Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded

#61 Feb 14, 2009 3:41 am
Nager Nager Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
Biggest game so far for me, concerning the number of players - and it was huge fun once again. I set out with an agressive air based strategy because I figured that everyone would mostly keep to themselves in the beginning in order to macro up and let the others start toring each other apart first. I scoutet south first and followed with a very early bomber that did considerable damage to beko. After this succesful harass I decided to not devote additional ressources there and was content with having a "clean" southern border so that I could focus my attention elsewhere.

I went east and discovered pedi who was largely unprepared against an air assault. His way of carrying around his pioneers in transport planes was very efficient (I may adopt it next game at some point) - but his lack of fighters hurt him as I approached him from the south and found a hole in his defenses. With only one antiair in my way I destroyed two mining stations and split his remaining base in two (Screenshot 1). I then took my time to further build up my base - meanwhile beko had recovered a bit and was duking it out with eiko in the far south.

After massing enough forces I met little resistence from the weakened pedi. Continuing south I took Eiko's base without any difficulties, because he was busy fighting with beko. I then made the mistake of underestimating beko and tried pushing him both from the south and the north. My southern army was forced to run after I had lost almost all of my fighters and the remaining planes were running out of ammunition. In the north I did hardly any damage with my push but lost all my bombers to a surprisingly massive mobile anti air defense. The game continued with a lot of very exciting micromanagement treats between beko and me - he used his defenses really well and held me up for a long while, much to his own dismay since he wanted to go to sleep. Wink

After another crash we decided to call it a night. It is unclear how much longer he would have been able to hold out, but we agreed that it was just a matter of time. Very fun game indeed.

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#62 Feb 14, 2009 3:43 am
Nager Nager Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
More Screenshots.

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#63 Feb 15, 2009 10:08 pm
beko beko Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
Todays screens Smiling

Players: hammer, xarvh, eiko, ben, pedi, beko = 6 players, yes.

Hammer encountered crashs that seem to come from his installation. He decided to drop out early and do a clean install until next time.

Xarvh started on the same isle. I blocked his expansion with a massive defence wall he couldn't break. When I started to attack him finally and almost crushed his defence block he gave up and quit.

Ben and Eiko were almost destroyed by Pedi after a few turns. When I finally found Bens leftovers Eiko managed to kick himself from the game - something the server didn't take to well.

Since it's already late and only me and Pedi were left we stopped the game at this point Grinning

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Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."
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#64 Feb 15, 2009 10:10 pm
Pedi Pedi Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
Ok hallo, folgendes Spiel
am: 15.02.09
start. ca 1900uhr
Teilnehmer: Beko, Eiko, Xarvh, Hammerer, Ben und Ich

Auf den Screen ist meine Basis zu sehen. Gepimped habe ich mal Rektenwerfer ( also die mit der Streuwirkung Wink ) die eine hohe Effizienz gegen Engbebaute Basen zeigen (und je nach dem auch gegen größere Ansammlungen von Infanteristen wenn sie auf engen raum stehen. Die Basen von Ben und Eiko waren nicht sonderlich gegen meine Angriffe geschützt, weshalb die doch schnell weg waren.

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#65 Feb 19, 2009 3:05 am
balthasar Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
balthasar vs. se5a-lap1
se5a-lap1 hasn't ever played M.A.X.R. or M.A.X. before, so it's no wonder that I won, but anyway, a few screenshots, as it was my first real M.A.X.R. game.

se5a-lap1's base lacked an anti-aircraft in the south, and he hadn't built an airforce quick enough. After I attacked with bombers he made a counterattack (mainly with scouts and infantry) which didn't get beyond the northeastern tip of my base, After I destroyed some of his air defenses with air-transported missile crawler and tank, as well as cut off his airplane plant from supplies, he gave up.

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#66 Feb 19, 2009 3:07 am
balthasar Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
3 more screenshots.

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#67 Feb 20, 2009 12:39 am
Nager Nager Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
Game with Choco and Pedi. This one was not very exiting, because Pedi forgot to load resources onto his workers *and* had the bad luck of having two mining stations built half on water - while I was the first to field submarines. Submarines also sealed it for choco, whose harbor I quickly destroyed. I had some fun with my base building and finally attacked with missile ships. I am very proud of the fact that I managed to play a game without bombers. The temptation was always there, but I resisted until the end.

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#68 Feb 20, 2009 1:02 am
Nager Nager Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
First game with working gold refineries! And they were working very well indeed, no bugs or glitches that I noticed. Players were Choco, Pedi, se5a-lap and me. Of course I went all out on the upgrades. 50 turns into the game I had not a single unit or turret in my base defending against agressors.. but since one scout and one bomber had already demolished pedi and I had eyes on what was approaching me I was not in a hurry and silently went on an upgrading spree (so far upgrading only works for newly built units). I then killed the only harbour that I found with submarines and flew around with upgraded bombers, of which I lost a few carelessly but had more than enough in the end.

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#69 Feb 20, 2009 1:04 am
Nager Nager Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
More Screenshots.

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#70 Feb 20, 2009 12:19 pm
Pedi Pedi Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
Erm hehe, the game with Nager, Choco and se5a-lap was really a bad joke for me :D. Nager came with a Scout an destroyed all my Pioneers and one of my Constructors. After that there was no possibility for a large base because i had one Constructor left and no material in sew. 10 rounds later Nager approched with a bomber and killed the last one ^^. I hope the next game will be better for me. On the Shot you can see my whole (!) Base in round 52 :p. On one of Nagers shots you can see his base in Round 37 :).

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