Subject: MAXR 0.2.4 Release
Hi Guest
Well, here it is: More shiny and stable than ever (doesn't have to say much

Windows Patch from maxr 0.2.3 to 0.2.4
maxr.exe If you don't know what to download you'll probably want this.
Doc did a great job on an installer for windows. There is no easier way for you any more. Grab it, start it, optionally ready your original game cd and max. Install to a fresh directory - do not install over an old installation!
maxr.rar ([url=pm.php?action=new&name=364]alzi[/url])
maxr.tar.gz ([url=pm.php?action=new&name=70]beko[/url]) ([url=pm.php?action=new&name=677]xarvh[/url])
maxr.deb ([url=pm.php?action=new&name=677]xarvh[/url])
resinstaller.tar.gz Optional resinstaller for original lock'n'feel, sounds, music, videos - needs original max cd
Please follow the INSTALL included in the tar.gz.
maxr.dmg ([url=pm.php?action=new&name=58]pagra[/url])
maxr.lha ([url=pm.php?action=new&name=707]spotUP[/url])
Installation (may be aged - see INSTALL instead)
Building (may be aged - see BUILDING instead)
The resinstaller isn't necessary any more if you can get over some missing sounds, music and video. This release features a free graphic set and is playable even without sound effects (We're looking for a sound artist - you want to contribute? Hire today ;)).
For missing sound effects, video and music you have to make use of the resinstaller to copy original game data to the data folder of maxr.
If maxr fails to start maxr.log is a good place to start. If you're stucked it might be a good idea to take a look at the
We overworked the settings menu and you can set most stuff now within the game. If that's not enough you can edit max.xml manually where you can set some settings like language, resolution and fullscreen. Please keep in mind that higher resolutions aren't yet fully supported and you might experience strange graphicerrors during game. Set language to ENG for english language. Set Windowmode to No for fullscreen.
- This is one of our first versions supporting network games over the internet and must not be considered stable or safe in any way. We were able to play games until a player was defeated (thanks to autosafe, reconnect and resync functions).
- To reload a network game the server has to load a game and start the server again. The other players have to join and set the same nick names like at the game's start to the server knows who is who. Now you can resume hitting the OK button e.g. after a crash.
- If a safe crashes please send us that safe!
- Ingame commands need the prefix "/" now. Example: "fps on" is now "/fps on"
- If a client reports odd behaivor, invalid/ghost units or buildings try to resync the player using "/resync [<nr>]". Use "/players on" to learn about player numbers.
- Some functions that worked before won't work now.
- Install full version to a fresh directory - do not install over an old installation!
- Please report crashes, bugs, odd behaivors or differences to the original game on the Bugtracker (login with your forum account and your password).
Hint: Drop by on the
IRC to find other players. There is no game lobby or some sort of master server. MAXR is a standalone app and you have to find other players the old way. Ask your friends, on the irc or even on the bbs. Remember about timezones when you party.
Something you all were waiting for: utf8 key input support (means the rest of the world doesn't have to bug around with a german keyboard layout any more

) and a lot of shiny hotkeys:
Quote by Manual:
F1 Go to event
F2 Remove disconnected player (server only)
F5-F8 jump to saved position
Alt+F5-F8 save screen position
Alt+C Make screenshot
Arrows Scroll
+/- Zoom
Enter Turn End
Tab Chat
n fog on/off
g grid on/off
s scan on/off or stop or start or sentry or steal
r range on/off or reload or repair or research menu
m munition on/off
t hitpoints on/off
f color on/off
p status on/off
h survey on/off or info menu
n shild on/off
f center selected unit
a attack or automove or activate
b build menu
x xfer menu
c clear or clear mine
l load or lay mine
d disable or distribution menu or destroy
u upgrade
ESC end game
Make sure to check the
manual for more hotkeys and new ingame commands.
Quote by ChangeLog:
M.A.X. Reloaded 0.2.4
-added player overview "P" (formally hack /players on)
-improved input event system
*input doesn't get lost any more between 2 frames
*fixed a lot of input lag
*changed input system to utf8
*fixed most keyboard shortcuts
*added screenshot function ALT+C
*console commands has new syntax: /<command>
-improved config and safe format
*automoves are now saved too
*more options like player color are saved now
-fixed landing zones
-fixed race conditions in network- and loggerclass
-fixed several ingame commands (like /fps on)
-fixed map previews in several menus
-fixed gamedata path detection on linux
-tons of bugs fixed
Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."
This post has been edited
times. Last edit on Feb 17, 2009 8:21 pm by beko.