Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded

#11 Aug 23, 2009 10:55 pm
AlphaRebel Offline
Registered since: Aug 10, 2009
Posts: 32

Subject: Re: Single Player / Funny story
I doublt they would lie about it to be honest. the game went gold some 14 years ago and the company has been through a lot since (did anyone ask if there was anything that could be salvaged of the better code in max2?)
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#12 Aug 26, 2009 6:20 pm
Leo Offline
Registered since: Aug 15, 2009
Posts: 12

Subject: Re: Single Player / Funny story
Sure they have no reason to lie about that. That's why I used a sad unreal mode in the "if" phrase. Disappointed
For a while I pondered about developing an AI for MAXR but I'm stuck on a different project right now. However if I may suggest something it would be interesting to have the AI be a separate module that plays over TCP/IP. That way there's only minimal changes to be done to the main app, and it would make it easier to match and train several AIs together on the same computer through a local server.
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#13 Aug 26, 2009 9:51 pm
Toranaga Toranaga Offline
Registered since: Dec 28, 2005
Posts: 232

Subject: Re: Single Player / Funny story
Quote by Leo:
For a while I pondered about developing an AI for MAXR but I'm stuck on a different project right now. However if I may suggest something it would be interesting to have the AI be a separate module that plays over TCP/IP. That way there's only minimal changes to be done to the main app, and it would make it easier to match and train several AIs together on the same computer through a local server.

I'm working on an AI project, that does exactly that - connect over TCP/IP like a normal player does. It's written in JAVA as a separate program. But at the moment I have not much time to spend on it. You can find some details here:
Paul Grathwohl (pagra)
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#14 Aug 27, 2009 9:36 pm
Leo Offline
Registered since: Aug 15, 2009
Posts: 12

Subject: Re: Single Player / Funny story
Quote by Toranaga:
I'm working on an AI project, that does exactly that - connect over TCP/IP like a normal player does. It's written in JAVA as a separate program. But at the moment I have not much time to spend on it. You can find some details here:

Hi Toranaga, thanks!
Strangely the thread doesn't appear in the thread list... But I can read it following your link.
I've tested your bot several times, and it finds the host immediately even if I don't start my local server.
However it always issues an exception at the very beginning:

Received: msgType: 50 msgLength: 20 playerNr: 1
Received: msgType: 60 msgLength: 75 playerNr: 1
Warning: Unknown message arrived! MsgType: 50
Received: msgType: 50 msgLength: 20 playerNr: 1
Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
at msgs.MessageFactory.createMsgsFromStream(
at Connection$

MAXR then lets me play for two turns, after which the timer disappears and nothing advances, and the app crashes if I try to close it.
I'm on Vista with MAXR v. 0.2.6.

Is there any way to convert MAXR XML saved games into the original MAX format so I can try your bot on it?

And how about starting a thread for discussing the various strategies for AI coding, not focusing on any particular implementation?
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