  42.             ..       :           ..            EW,        
  43.            ,W,     .Et          ;W, :KW,      LE##j      
  44.           t##,    ,W#t         j##,  ,#W:   ,KGE###D.    
  45.          L###,   j###t        G###,   ;#W. jWi E#jG#W;    
  46.        .E#j##,  G#fE#t      :E####,    i#KED.  E#t t##f  
  47.       ;WW; ##,:K#i E#t     ;W#DG##,     L#W.   E#t  :K#E:
  48.      j#E.  ##f#W,  E#t    j###DW##,   .GKj#K.  E#KDDDD###i
  49.    .D#L    ###K:   E#t   G##i,,G##,  iWf  i#K. E#f,t#Wi,,,
  50.   :K#t     ##D.    E#t :K#K:   L##, LK:    t#E E#t  ;#W:  
  51.   ...      #G      .. ;##D.    L##, i       tDjDWi   ,KK:
  52.            j          ,,,      .,,                        
  55. ::::    ::::      :::     :::    ::: :::::::::  
  56. +:+:+: :+:+:+   :+: :+:   :+:    :+: :+:    :+:
  57. +:+ +:+:+ +:+  +:+   +:+   +:+  +:+  +:+    +:+
  58. +#+  +:+  +#+ +#++:++#++:   +#++:+   +#++:++#:  
  59. +#+       +#+ +#+     +#+  +#+  +#+  +#+    +#+
  60. #+#       #+# #+#     #+# #+#    #+# #+#    #+#
  61. ###       ### ###     ### ###    ### ###    ###

Does anyone have any better examples? I think they need to fit in 80 column (default) display.
Miven Dooligan
Peace and cheer
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#2 Oct 13, 2016 4:18 pm
mdooligan mdooligan Offline
Approved Member
Registered since: Dec 07, 2008
Posts: 36

Subject: Re: MAXr Ascii Art challenge
This is what I settled on for the time being:
DownloadSource code (Text):
  1. new settings:
  2.             <PlayerName Text="diablos"/>
  3.             <PlayerColor red="255" green="0" blue="0"/>
  4. +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+  
  5. |                                                                         |##
  6. |  :::::        :::::         :::        ::::::    ::::::                 |##
  7. |  +::::+:     :+::::+      :+: :+:      :+::+:    :+::+:    :::::::::::  |##
  8. |  +::::+:;   :++::::+     ;:+: :+:;     :+::+:    :+::+:   :++:   :+:+:  |##
  9. |  +::::+:+: :+:+::::+   ;+::+: :+::+;    ;+:+:    :+:+;   :+:+:   :+:+;  |##
  10. |  +::::+ +:+:+ +::::+  ++++:+   +:++++    ;++:+  +:+++     +::+   +:::+  |##
  11. |  +####+  +:+  +####+ +####++:++#+++++:      +#++:+         +#++++:++++  |##
  12. |  +####+       +####+ +####+     +####+  +####+  +####+    +##+   +###+  |##
  13. |  #++++#       #++++###++++#     #++++###++++#    #++++#  #+++#   #+++#  |##
  14. |  #++++#       #+++++++++++#     #+++++++++++#    #++++####+++#   #+++#  |##
  15. |  #++++#       #+++++++++++#     #+++++++++++#    #+++++++++++#   #+++#  |##
  16. |  ######       #############     #############    #############   #####  |##
  17. |                                                                         |##
  18. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+##
  19.   ###########################################################################
  20. Launching MAXr...

Miven Dooligan
Peace and cheer
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#3 Oct 14, 2016 7:35 am
nonsinn nonsinn Offline
G-Mod, Approved Member
Registered since: Apr 02, 2012
Posts: 254

Subject: Re: MAXr Ascii Art challenge
If we really wanna have something like this then that's my lazy-folk commit Grinning — Я was not allowed, pity.
[15:23:19] nonsinn [..] heißt nun bug-hunter
[19:58:09] Eiko_ [..] heißt nun mother-of-bugs
[20:38:11] <bug-hunter> mother-of-bugs: ..argh..
[20:38:26] <@mother-of-bugs> want some new bugs?
This post has been edited 1 times. Last edit on Oct 14, 2016 7:36 am by nonsinn. ↑  ↓

#4 Oct 14, 2016 10:22 am
beko beko Offline
Developer, Administrator
Registered since: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 2,279

Subject: Re: MAXr Ascii Art challenge
> 0.2.8 was very verbose on startup,
> but 0.2.9 is not, it dumps everything to a logfile

It was like that in 0.2.7 as well. It was a bug that this happened.

I will never polute terminal output with ascii arts on startup making it hard to parse logs or debug. Sorry pal.

Ascii was cool in 1995 and may still be in the demo scene for understandable reasons.
Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."
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#5 Oct 14, 2016 5:31 pm
mdooligan mdooligan Offline
Approved Member
Registered since: Dec 07, 2008
Posts: 36

Subject: Re: MAXr Ascii Art challenge
"Pollute terminal output"! ha, funny. That's what I thought too until I played a 3 team game to turn 250 with no problems at all. Then I realized I didn't need debug at all to just play.

Also, typing "maxr" calls the binary, typing just "max" calls the wrapper script that also tweaks the config files to various players/colors preferences. It means I can get a 3 team multiplayer/multicolor session going faster.

Anyway it's just a silly thing that means the project has grown from proto/alpha stage to real usable playable fun game that doesn't require constant debugging.

Ascii art was all the rage when MAX first came out, so it seems... appropriate. Like tie-dyed shirts and bell-bottom jeans. Ascii art intro to retro video game, yeah, groovy man. Grinning
Miven Dooligan
Peace and cheer
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