Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded

#1 Jan 07, 2011 5:05 pm
WittZi WittZi Offline
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Registered since: Sep 15, 2009
Posts: 57

Subject: Infiltrators - How do they work?
I've been trying a few infiltrator strategies recently and whist they are a useful spying unit I'm not entirely sure that I know exactly how they work.

Firstly, am I right in thinking that the higher their attack is the more chance they have of disabling or stealing a unit? Furthermore, does it work that the higher an enemy's defense is the less chance they have.

Also, how does the cursor work when you're hovering over a potential unit to steal or disable? It seems that if there is any red in the cursor status bar then you absolutely have no chance of managing to steal or disable the unit. Again, am I right in thinking that this is affected by the infiltrator's attack vs the unit's defense?

I've played MAX for years but have never really used them previously. In our latest battle, my friends and I have started using them a bit but so far we've really only been able to spy on each other and not actually disable much.

Thanks in advance!
For every complex problem, there is a simple solution that is wrong.
George Bernard Shaw
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#2 Jan 07, 2011 9:43 pm
alzi alzi Offline
Developer, Moderator
Registered since: Aug 12, 2007
Posts: 339

Subject: Re: Infiltrators - How do they work?
You are a litle bit wrong about how the infiltrators work.
The chance to steal or disable a unit depends on the build costs of the destination and the ranking of the infiltrator.
The formula used for the chance in percent is this one:

chance = (8*comandoRank)/(35*(costs/3))*factor*100

commandoRank -> The ranking of the infiltrator. For an unexperienced infiltrator this is 7.
costs -> the costs of the destination building or vehicle.
factor -> 1 for stealing, 4 for disabling.

The chance will never be over 90% so there is always a risk to get traced.

The ranking of the infiltrator raises only on disabling and it will rise slower when the infiltrator gets bether.

There are more furmulas for all this but i'm in hury at the moment.
I hope i could help a little.

Edit: the cursor shows the chance in percent. A longer bar means a higher chance Wink
Albert Ziegenhagel
This post has been edited 1 times. Last edit on Jan 07, 2011 9:44 pm by alzi. ↑  ↓

#3 Jan 10, 2011 5:17 pm
WittZi WittZi Offline
, Approved Member
Registered since: Sep 15, 2009
Posts: 57

Subject: Re: Infiltrators - How do they work?
Hi Alzi,

Thanks - that's VERY helpful!

Can I just check that it is the green bar on the cursor that is the indicator i.e. not the red part. I'm sure that it will be, but it would be good to know!

Also, when you mention costs in the equation, does this change based on how much the person actually spent on the building in the first place? For example, the enemy may have spent 60 metal building a mine in 5 turns instead of 56 metal to get it in 6 turns. Would that mean that costs would be set at 60 in that scenario?

I have attached a spreadsheet just to try and demonstrate this.


File Type Information for: rar  infiltrator_example.rar
Downloads: 597
Filesize: 1.65 KB

For every complex problem, there is a simple solution that is wrong.
George Bernard Shaw
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#4 Jan 11, 2011 5:47 pm
alzi alzi Offline
Developer, Moderator
Registered since: Aug 12, 2007
Posts: 339

Subject: Re: Infiltrators - How do they work?
Quote by WittZi:
Can I just check that it is the green bar on the cursor that is the indicator i.e. not the red part. I'm sure that it will be, but it would be good to know!

Oh, sry its the green bar of course Wink

Quote by WittZi:
Also, when you mention costs in the equation, does this change based on how much the person actually spent on the building in the first place? For example, the enemy may have spent 60 metal building a mine in 5 turns instead of 56 metal to get it in 6 turns. Would that mean that costs would be set at 60 in that scenario?

With costs I do not really mean the materials you have to spend to build the unit. The costs that are relevant are the one you can see if you look at the "info screen" of a unit (the one you get on rightclick->info).
I'm not sure whether researches and clan depending changes on this costs are being considered for calculating the chance. The behavior for this has to be checked in the original and whether it is the same in maxr. Haven't thought about this when I implemented the feature or just can't remember any more ^^

The forumla in the spreedsheet seams to be correct. Only the costs value isn't as explained above.
E.g. a mining station has costs 24. So an inexperienced infiltrator would have a 80% chance to disable the station.
Albert Ziegenhagel
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#5 Jan 11, 2011 6:07 pm
WittZi WittZi Offline
, Approved Member
Registered since: Sep 15, 2009
Posts: 57

Subject: Re: Infiltrators - How do they work?
Thanks Alzi, I understand now (sorry - it took you a few attempts to get it through my thick skull)!

I'll check on the original and see if researching costs has an effect so that you might be able to reflect it more accurately if you get a chance in the future!

Again, thanks for you help with this Alzi. It's the one unit that I have never really done much with in MAX.
For every complex problem, there is a simple solution that is wrong.
George Bernard Shaw
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