Mechanized Assault & eXploration Reloaded

#1 May 18, 2011 12:02 am
mdooligan mdooligan Offline
Approved Member
Registered since: Dec 07, 2008
Posts: 36

Subject: minor feature additions
This should probably be a dev post.

BTW, thanks for all the hard work on MAXR. It's coming along beautifully.

Some minor features that I would like to work on in my spare time:

Click to Scroll: I run MAXR in 800x600 window. If I move my mouse out of the window, the map keeps scrolling until it runs out of map and my mouse is unusable outside the window. The original MAX has a 'Click to scroll' option. The arrow keys still work but mouse to the edge doesn't.

Double Step: Makes the scouts move faster. I guess it skips every second step so they zip.

Building Status on Click: When you click on a Constructor/Engineer/Vehicle Plant/etc, there should be a little status blurb like "Constructor 3 building Heavy Vehicle Plant with 7 turns to go" or something like that.

NEXT/PREV unit: I find myself forever clicking the Next Unit button, and it's tiny! This has bugged me for years with the original MAX. I'd love a keyboard shortcut, like TABing through the units. But TAB is already used. I thought '[' and ']' was a good idea but ']' is used for zoom. What about '{' and '}'? Maybe ';' and '''?

I'm an old school assembly coder, I'm quite fluent with C, and I can navigate cpp files adeptly. I currently have some inclination to work on these minor features myself. I have job that takes most of my time, but I'd enjoy to poke around the source code more to some productive value. Any suggestions?
Miven Dooligan
Peace and cheer
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#2 May 18, 2011 9:00 am
beko beko Offline
Developer, Administrator
Registered since: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 2,279

Subject: Re: minor feature additions
> Click to Scroll

Go for it Smiling

> Double Step

Not getting the point. More details please Smiling

> NEXT/PREV unit

Isn't that set in keys.xml or something like that?

> Building Status on Click

That looks like a bug. I'm sure we had this already. Did you ontice that in SVN? Please report this on the bugtracker.

> This should probably be a dev post.

Welcome to the next membership level I grant randomly. Hf reading the dev board as well.
Bernd Kosmahl
"Sir, we are surrounded!" - "Great - we can attack in any direction."
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#3 May 18, 2011 10:21 am
Eiko Eiko Offline
Moderator, Developer
Registered since: Aug 03, 2007
Posts: 604

Subject: Re: minor feature additions
Quote by beko:

> Building Status on Click

That looks like a bug. I'm sure we had this already. Did you ontice that in SVN? Please report this on the bugtracker.

Hi mdooligan,

maybe there is a little confusion, because our behavior ist different to the original in this point. Org. MAX shows the message in the Map, where the "new turn" is displayed. We have the status messages in the mini picture on the left hud. If the building status is not shown there, please report.
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#4 May 20, 2011 2:31 am
mdooligan mdooligan Offline
Approved Member
Registered since: Dec 07, 2008
Posts: 36

Subject: Re: minor feature additions
>> Click to Scroll
> Go for it Smiling

Cool. I think it's mostly re-familiarizing myself with SDK, which I haven't touched in years.

>> Double Step
> Not getting the point. More details please Smiling

Well, for the amount of movement scouts and assault guns have, it seems they should zip around *faster* than other units. They should cover 14 or 16 spaces in the same *time* an engineer covers 6. At this point this feature is not too important, but as I familiarize myself with the code, I'd like to see if I can figure this one out. I think Interplay called it "Double Unit Steps" as a click-box in preferences.

>> NEXT/PREV unit
> Isn't that set in keys.xml or something like that?

Yeah, partly. I was going to add
    SDLKey KeyUnitNext;
    SDLKey KeyUnitPrev;
to KeysList in keys.h and go from there. Any idea what the best key choices would be? So many are already used.

>> Building Status on Click
>That looks like a bug. I'm sure we had this already. Did you ontice that in SVN? Please report this on the bugtracker.

No bug. Eiko is right. NEWBIE ALERT! I hadn't noticed the info in the mini-picture. Oops. Everything is good. To tell the truth, I haven't tried SVN yet. I'm poking around 0.2.6, getting familiar with the code. When I make any changes, I'll work with the freshest SVN.

BTW As an OT bit: I have a fine working and nicely tweaked version of the orignal QUAKE source code that compiles and runs, with a shitload of extra levels, a few I made too. Is anyone else here weird like that?
Miven Dooligan
Peace and cheer
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