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#11 Aug 23, 2008 5:55 am
beko beko Offline
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Registered since: Jun 04, 2004
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Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
Just set up a project o0 We only make use of SDL and there should be various examples to set this up for your IDE. It's just an IDE after all..

BTW: If you want to help you might consider to start and maintain a spanish translation file Wink There's an article about doing so here.
Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."
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#12 Aug 23, 2008 7:40 am
shaktazuki Offline
Registered since: Apr 30, 2008
Posts: 123

Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
Oy, I'm rather useless at translating. Well, I'll try to figure out how to setup SDL...
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#13 Aug 23, 2008 10:06 am
alzi alzi Offline
Developer, Moderator
Registered since: Aug 12, 2007
Posts: 339

Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
Hey shaktazuki,

I am building maxr in VS8 and i don't think there has been changed much from version 8 to 9, so i can help you with this.
I have written a tutorial how to build maxr on VS but it's in german. Here is the link. Maybe the pictures can help you.

As short description you have to download first of all, all the sdl files, turtoise svn, anksvn and so on. (you can find all download links in the beginning of the howto). After downloading install everthing what has to be installed.

Then you have to compile SDL and TinyXml with own settings. I don't know how the option is called in english but you will have to change it from "Multithreaded-Debug-Dll" to "Multithreaded-Debug". To find this you have to search in the project prefernces, and maybe here the pictures of the howto will help you.

After compiling the libs and dlls you can apply the maxr projekt were you have to include the SDL and TinyXML libs.
The source files you will get trough SVN.

I know this was a just a very short introduction so that you know roughly what to do.
If there are any questions, just come into the chat and ask for me Wink
Albert Ziegenhagel
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#14 Aug 23, 2008 6:58 pm
shaktazuki Offline
Registered since: Apr 30, 2008
Posts: 123

Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
I'm trying... is tortoise svn the same as tortoiseCVS? Can you guys maybe translate the tutorial into english? I'm not having any luck compiling sdl_mixer, and haven't tried sdl_net.

Here's what I get with sdl_mixer:

------ Build started: Project: playmus, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\Release\SDL_mixer.lib'
Build log was saved at "file://c:\SDL_mixer-1.2.8\VisualC\playmus\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
playmus - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
------ Build started: Project: playwave, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\Release\SDL_mixer.lib'
Build log was saved at "file://c:\SDL_mixer-1.2.8\VisualC\playwave\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
playwave - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
------ Build started: Project: SDL_mixer, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
Compiling resources...
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
.\Version.rc(10) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'.
Build log was saved at "file://c:\SDL_mixer-1.2.8\VisualC\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
SDL_mixer - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 3 failed, 3 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Neither AFXRES.H nor SDL_mixer.lib are on my HDD...? It appears the problem is AFXRES.H . I have the Microsoft SDK 6.0a and 6.1 installed, and am using VC++ 9 express.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edit on Aug 23, 2008 8:21 pm by shaktazuki. ↑  ↓

#15 Aug 23, 2008 8:40 pm
mague Offline
Registered since: Dec 29, 2007
Posts: 37

Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
could you compile the SDL core dll and libs?

That should be the first thing that you try to compile with the IDE. There is a good english tutorial for setting up the MSVC environment in the file called VisualC.html

You can find TortoiseSVN at the following URL:

I read articles about MSVC express editions and their limitations. Maybe you have to do some tricks, before the IDE will see your include libraries in the express edition. Maybe you have to add the lib files to your project, or you have to explicitly add the lib files to a header file like something like this:
#pragma link "something.lib"

or you have to specify the additional lib files in your project's linker options... or... I don't know.
Tamas Kleiber
Branch or not to branch, that is the question! Unlocking your destiny is only one LSB away Happy JE 0x74 <-> JNE 0x75
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#16 Aug 23, 2008 9:10 pm
shaktazuki Offline
Registered since: Apr 30, 2008
Posts: 123

Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
I was able to successfully compile the SDL core dll and libs, using the visualC.html file. I attempted to compile SDL_mixer using the same approach, which was how I got those errors.

Let me get the SDL problems ironed out before I do more. The whole issue, I think, is that I don't have AFXRES.H. That prevents SDL_mixer.lib from getting compiled (or whatever the correct term is for .lib files), which means I can't get further. The problem is AFXRES.H is apparently NOT included in the Microsoft Platform SDK 6.0a, nor 6.1 - I've got a post at MSDN asking how to get around this.
This post has been edited 1 times. Last edit on Aug 23, 2008 9:11 pm by shaktazuki. ↑  ↓

#17 Aug 23, 2008 11:27 pm
mague Offline
Registered since: Dec 29, 2007
Posts: 37

Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
That is a limitation to MSVC Express edition, read this article for solution:
Tamas Kleiber
Branch or not to branch, that is the question! Unlocking your destiny is only one LSB away Happy JE 0x74 <-> JNE 0x75
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#18 Aug 24, 2008 12:01 am
alzi alzi Offline
Developer, Moderator
Registered since: Aug 12, 2007
Posts: 339

Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
You don't have to compile SDL_mixer on your own. Just download the development binarys from this site. In this package the *.dll and *.lib files are included. Same is for the SDL_net if i remember correctly. Only SDL has to be compiled becouse you need the binarys with the changed option "Multithreaded-Debug" (without DLL) so that the .exe of maxr will be able to run on machines without VS installed.
Albert Ziegenhagel
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#19 Aug 24, 2008 5:54 am
shaktazuki Offline
Registered since: Apr 30, 2008
Posts: 123

Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
I compiled SDL, and got the compiled libraries (SDL_net, SDL_mixer), successfully added them to the MAXr project, of which I am using the 0.1.5 svn code (the one that came with the minGW stuff). Now, when I attempt to run the project, I get this:

"This application has faield to start because SDL.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

I added SDL.dll to the project directly, rebuilt the project, and I still get this error - anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

To clarify, those are the only components that I have and am using thus far.
This post has been edited 1 times. Last edit on Aug 24, 2008 5:57 am by shaktazuki. ↑  ↓

#20 Aug 24, 2008 9:54 am
mague Offline
Registered since: Dec 29, 2007
Posts: 37

Subject: Re: File types and explanations, game rules
So you are tring to start the executable that you compiled from the IDE?

When I tried VC I had a directory structure like this:

proj_dir /
-> debug (directory with debug executable)
-> proj_dir (auto generated by VC I think, I had to put all game files and dll files to this directory)
-> release (directory with release version of the executable)

You can look for the auto generated maxr.log file too. Where it resides, there should go all the other game and dll files too.

I hope this will help.
Tamas Kleiber
Branch or not to branch, that is the question! Unlocking your destiny is only one LSB away Happy JE 0x74 <-> JNE 0x75
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