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#1 Mar 17, 2015 12:45 am
nonsinn nonsinn Offline
G-Mod, Approved Member
Registered since: Apr 02, 2012
Posts: 254

Subject: Quick How to build maxR after the last 2big changes (MSVS2013)
Meanwhile — a bunch of month gone since we moved to git (and also dismissed support for some aged compilers…) — I'll try to give you a quick how to Smiling

Before we start, we need:
  • sourcetree Windows Mac (tool to download the files from git (or any other software)),
  • cmake,
  • bunch of sdl2 stuff (as long as u ain't using linux…)

getting started

SourceTree is a nice free client for git stuff, unfortunately you have to 'register' — haven't got any spam so far.
CMake is a cross-platform software, with which you can add all needed paths for being able to compile afterwards.

Personally I just installed it… but you can also use the portable version… should do the trick as well Smiling
'cause I'm sometimes bit lazy…
[22:34:02] <@Eiko> normally it would not be necessary to build SDL yourself
[22:34:30] <@Eiko> but SDL has a memory bug, and had to be patched. Otherwise
            maxr will be unstable
[22:35:34] <@Eiko> but the easiest way would be, you just download the developer
            package of SDL. And I send you the patched SDL.dll
[22:39:34] <nonsinn> would you be that nice to me and hand me over a good link
            to download the sdl… it seems sdl is a bad search-word… Disappointed
[22:40:58] <@Eiko> this one:
[22:40:59] <@Eiko>
[22:41:31] <@Eiko> and:
[22:41:32] <@Eiko>
[22:41:45] <@Eiko>
[22:45:42] <@Eiko> make sure to copy the SDL.dll from my mail to the maxr folder,
            instead of the one from the downloaded package

The sdl.dll can (to avoid using an aged one replaced in sdl2\SDL2-2.0.3\lib\x86

Next step

After you have setup sourcetree, downloaded and extracted the sdl files, we are going to start CMake (cmake-gui.exe).

Add the path to the source code, and a path where you wanna save the compiled .exe later.
Afterwards, add the paths to the sdl(2) like the one you can see on the attached picture.
Hit the Generate button and you should get a 'maxr.vcxproj' file.

If you are now starting the created 'maxr.vcxproj' with MSVS2013 you should be able to compile the executable Smiling

Add this exe into a local copy of /maxr/data and, at least I had to add "some" (just c+p all from the rood dir) dlls into this dir, which I have taken from Eiko's nightly patch-build, you should be able to run maxr.exe.

Happy bug-hunting - cu all in IRC

special thanks to beko and alzi for the support via IRC while I tried to setup msvs2013 Smiling

Thumbnails of attached images:
Filetype: File Type Information for: png png
Downloads: 20
Filesize: 49.40 KB
Image size: 1145 x 999 Pixels

File Type Information for: zip
Downloads: 6
Filesize: 268.25 KB

[15:23:19] nonsinn [..] heißt nun bug-hunter
[19:58:09] Eiko_ [..] heißt nun mother-of-bugs
[20:38:11] <bug-hunter> mother-of-bugs: ..argh..
[20:38:26] <@mother-of-bugs> want some new bugs?
This post has been edited 3 times. Last edit on Apr 07, 2015 12:23 pm by nonsinn. ↑  ↓

#2 Mar 17, 2015 10:34 am
Jarod42 Offline
Registered since: Oct 17, 2011
Posts: 83

Subject: Re: Quick How to build maxR after the last 2big changes (MSVS2013)
As other git tools, I suggest TortoiseGit ( on Windows (for those familiar with tortoise family cvs).
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#3 Apr 07, 2015 12:25 pm
nonsinn nonsinn Offline
G-Mod, Approved Member
Registered since: Apr 02, 2012
Posts: 254

Subject: Re: Quick How to build maxR after the last 2big changes (MSVS2013)
(moved to public Wink )
[15:23:19] nonsinn [..] heißt nun bug-hunter
[19:58:09] Eiko_ [..] heißt nun mother-of-bugs
[20:38:11] <bug-hunter> mother-of-bugs: ..argh..
[20:38:26] <@mother-of-bugs> want some new bugs?
↑  ↓

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