Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded

#1 Sep 04, 2006 3:23 pm
beko beko Offline
Developer, Administrator
Registered since: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 2,279

Subject: New map Generator on the Russia M.A.X. page!
Sorry dudes - this thread was lost during the bbs-convert. Here you go:

Quote by Guest:
Greetings comrads.

i'm from Russian community of M.A.X.

And i present to you new MAX1 map generator.
It is already uploaded on the Russian community of M.A.X.

Registered users can download it from our in-page buffer. (and upload it there for example).

Direct link to thread on forum with information:

have fun!
Quote by Sal:
Thanks for the info friend! I will try that out as soon as possible. Great to have a map generator for the original Max Barlog!

Here is the translation over babel for our english friends XD]
Quote by Sal:
Excuse me, but can you please tell me where the new map creator is stored?
I cant find it in the buffer and I am registered. I would appreciate that =)
Quote by Artlaw:

Barloggs new one is:
Ãåíåðàòîð ñëó÷àéíûõ êàðò äëÿ M.A.X. (ñ äîïîëíèåëüíûìè ôóíêöèÿìè è êà÷åñòâåííîé îáâîäêîé, íî ìåäëåííûé), àâòîð - Barloggg (450 Kb, zip)

(Map randomizer for M.A.X. (with high-quality coasts and additional functions, but slow and large) )
Quote by Sal:
Thanks alot!
Quote by Guest:
just one comment:

Map generator himself is not large. :P
Map generated by that generator is large. (2-40mb)

But i know already how to fix it. On the end of next week be ready to download new version.

Anybody have comments and wishes to include in next version before i upload it?

By the way there is no need to use online translator. I placed english translation after russian text in our forum. But i'm tired to translate so much text and tranlated only main features.
Quote by [MM:
Is there someone interested in writing a converter to convert original MAX maps into maps of my MAX ? Grinning

Because that generator looks really nice...
(but the coasts look verry simple)

Quote by Guest:
of cource i'm interested.
mail me billm(cat)
and i will add you format to converter.

by the word: with mapgenerator i also provided its source for freeware use. it is placed somewhere deeply on russian page.

(but the coasts look verry simple)
this is not coasts. this is too simple land_placing_algoritm.

i don know how to make really nice land mass. only circles. Egoistic

but now i'm working on it. at the end of this week (about 3 march) i plan to upload new version.
by today there is 2 additional land mass algorith added "billiard" and "islands". now making "chess" and "islands&lakes" :P

i collected almost all of the obtacles on the all original MAX maps and tileset file become about 2,3mb in zip archive... so large... i will upload it with new generator because there is some fileformat changes.

one question: is there really needed my own compact BMG-map format?
our community already uploaded some my maps but in large "wrl" format...

and one more question: is there need to place more than 1 palette to the file? (not for MAX map of course) to generate 24bit map for example.

and last: is there need to use jpg,png graph fileformat to making "bmp versions of maps"? each of it format will increase file size by 30kb. this is many in comparison with total filesize.
Quote by [MM:
of cource i'm interested. (...) and i will add you format to converter.
That sounds great.

I'll contact you as soon as I'm back from my vac (about the 6. of march).

Quote by Guest:
There is updated version of MapGenerator uploaded on to russian page.
You may test and use it. it is much faster now.
for now it is placed in our "buffer".

Also there is Extended tileset (large file 2 mb in zip) with almost all obtacles. unpack into same directory to add.
Quote by Sal:
I think these are the files Wink

Thanks Barloggg ( you are barloggg arent you ? Wink

nice work!
Quote by Guest:
yes it's was me.

now i wait for MM's map format (in english) to release final version.

i think i do all that can be done... except new tileset creating tools... i'm working about it now... if it will work it will be fun... Smiling may be...
Quote by [MM:
Hi, I tried to send the mail, but I can't figure out your address: "billm(cat)"
I tried and but it isn't working...

Quote by [MM:
Is there anyone who knows how to decode this mail-address?

Quote by Guest:
hmmm... strange...
correct adres is:
it is checked by my mail agent every 20 min...

may be there is another problem? freeware mailbox often uses as spam bases and blocked by many mailboxes...

well.. i also have mail on commercial mailbox, you can try it: gtm(cat)
where is (cat) = @ Smiling
well... hmmm... it is humor (cat)=cat, @ = dog Smiling
Quote by Guest:
now i think about "Extended Wrl format"...
usual MAX wrl+some other data blocks with additional info. so we can make maps playable both for maxgold and original M.A.X.
i think it wil have a stream-like structure . so in one file we may place any data we wanted. for example one more map (which used same tiles+palette as first map).

[MM], what do you think about it?
map format by ArtLav (MGa) is just some bmp+data files in dir, and he don't want to write this extended map format but if i make it he will add loader in his version of MaxGold. This format have advantages by using same files in many maps (and significally decrease file size), but who tell that we cannot place link to this file into ExtendedWrl?

p.s. if you fail to send mail on my second mail, may be you upload on web page? in english please. Online translator failed to translate this site and i can understand nothing...
Quote by Guest:
by the word... how about to write german-language pack for mapgenerator?
i know, that there is not many text, and there is about nothing to translate but why not?
Quote by [MM:
I don't think this will be necessary, everybody here should be able to read and understand english...

And about your "Extended Wrl format": I don't think this will work (see below why).

And I can't send you mails, so here is the message-text from the mail:


here is the map format of my version of max.
It could be a little bit difficult because I'm not using the original map-grafics. I've a folder named terrain in my max where all possible texture-files for the maps are stored. So I'm able to extend the available graphics dynamicly and mix gras with snow for example...

Ok, now the format:

"[MMs M.A.X.-Map-File]" 21 char long string
size 4 Byte Integer: the mapsize (eg 128 for a 128x128 map)
default water 4 Byte Integer: index of the water texture
map data size*size*4 Bytes: index of the textures at the given positions
index associations Block that associates the indexes to a texture id (see below)

An entry in the index association block looks like this:

index 4 Byte Integer: the index used in the map data for this texture
ID zero terminated String with the ID of the texture (eg green_t02_1)

In the file "terrain.ini" in my terrain folder all files are specified like this:

So the ID is green00 and the file is green00.pcx

I expect you are reading all graphics from the original files (like GREEN_1.WRL). The problem will be to find the matching textures in my terrain folder...

Any ideas or questions?


And here is the code to load a map (the function bool cMap::LoadMap(AnsiString filename) ):

Quote by Guest:
first of all! there is Bug in current mapgenerator! do not use horisontal mirror! it will crush. others mode work ok.

about MM map format:
this is much of work you done to collect this graphics...
bad work i think. because i did the same work and my first mapgenerator was based on analogic spritebase, and current ArtLavs mapgenerator did the same.

is map always square?
i see
size 4 Byte Integer: the mapsize (eg 128 for a 128x128 map)
it is mean than map size only one number?

I expect you are reading all graphics from the original files (like GREEN_1.WRL). The problem will be to find the matching textures in my terrain folder...
Not absolutely.
I read some graphic from original MAX map and make "Tileset" which capable create any map i want to do.
You need to see tileset in "Tilesets" tab in mapgenerator.

default water 4 Byte Integer: index of the water texture
But... there is some water textures in one map! not one!

in my mapgenerator i place 4-6 water textures to select them randomly when making map.

In the file "terrain.ini" in my terrain folder all files are specified like this:

So the ID is green00 and the file is green00.pcx
are you use original MAX palette? if yes, i can try to recognize all you graphic and try to use ready sprites.

well. i think it is need to download all entire you database with all you terrain... to check you database...

Any ideas
go to my map format :baby:

have one idea!
i make you map file and therefore create all graphic needed for this map (a lot of pcx files with ini).

But this is mean that you graphic database not be used.
And this is also mean that after 10-20 map created you mapdata dir became very large size...

I Can do you map format.
this will look like that:
1. generate map.
2. create all files with all used graphic and place them into one folder.
3. modify ini file to include all new graphics
4. write you map index file.
5. complete.

there is questions:
which file structure of all needed information?

well may be it is need to download any maps or all you max? oops. i must be registered user to download. i don't want to register. hmm... but i can download ver 1.32... why it so big? uff... download complete... i hope it is not german only... but english too...

i think i can make it. this is no difficult. but my maps will not use any of you graphics. moreover, my maps will not use my own graphics... everytime there will be creating new set of graphics...

hmm. Do not take offence, but I expected the best. May be you'll think about goto my map format? or bmg-format?
do you want to read my specifications of extended Wrl?

When i saw one of you map with some different graphic (named Mittelmeer) i think: "this guy use some palettes on one map, i think at least 16bit graph". And start thinking how i can combine original MAX format with you capability... i can do it.
i can make in new mapgenerator this feature to create multi palette maps. but not for original MAX format.

i do not like you map format after reading all that.
i check you Max version to receive all needed information or ask here. tomorrow or on the next week.

Anyway it will be done.
Convert "M.A.X. -> MM map" will be added.

if you want to read BMG-loader you need to check BMaxGMapGenerator.pas and read procedure named procedure LoadBMGFile(dir,fname:string);
Quote by [MM:
>>is map always square?
Yes, the map is always square with a size from 16x16 up to 512x512 (theoretically more, but I thinkt this would be nonsense).

>>But... there is some water textures in one map! not one!
What do you mean? Do you mean the annimated effect? My Max supports annimated textures (eg look at water_blue.pcx).

>>are you use original MAX palette?
No, I'm using 32Bit-Graphics in the game (the PCX files all do have their own 256 color palette) so you can combine all kinds of graphics in one map.

>> i hope it is not german only... but english too...
No, it's not international but I could make that if there is a demand...

>>if you want to read BMG-loader you need to check BMaxGMapGenerator.pas
You guys aren't programming in Pascal/Delphi are you ?

>>Anyway it will be done.
I think it could work this way: Before you create all needed textures for the map you check if they are in the target directory and if they are not you create new ones and add the entrys to the ini-file. That shouldn't increase the size of the texture folder to much...

I'm looking forward to your next version of your map generator.

Quote by Guest:
another questions:
index associations Block that associates the indexes to a texture id (see below)
ID. right? not texture index.

i look at map and wonder: why indexes so big? i expect something like this 0,1,2,3,... but encounter 8301H, 7F01H... > 300...
well... it is no more than indexes. i see. just wonder.

i take a look on to you project, try to use mapeditor... nothing can read (it is german Disappointed ) but many can understand...

more questions:
is any map texture become animated if they picture large than 64 pixels width?
i don't find any difference in INI file between water texture and all others.

more questions:
can be overlays animated?

(i understand that i may check it by myself, but asking is more easily way to get information Smiling

more questions:
are you always use as transparent color ¹96?
No... i see... only color value 00ff00ff... ok.

>>if you want to read BMG-loader you need to check BMaxGMapGenerator.pas
You guys aren't programming in Pascal/Delphi are you ?
i can't understand this... can you build this phrase by using simple words?

i'm using Delphi, yes. but are you this want to know? (i hope you do not want to start another holywar C++ vs Delphi? ?( )

important question:
how many frames in animation? always 7? or it may wary?
on my mind animation too fast and i want to do 14 frames. by doubling every frame.
about converter:
how it will work.
i will not use you graphic at all.
i will generate all need for map graphic and then modify you ini file by adding sections like

and add one common section

and, for multiple using my own graphics with every generated sprite there will be placed another file ".dat" in which will be placed "source of sprite" in mapgenerator format. every file will be 256bytes long. (or i may pack it in one large file...)

also in ini file will be placed link to my mapgenerator tileset.

so there is one more question:
where i may place mapgenerator in you directory structure?
exe file in \bin, and tilesets in \terrain?
or make "cfg" file with directory structure?

by the word: it is impossible to make converter "mm -> M.A.X"
may be on my graphic data...

so. at the end on the next week i think i make release of new version of generator.
Quote by Guest:
i think a little more and understood that there may be problems with direct convert M.A.X. -> MM.

I can generate map in MM format easily.
Convert MM->Mga also possible but little difficult and may be unstable

there will be very much things to do, so by the end of next week it will be done only support of MM map format.
but all his power will be used after long time of work...

hmm this is a good idea to add 32bit textures in Extended Wrl map format. Moreover it is possible to add animated textures in Extended Wrl. And this map can be playable in original MAX. i think it's cool. but file will be large...
Quote by [MM:
>>ID. right? not texture index.
Yes, ID. It's historically grown this way...

>>is any map texture become animated if they picture large than 64 pixels width?
Yes, the amount of frames is calulated by width/64 and each frame is shown 100ms (i guess). So if you want to slow down the animation you can double the frames.

>>can be overlays animated?
Yes, you can animate what ever you want (but there were only the water textures animated in original max).

>>i hope you do not want to start another holywar C++ vs Delphi?
No, becaus we've already won a long long time ago Wink

>>how many frames in animation? always 7? or it may wary?
the number of frames is calculated only by width/64

>>where i may place mapgenerator in you directory structure?
I think /bin would be fine. There you can find the max.ini too, were the terrain directory is defined.
And your random textures can be placed in this terrain folder.

Quote by Guest:
i think a lot about you format on this holidays.

so one question:
is this ok?: map from the same file for different players may use different terrain graphics files (on mean of mapgenerator). but both maps will be looks identical.
Note: maps will be transferred between players in my own "WRX" format only.
Because in others case there will be situation with overwrite map terrain files with same names but different graphics.

well i think you may need to write garbage cleaner program to delete unused terrain graphics.

by the word: you can read WRX file format there

it is not complete yet but main features already included. (you map format too).

i still think, that it is a good idea to change you map format to "all-in-one file". yes, it's large, but not independent. into WRX for example. just modify loader and all will work.
Quote by [MM:
>>map from the same file for different players may use different terrain graphics files (on mean of mapgenerator). but both maps will be looks identical.
Yes, thats ok. The current mechanism is if the map isn't found at the clinet that the server transmits the map. But tht wouldn't work with your maps...

>>well i think you may need to write garbage cleaner program to delete unused terrain graphics.
Is there no way you can "recycle" the generated textures for other maps?

>>(...) change you map format to "all-in-one file". yes, it's large, but not independent.
No, I don't think I will do this. I like the advantages (and size) of my format.

Quote by Guest:
MM's map format added to mapgenerator. but i think you will not be happy...

our russian page is down for now and i uploaded file there

test it.

you need to know this

1 What a hell with default water? it is not working properly... it's seem so default water id changed from my to some sort of global...
you need to check it. carefully.

2 there is stranges with id naming... try to generate map twise in a one filename and all will crush... strange...
So carefully check map filenames when generating map.

3. always make full backup of terrain directory

4. generator crate very much graphic (150-300 tiles per map) so this is not good idea... to making MM's map with it... try to use "low quality" in generator options.

5. for now i disabled PCX compression, so files look big, but it is actual only for disk memory.

i will upload generator in our russian page a bit later.

No, I don't think I will do this. I like the advantages (and size) of my format.
this is ghostly advantage...
Quote by [MM:
Something is wrong with this download: it stopps at 51kb...

Quote by Guest:
well... strange... now you may get it from our russian page.

for now it is placed in our bufer (Sal may get it and place there), but a bit later it will be moved in proper place... then i can get direct link to you.
so, let's wait for Sal or our coordinator...
Quote by [MM:
Yes, it's working!
Good work.
But you have created textures with 7 frames for all coasts. You should simply fill the area where the water should be with 'magic pink' and set the overlay-flag in the terrain.ini and then the default water texture wil be behind these textures where the pink is... This would save some disk space.
And what are those .sps files doing?

Quote by Sal:
and please register mister guest Wink
Quote by Guest:
But you have created textures with 7 frames for all coasts.
YES. I know. but this is NOT WORKING PROPERLY! WHY?

Go to MapGenerator ->MM map options ->High qiality graphics .
Remove check and generator will make coast with 'magic pink' and will set the overlay-flag .

Load map and check what happened... it's not working properly... and i want to know why.

i already said about this
1 What a hell with default water? it is not working properly... it's seem so default water id changed from my to some sort of global...
you need to check it. carefully.
in two words: default water always not my! but yours... so i become angry and make animated every coast with water. :P

By the word: original MAX animation contains 14 frames! not 7.
So, resolve problem with default water and you may check High quality animation , to make generator create animation with 14frames.

about graphics: i think generator will be suspended only on 2000-3000 tiles per one tileset (on normal quality of beachline) ... because i generated every sprite on pixel level... so it will be difficult to make graphics used more times than one...

every new generated map adding to terrain base about 30-60 tiles (when total used about 200 tiles per map) if you try to generate "swamp" preset it will add to you terrain directory about 10000 tiles... and all of them will be unical...

do you still think that advantages of you map format more valuable than this? you not need to answer... Grinning

and please register mister guest
i just do not want it. my entusiazm too low to get there serious... sorry.
Quote by Guest:
But you have created textures with 7 frames for all coasts. You should simply fill the area where the water should be with 'magic pink' and set the overlay-flag in the terrain.ini and then the default water texture wil be behind these textures where the pink is... This would save some disk space.
heh... i will save memory space. when i loaded map with 14frames animatin my computer with 32mb video become so slow... Disappointed

And what are those .sps files doing?
This is tiles in my generator format. by the word: perfectly packed by archivators. if you want to know more? *.sps is predfinal mask of spritegenerator process to generate ready sprite i can take it and process to tileset and i wil momentally get ready sprite with beach line for every tileset i want. no need to regenerate sprite from scrath every time. and i can compare sprites only by this mask... not by pixels...

so it is one of mode of my future wrx format "tileset+sps+map id => ready map". i think in archive it will more compact than standart MAXmap.

MM, if you want to realize how spritegenerator works goto Tilesets->Sprite generator and click into center of "MAKET" picture... after filling some squares with green color there will be creating sprite... hmm... strange... ready sprite is creating only when max map loaded... anyway preview it working fine. enjoy.
Quote by [MM:
Default Water: Perhaps you should simpy use mine water textures on my maps...

Why is your program creating 7 different water textures?

Quote by Guest:
Default Water: Perhaps you should simpy use mine water textures on my maps...
Yes i think about it... but it is mean than i must use you graphics... this is disadvantage.
1. i can not learn mapgenerator to check you water on pixel level to select proper water. And i do not want to use fixed water names.
2. now i'm working on unical, non MAX tileset. how i can use your water in this?

so let's check this cause together... what i make wrong in generated map files?

Why is your program creating 7 different water textures?
to make map looks fine.
It is taked from original MAX map. 9 different water textures, 9 different land textures. And all this packed in one tileset.
Quote by Guest:
moreover, you water used only 7frames animation when mapgenerator can generate 7frames animation, 14frames animation and no animation at all.

so if i will decide to use you default water i can do this only on one mode - 7frames animation and only for standart MAX tilesets...

well and MAX have 4 tilesets with 4 different water... but in yours terrain base present only 3 water textures... i see that 2 original MAX water textures nearly similar in color palette? but not identical.

one question: is there any rules to set ID for map textures? (in mapgenerator i always set then from 0, but may be this not correctly?)
Quote by [MM:
>>is there any rules to set ID for map textures?
I think no. I guess it should only be identically...

And MAX is using different Water textures? I always thougt they were using one texture an doning some magic with changing the 256 color palette to create the animation.

Quote by Guest:
yes, MAX used palette animation (by cycling colors 96-109), but also uses different water textures (about 6-9 per map).

so you may take a look on the map with single water/land texture just check "Very low quality" and create a map.
Quote by Guest:
Just updated mapgenerator.

fixed one bug with map tiles showing. so must have.

and funny feature for play_by_email_players.
Now mapgenerator can generate maps from MAX savefiles!

looks ugly, but it works.

for now it is placed in our buffer.
file: BMaxMapEditor(16.05.06).zip
Quote by Sal:
Thanks for the update, I will upload it soon as possible.

but can somebody register as a guest ... :O
Quote by Guest:
yes. it's funny. now i'm Guest as i wanted to be and i'm registeres as you wanted...

i'm updated mapgenerator one more time.
it is added feature to text writing on the map.
no need to "download and musthave" but funny.
Quote by Duke:
Quote by Guest:
ufff at last.
another update. i think last for many monts...

Sal don't be angry, good thinks come into my head one by one... and often just after another upload... Smiling

in today version improved hand drawing. added changing size of hand drawing brush.

and! now mapgenerator can make graphic output in PNG graphic format! it is good. more compact than GIF in most cases.

if anybody want precision hand drawing - must have.
Quote by beko:
It works since I deactivated the usual "Guest"-Account because of some damn spam-bots Grinning

I *should* upgrade the bbs however there is no new version avaible since WoltLab stopped the development of the free version :evil:

This means that I should install another bbs fast however I have other problems at the moment. My situation here in sweden looks pretty grim at the moment and before I don't have internet-access at my small cottage (or another apartment) and a job I refuse to do any work that doesn't help me with my situation here Wink
Quote by Sal:
Can you give me a link... cant find anything workin for me
Quote by Guest:
Guys! Another update... BMaxMapEditor(21.05.06).zip
in our buffer.

This version for you.

MM's map format saving changes:
1. map created in temporaly directory first and copying into proper place after creating.
2. Now added new option: [color=orange]use MM water only[/color]. No more problems with default water bug in MM's MAX clone alpha 1.33.
3. Updated spritegeneration for MM's map format with "high quality graphic" option. Take a look. Coast animation look really nice.

Other features:
1. Added working toolset for creating new tilesets! (with some instructions of course).
2. 3 New tilesets added!
[*]Starcraft Ice (StarCraftTileset(21.05.06).zip)
[*]StarCraft Grass (StarCraftTileset(21.05.06).zip)
[*]Heroes of Might&Magic green (HeroesMM3Tileset(21.05.06).zip)
Have fun!
Note. Starcraft tilesets have not animated water. In these condition MM's map format have advantage... change water by one click...
3. Some small fixes. Added information buttons and some other small things...

P.S. Removing Guest login not save from spam... spam robots already know how it works... and there is account like "adesfrwe" flooding everywhere...
Quote by Guest:
Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Search for Posts by Guest Report Post to a Moderator IP Address Go to the top of this page
Thank you, but you forgot about "HeroesMM3Tileset(21.05.06).zip".
and link to very large "ExTileset" (from the word "extended").
Quote by Sal:

havent checked it good enough
Quote by beko:
Gibts davon Bilder ?(
Quote by Sal:
I will take some screenshots Grinning
Quote by Guest:
another upload! current version BMaxMapEditor(28.05.06).zip

Now you can create so-called "foto maps".
Map created from single large picture.
Want to make map from foto? Easilly! (it is recommended to read inctruction first).

Also it is possible to edit passtable manually. to make secret pass over mountains for example Smiling

and there is 3 converted maps from starcraft!
The Hunters
Lost Temple
Winter Concuest

all this in our buffer.

About error.
I encounter such errors sometimes when saving map into MM's map format. Don't understand why... Perhabs there is some memory leaks present :(...
In current version there is some minor bugs fixed...

well. i think there is no more place to upgrade mapgenerator. I do not want to make it mapeditor.
Instead it i like to make map in Starcraft map editor and convert it into MAX format. But there is some tricks present to make effective convert. want details?
Quote by Sal:
sorry for the delay!
I am a lazy bastard Grinning

All files can be downlaoded over here form now on!
yep here! Files!

Give me some details on the new starcraft editor and 2max converter pleaaaaaaaaaase :O
Quote by Guest:
You need starcraft map editor SCMDraft 2 0.6.0 Prerelease 1 by Suicidal Insanity.
Page here:
download here:

It can one important feature: save map as image.

1 open starcraft map
2 save it as Image.
I recommend to erase starting positions of players and minerals/vespen geysers.

3 open graphic editor. i recommend photoshop.
3.1. correct gamma (starcraft map often too dark)
4 set 24 bit color mode
5 set indexed color mode with 64 color max. (sometimes it is possible to make slightly more)
6 resize image to 7168x7168 pixels or 3584x3584 pixels
7 open mapeditor (and follow instructions in)
8 open existing MAX map (to use it's palette)
9 load picture
10 enjoy

Well now the trick.

i recommend to crop picture.

Starcraft has tiles 32x32 pixels. and mapsize 64/96/128/256 cells width and height.
MAX has tiles 64x64 pixels and 112 cells. not comfortable.
so we take starcraft mapimage and crop it to make it 112x112 cell width and height (each 32x32 pixels) (or 224x224 cell width and height) (or 56x56 cells)
after that we resize cropped picture to 7168x7168 pixels or 3584x3584 pixels

cropped image after lossless optimizing will have 2-6mb size (search for equal tiles) when non cropped images nearly always have size about 48mb.

an do not forget to process to MapView tab and place passability over map. (this must be last part of map creating).
Note: changing passability sometimes cruch, so click update map after 50-200 clicks.
Quote by Guest:
Guys is anybody make me German language translation for mapgenerator?

In our bufer today i'm upload another version, but there is almost none new features. no need to download. just some algorithm correction and one more preset - "middlesea".
also there is some good english translated text.

P.S. i will become offline about an month.
Quote by Sal:
I will look if I can find some time in my deep laziness Grinning

have nice vacation ;D
Quote by Guest:
one more build of mapgenerator!

1. Mapgenerator now support JPG graph format! Now preview generated in jpg. compression quality and preview size is adjustable!
2. Added two more preset: Diablo (just pentagram) and Wheel of war (2-9 islands connected on center).
3. Used nice looks control library. Now buttons looks really nice. This options can be turned off optionally.
and some small fixes.

all who used this mapgenerator - must have.
Quote by Sal:
its very cool oyu keep it all optionally! very cool!
Quote by Guest:
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i found critical bug!

All who using mapgenerator of later versions need immediatly upgrade to current version from 14.08.06.


In this build just some bugfixes, nothing more.

o. one new thing: text on map can be big size.

How about german-language tranlation?
Quote by Sal:
what kind of critical bug was it?

nothing done yet, sorry

maybe sometime soon
Quote by Guest:
critical bug: generated map of small size become complete unplayable, because some land cells have water passability.

already fixed.
I near to upload new version with new file format added.
soon it will be possible to attach any file in map, and place many maps in single file with radical decrase file size and optional backward compatibility with MAX without any convertations (anyway you may convert most of maps to MAX format).
But i don't think that it's may be useful in real life. Smiling
May be to attach map author photo and MP3 file to make description of map?

MM: you need to change you map format! it's complete useless when sprites count oversize some thousands files. You need to combine some files in one pack.
By the word, new map format have this in it's specificaion. sprite can be storet as PCX images together with original MAX form.

unfortunally yesterday build of mapgenerator still unstable so i need more time.
Quote by beko:
MM stopped active development of his Max since he has no time for it at the moment. A guy called "gorch" was going to check the source and make some changes. He had already a todo list fixed and was going to bring on a linux version, too. Unfortunately he seems not to have much time, too. I asked him to bring up a CVS and started with some howtos about the SDL-libs for myself. Perhaps we can bring something on. For know I have not much time to spent on this since it seems like I'll be on the move again very soon.
Quote by Guest:
well from MM's map format i want just few things.

1. do not crush when files not completelly mach they description in ini file. or mapfiles. (just not load these map instead complete error);
2. do not crush when terrain directory contains user subdirectories.

3. MUST reduce terrain files!
3.1. By use all_in_one file (like M.A.X. WRL)
3.2. By use pack of files (large pictures or resources)

well some time ago i wrote WRX specification and sended it to MM.
but i think it also placed into BMaxMapEditorSRC archive.

i make some updates of this file (added and removed some blocks), but main structure the same.

i think it will be useful to check this specification.
Quote by Guest:
Guys just updated mapgenerator.
Filename: BMaxMapEditor(29.08.06).zip
placed into bufer\maps.
Compilable source placed into root of bufer. BMaxGoldFSRC(29.08.06).zip

Now mapgenerator has limited support on WRX map format which completelly compatible and playable in MAX, but with some features:
Now you may attach any file (with any size) into map file and you may write some text information about map.
You may attach you foto as map author if you want, or something else.
Of course extract this additional information you may by this mapgenerator... for today at least.

it can convert terrain spites in MAX files into PCX files and it can be useful to include it into MM's MAX alpha. But i think i'll need to make Dll file for WRXmaploader.
MM, gorch, guys do you want it?
WRXspecification.pas file placed into sources. check it.
BWRXmap.pas contain realization of some things (not all for now) of this specifiation.
Sorry for circumstances.
Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."
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#2 Oct 19, 2006 2:06 pm
War Chicken Offline
Approved Member
Registered since: Oct 19, 2006
Posts: 94

Subject: New map Generator on the Russia M.A.X. page!
Hello from the newbie.

I'd be very interested in the Map-Generator, but the lings dont seem to work.
Neither the russian one nor the sal4-page.

Can anybody tell me a location where I can download it else?
Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space!
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#3 Oct 19, 2006 2:40 pm
Sal Sal Offline
, G-Mod
Registered since: Jun 07, 2004
Posts: 1,525

Subject: New map Generator on the Russia M.A.X. page!
I will fix the link today, welcome to the Boards, War Chicken.
How did you find us?
- easy logic -
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#4 Oct 19, 2006 5:21 pm
War Chicken Offline
Approved Member
Registered since: Oct 19, 2006
Posts: 94

Subject: New map Generator on the Russia M.A.X. page!
Ehrlich gesagt: rein zufällig.

Ich habe nach einer Möglichkeit gesucht, MAX zu "reparieren" und bin dabei über diese genaile Seite gestolpert. Hab' mich direkt angemeldet.
Wie man an meinem eröffneten Topic sehen kann, ist es mir wahrscheinlich sogar gelungen.


To be honest: occationaly
I was looking for a way to "repair" my MAX and stumbled over this great site and directly registred. As you can see in my opened Topic, I probably succeedet in "rapiring" MAX.

I suppose the board language is english, so I will keep posting in english from now on.

Thanks for the welcome.
Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space!
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#5 Oct 19, 2006 7:20 pm
beko beko Offline
Developer, Administrator
Registered since: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 2,279

Subject: New map Generator on the Russia M.A.X. page!
Willkommen aufm Brett WarChicken Wink

Ja.. und Deutsch genügt eigentlich wenn es nicht direkt um die Programmierung geht Wink
Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."
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#6 Oct 19, 2006 7:30 pm
Sal Sal Offline
, G-Mod
Registered since: Jun 07, 2004
Posts: 1,525

Subject: New map Generator on the Russia M.A.X. page!
Ja deutsch ist schon voll aussreichend Grinning
Dachte zuerst wir haben uns nen Ami geangelt.

Link wird gleich gefixed, checke auf neueste Version.
- easy logic -
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#7 Oct 19, 2006 8:05 pm
War Chicken Offline
Approved Member
Registered since: Oct 19, 2006
Posts: 94

Subject: New map Generator on the Russia M.A.X. page!
Nee, nur nen Hessen, das ist aber hoffentlich nicht ganz so schlimm.

Also kann ich Auch getrost ganz im deutschen bleiben, vom Programieren versteh' ich nämlich eh nichts.
Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space!
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#8 Oct 19, 2006 8:06 pm
beko beko Offline
Developer, Administrator
Registered since: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 2,279

Subject: New map Generator on the Russia M.A.X. page!
Hessen? Da komme ich nächste Woche durch Smiling
Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."
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#9 Oct 19, 2006 8:19 pm
War Chicken Offline
Approved Member
Registered since: Oct 19, 2006
Posts: 94

Subject: New map Generator on the Russia M.A.X. page!
Du findest mich hier im Google earth:
49°49'28,15"Nord 8°49'37,15" Ost

Aber ich nehme an, daß Du nur auf der A3 oder A5 durchkommst.
Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space!
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#10 Oct 19, 2006 8:30 pm
Sal Sal Offline
, G-Mod
Registered since: Jun 07, 2004
Posts: 1,525

Subject: New map Generator on the Russia M.A.X. page!
Sind knapp an die 300 km, mist, ist nen Stückchen!

Los beko, komm mal bei dem alten Sal vorbei Grinning
- easy logic -
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