Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded

#71 Feb 23, 2009 11:04 am
Nager Nager Offline
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Posts: 47

Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
Unfinished game with ben, beko, slobjok and eiko. Was fun while it lasted. Wink
The player distribution was a bit on the weird side - with Slobjok and Eiko sharing the top left land mass, beko sitting on the lower left, me on the upper right and *noone* on the lower right one. Ben heroically put himself in the middle. From what I gathered Beko had a lot of gold and put heavily upgraded missile launchers into good use, Eiko waltzed trough some parts of Slobjoks base early on, but Slobjok managed to hold on. I was completely undisturbed and took care to keep it that way, harrassing Slobjok with air assaults early on (against which he defended well) and holding Ben at bay with various missile units. In the end it was getting late and we were running into some nasty bugs. There were some units refusing to fire on anything despite having full ammo and my res allocation got borked. Perhaps we shall finish this game someday. Smiling

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#72 Feb 23, 2009 12:57 pm
beko beko Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
wasn't me. just my nick. I left earlier. Dunno who played for me Wink
Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."
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#73 Feb 23, 2009 7:05 pm
Pedi Pedi Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
ok, ich schreibs auf deutsch, englisch würde ewig dauern bis ich das hinkrieg.

Teilnehmer: Nager, Choco und Ich
SVN: 2022

Ich hab mich wirklich sehr lange mit Nager rumgeschlagen. Er hatte gepimte Missilenschiffe, ich gepimpte Kanonenboote die sich gegenseitig geklopft haben haben. Unsere beiden Werften standen nur wenige Felder auseinander und so ging es zu erst nur darum wer die gegnerische werft als erstes zerstört bekommt. Nuja Nager hat gewonnen 8). Meine feste Luftabwehr sit auch auf einen der Screenshots zu sehen. Die konnte Nagers Luftwaffe etwas in Abstand halten und hat auch gut seinen dienst getan. Allerdings waren die schnell mit seinen Missilenschiffen im eimer. Ansonsten war bzw. ist es eine gutes spiel gewesen. Aktuell läufts in der 154. Runde Smiling

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#74 Feb 23, 2009 7:09 pm
Pedi Pedi Offline
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
ok noch ein Shot auf dem der Entwicklungsstand meiner Luftabwehr und Kanonenboote zu sehen ist.

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Forschung ist die beste "Medizin"
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#75 Feb 23, 2009 9:34 pm
Toranaga Toranaga Offline
Registered since: Dec 28, 2005
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Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
One more screenshot for the 5 player game Nager described (where I was squeezed between Eiko's Missile Turrets and Nager's bombers and some other stuff).

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Paul Grathwohl (pagra)
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#76 Feb 26, 2009 3:07 pm
Nager Nager Offline
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Registered since: Jan 21, 2009
Posts: 47

Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
Epic game between Choco, Pedi and me (SVN 2022) - see three posts above for Pedi's account. We played with gold upgrades but agreed on a max range for all units of 12, which made things very interesting indeed.

I was feeling slightly suicidal today and started on the middle Island with Pedi to my left and Choco to my right. Since choco was bunkering up, I focused on Pedi who needed all my attention. An epic sea and air battle between Pedi and me ensued. Our harbours were only 18 fields apart - and yet we struggled for 130 turns, until a decision was reached - I relied on missile cruisers and bombers while he focused on gun ships and submarines. In the end choco came to help pedi and I found myself quickly at a disadvantage in the sea battle, having lost every attempt to get a second harbour to suicide-submarines from choco. When I lost even my last harbour I had to act fast - I shifted to hard core bombers and quickly dismantled Pedis weakened defenses. I saved my last missile cruisers until they had caused substantial damage to pedi and I was able to kill his base off in a matter of 5 turns. Meanwhile choco destroyed all my sea based mining complexes (there were a lot of them) and my economy was in tatters. (Continued in next post)

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This post has been edited 1 times. Last edit on Feb 26, 2009 3:08 pm by Nager. ↑  ↓

#77 Feb 26, 2009 3:27 pm
Nager Nager Offline
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Registered since: Jan 21, 2009
Posts: 47

Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
(continued from previous post)

Against total sea domination things were looking bleak. Choco assaulted me with pimped range 12 gun boats again and again, causing more havoc in my base. There were several occasions when my whole economy collapsed and choco waited patiently (thanks) until I had switched everything back on. He also slowly advanced with his static defenses towards my base.

I did the only sensible thing - i stalled and took 2 more bases. Meanwhile choco switched from gun boat assaults to very successful pimped tank drops. His transport planes could reach everywhere within a single turn and three dropped tanks were enough to destroy everything at point blank. Naturally, the map was filling with rubble, a nice view indeed. I was several times close to giving up but managed to hang on by always rebuilding more than he destroyed. (continued in next post, sorry for spam :D)

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#78 Feb 26, 2009 4:06 pm
Nager Nager Offline
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Registered since: Jan 21, 2009
Posts: 47

Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
(continued) After more than 280 turns I was for the first time able to spare some units from home defense and go on the offensive. Actually this was my last resort because I was close to giving up at this point. Choco was making progress towards my second base and with air coverage there was little I could do to stop him. To my surprise I found the north of his base completely unprotected and out of reach from his sea units I could waltz through it largely unchallenged. He destroyed large parts of my main and second base at the same time but it didn't bother me anymore. Finally in turn 300, after another game crash, choco surrendered. It was a very close game and there was suspense until the end. Thanks for bringing it choco. Smiling

In this SVN (2022) the game still crashed on several occasion, mostly during large hectic battles when attack jobs were carried out and other stuff was clicked upon at the same time. Also there was a lot of lag, mostly with rocket launchers destroying several buildings at once.

Attached are two screenshots from choco's pov.

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#79 Feb 26, 2009 4:16 pm
beko beko Offline
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Posts: 2,279

Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
eeeeh... something with your gfx is wrong. There's no beton under your huge buildings!
Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."
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#80 Mar 06, 2009 11:57 pm
Nager Nager Offline
, Approved Member
Registered since: Jan 21, 2009
Posts: 47

Subject: Re: EURE Spiele _hier_ :)
This forum is lacking game reports! Don't tell me there were no games played in the last week. Wink

Shortish game on 27.02. with Choco and se5a. Balthasar was in it as well but had to drop due to difficulties with his Linux build (that apparently have been fixed in the meantime). I had an insanse amount of resources at my start location and everything went very smooth for me.

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